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Joined: 28 Apr 2009 / Male ♂
Last Post: 9 Feb 2010
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Posts: Total: 829 / In This Archive: 509
From: US, California
Speaks Polish?: no
Interests: naps.. boobs.. moms who don't play hockey.

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28 Sep 2009
Life / Communion, why do only half of church-goers in Poland take it? [41]

The church is full- but when it comes to receiving Communion; it seems that only about 1/2 the church-goers go up to receive it. Curious if anyone knows why?

Poles are probably observing the strict Catholic doctrine. If you missed mass the prior week you can't have the Communion, etc. Lots of restrictions with Communion.
28 Sep 2009
Life / Communion, why do only half of church-goers in Poland take it? [41]

I'm surprised many Polish women go to church, i mean its just not cool anymore,

It's not cool in your 20's.. but wait until they hit the 30's , 40's.. then the thoughts come of their own mortality. The church has a hold on them you will see. The British will never really comprehend this. No offence. It's very psychological and not necessarily without merit. The Poles have endured quite a bit you see.
24 Sep 2009
History / What would Europe look like with Polish-Lithuanian-Ukrainian Commonwealth today [209]

but you are losing face and respect in the eyes of the world even those at the stone age level, which has to be a much, much, much more humiliating for you.

Humiliating? Because the world doesn't like us? Did you actually type that? No, most Americans don't really care. I don't care because no matter what we do it's wrong.. or not enough ... or too much. If I had my way we'd be as isolationist as possible and pull out of every base in Europe , S. Korea, S. America, Japan .. etc. Especially out of Europe which naturally is the most expensive..

I have written several senators asking them to consider this and am considering making a few websites about it.

Iraq hasn't been a defeat and neither has Afganistan.. but you can say it if you want. Probably 85 - 90% of Iraqs communications and major roads were subdued within 2 weeks of invasion. It's pretty hard to monitor teenagers pulling out makeshift bombs out of their underpants.. but hey you're the military genius apparently. I'm sure you could do better.

If we pulled a complete blitzkrieg on these countries you'd be p.issing your pants about the human rights. Oh I forgot , you already are. Meanwhile Europeans can't even make movies or cartoons about Islam for fear of Jihad. Americans have fear in Iraq / Afghanistan.. Europeans have it on their own continent.

Sure, Vietnam was a loss, the Russians lost in Chechnya.. you win some, you lose some. However both of us will always lose with the European "intelligencia". Right now the US has to save money so yes we'll probably pull a large portion out of Afghanistan soon. Call it a defeat if you want. Poland's troops are there too (as you remind me on a daily basis).

In closing, you're welcome for the EU. It doesn't get off the ground without "dumb , fat, retarded , evil Yankee". Let's hear somebody deny that one.
23 Sep 2009
News / Should Poland let in refugees from USA ? [80]

Honestly, I doubt the Jews would let that happen. There's Hollywood / Madison avenue reality and then there's reality reality. I still find it strange though. In the late 90's you never would have seen commericals like that.
23 Sep 2009
News / Should Poland let in refugees from USA ? [80]

I feel like a member of an endangered species.

Feels like that :-( ... I was watching NFL football the other day, lot's of commericals.. every one featured Black people. Car ads , foods ads.. Blacks are 12% of the population.
23 Sep 2009
News / Should Poland let in refugees from USA ? [80]

Billy Bob, Jethro, Bubba and Festis become the new minority?

It's likely they'll find other avenues... White Canucks love the government tits better than us, maybe you should consult Nigel and Pierre. The taxes have taxes up there.

23 Sep 2009
USA, Canada / USA Embassy Krakow visa appointment phone is ALWAYS busy [7]

'General Consulate of the United States' is in Krakow and the United States embassy is in Warsaw.

And if you're still confused just follow your nose: It's the building always pelted with eggs and tomatoes.. human feces on national holidays.
22 Sep 2009
History / What would Europe look like with Polish-Lithuanian-Ukrainian Commonwealth today [209]

and the German Wehrmacht in 1939-1941 was what? Toy army?

I can use your excuse to your own argumentation thanks!

Sure , go ahead Reindeer Boy compare Poland in the late 30's with a former colony not even a nation for 40 years? You're welcome. 39 divisions is a lot. Anyone who knows anything about a military knows that's a lot men. Even Stalin respected the Polish army at the time. Hey, I wouldn't have brought it up if all these bastards could shut up about Vietnam for once. Losing your country is a lot worse than losing some peripheral war.
21 Sep 2009
History / What would Europe look like with Polish-Lithuanian-Ukrainian Commonwealth today [209]

But Washington was, if i remember correctly you started a war with Brits and they not only kicked your arse but burned your capital down :))))

They sure did in the early 1800s..200 years ago. LOL.. Okay once more.. what you've brought up here was 200 years ago. It would have been similar to the Russians beating up Lithuainia today. Not really something to brag about as the British were a superpower at the time. You really don't understand history too much, huh? The War of 1812 was basically a stalemant.

Ever heard of this battle, genius:

Does it look like we got our "arses kicked" here????

Also we didn't have 39 divisions and we sure as hell weren't beaten in less than a month.. plus the British didn't take over our country for any length of time , pull a Katyn on us. Naahh... you have that lovely distinction.

Dude your own statistics to which i linked you say that 2/3rd of Americans are obese and 1/3 is outright fat, it has nothing to do with me and everything to do with the majority of US citizens being obese or fat.

Have you ever set foot in the US... dude? You actually believe 66% of US citizen are obese? You don't know jack sh.t and you're a Euro genius, hahaa.
21 Sep 2009
History / What would Europe look like with Polish-Lithuanian-Ukrainian Commonwealth today [209]

ignorant little retard

uneducated idiot

uneducatec moron

.. actually you misspelled 'uneducated' here. Look up the word 'irony'.

hillbilly boy.

your subhuman breed

.. haha.

Hmmm ... such hate within you. And you judge the Nazis?

Tsk.. Tsk. Very sad.

Like I said you think the US is a bunch of fat chumps.. put your money where your mouth is and throw a punch at us. Like you said you have more money, more and better troops... you are supermen. We wronged you by not building a missile base for you (which is strange because it would seem by your very long rant here that you could do it for yourself??) .. Go ahead and throw a punch at us. Yes, yes.. you know all about Vietnam. Surely you the Polish by yourself could kill us with a glance.

You know one thing, baby? Vietnam was not our home.. but the Nazis ran you over and your 39 divisions like you were made of paper.. and it was your home. Where your children lived ;- ( Ouch and then the Russians did the same damn thing. :- / Like I said you weren't warriors.. just bums wearing uniforms. :-)))

Tsk , Tsk .. very sad.
21 Sep 2009
History / What would Europe look like with Polish-Lithuanian-Ukrainian Commonwealth today [209]

How many Scots were killed by Zulus, Scrappy? I'm Scottish, not English, so I'd like to know.

WTF? There were Scotties at the Boston Massacre I suppose some caught a few Zulu spears and Boer bullets from time to time. Are you really that damn dense to say no Scottish fought in these wars? You're ones always hopping down the damn road with John Bull. Tell yourself how many died!
21 Sep 2009
History / What would Europe look like with Polish-Lithuanian-Ukrainian Commonwealth today [209]

If Europe isn't THE continent of wars and warriors, of the greatest empires in history, than what is (Rome, Spain, Charlemagne, Great Britain, France etc.), it's in our blood!

Yeah, it was in your blood; you don't have that same amount of dynamism you once had. You could get it back if you could fashion a Wehrmacht like outfit for the EU. This would take a lot of cohesion and money (which you'll probably have) however I don't know if you can do it anytime soon. Besides the British will probably lean more towards the US.

Like a lot things with the European, they see the soldier job as lowly and embarrasing. A lackey existence. Young guys in US / UK / Canada / Aus. don't see it that way. It's often seen as a noble calling and an adventure.

they have Vietnam to look back on

Yes as we are walking down memory lane: you have the Zulus to look back on.. and Washington's ragtag militia. It's tough to defeat an army that isn't really an army like the Viet Cong. They would fire and then run away and pretend to be a farmer for a few months. Send out little kids with grenades and so forth. These were not warriors.
20 Sep 2009
History / What would Europe look like with Polish-Lithuanian-Ukrainian Commonwealth today [209]

Unlike the manly 600 pound Americans:)

You will wish we are fat if we come for you, Szlatcha. You will wish it and wish it but it won't be true.

Which is why a contingent of 2500 Poles succesfully holds a province thats normally held by 5000 Americans?:)))

After Americans have done all the fighting to subdue the place. :-D :-D : ))))))

Yes you are amazing Szlatcha.. Why don't you give me more tales of heroism from the 1600s?
20 Sep 2009
History / What would Europe look like with Polish-Lithuanian-Ukrainian Commonwealth today [209]

You sure you'd find it on a map though?:)

One can probably smell an unwashed European. We found it in WWI and WWII okay. You recall that right, Szlatcha. You proud nobleman. Pride is dangerous, no?

You know by being an arrogant ignorant twat you're only reinforcing the stereotype :)))

Actually man.. The European has probably stolen that distinction from us long ago. At least when we are arrogant and can usually back it up with something.

Actually while your technology is decent your military is not all that large at a milion something :)

Unlike yours, US military has seen real battle here of late. That makes up for lack of numbers. You would lose in the trenches.. or better yet run away and capitulate. I have seen modern European men.. this decade. The are effeminate and weak. Not fit for the trenches and hand to hand combat. Russians proved that nicely in Stalingrad too. Although you have to respect the Wehrmacht.

30 to be exact :)

39 at least. I've seen it documented many times. You scurried like roaches more or less after a few shells. Bravo.

Kościuszko and Pulaski for quite a while ago.. Modern Poles are not these proud warriors.
20 Sep 2009
History / What would Europe look like with Polish-Lithuanian-Ukrainian Commonwealth today [209]

US has a lower GDP then EU, less people then EU, you might want to revise your views:))

No I don't, come and get it , Szlatcha. Nazis had you in less than a month and you had 40 divisions. No there is nothing whatsoever to fear from the EU. You are not warriors. The Russians know this too. We have better technology than the Nazis and a much bigger military comparatively.

You want it .. you come and get it. Please, it would be very amusing. We'd have that continent in 6 months or less.
20 Sep 2009
History / What would Europe look like with Polish-Lithuanian-Ukrainian Commonwealth today [209]

I agree absolutely, in fact i believe that we should cut all alliance ties with America and keep our relations only on business like level.

Sounds good! Russia wants the whole arrogant continent they can have it. It would take them about 10 months. No need for nukes. The US theatened by the EU... hahahahaha.

Your stink is threatening .. that is all. Have a good day szlatcha.. You are all noblemen. I know.
20 Sep 2009
News / What needs to happen in the world so that Poland and Russia form alliance? [297]

Another question, do you have enough strength to do it by yourself? I think you don't! Certainly you need care and assistance!

Of course he doesn't. He is the Grand European. Sitting around with the Grand Critique. He will be there to provide brains but never valor.
20 Sep 2009
History / What would Europe look like with Polish-Lithuanian-Ukrainian Commonwealth today [209]

Having those installations here in Poland would ceirtanly antagonize Russia but having US withdraw in such a way will ensure Russia it can safely engage in a political and economic offensive against Poland without US as much as lifting a finger so what USA did was incredibly disadvantegous to Poland, bordering on hostile.

You bring that "hostility" to us and you see what it gets you.

You are a peasant, pure and simple. There is no reasoning with a buffoon like you. The Russians don't want Poland anyway. Ukraine is what they want. You are so worried about the Russians you need to rely on the EUROPEANS to help you for once. Okay? Not North Americans. If something happens we will send you 2500 of our finest. Just like the Europeans have givens us: Mechanics, secretaries.. sitting in the rear - clear from any danger. We will grill out and drink beer as our "allies" have done. (This excludes the British who've at least engaged the enemy.)

Poland made this deal with one of the worst American presidents in history. Even he had to be them to accept the terms. It is not feasible at this time to implement such a thing. There is no ulterior motive beyond that. No sleeping with the Russians.

Try and comprehend that.
18 Sep 2009
News / Poland Rejects US Missile Shield (talks will continue...) [80]

Of those "wow 2,500 soldiers" that you speak of many have died for your little wars.

Quick question: Do you feel that Muslim fanatics are of no threat to modern day Europeans?
Maybe it's not such a silly little war. It's just silly to you.

Like I said we can probably "pay" you for your service. You only need to tell us you want to be paid. We will pay you .. and then you can show it to "old Europe" and maybe they'll be appeased for 10 minutes. .. And then you reveal yourselves as nothing but the little money grubbing fools that you probably are. Krysia's observations were probably built upon experience. I know my own are.

I guess American lives are much more valubale.

?? Hmmm... speaking of...

This has absolutly nothing to do with what I said.


You got that right, slick. Dog chasing his tail is what you are. Go get em' dog.

By the way.. you're welcome for the EU. No way it gets off the ground without us.. no.. way. You're also welcome for all the money Pole Americans have pumped into your sh.tty little hands over the years. You are pathetic.. little better than Africans most of the time.
18 Sep 2009
News / Poland Rejects US Missile Shield (talks will continue...) [80]

Just like in any other country where there is an influx of foreigners. Remember the Irish and NYC way back when?

This was in the 1800s ..when there were all kinds of jobs. That's over now. The gravy train is closed. Here's an amazing concept, stay home in Poland and grow your own economy?? I don't know, rely on yourselves??? This is what we do.. and you all know we're all "fat and stupid". Surely you can do it.

We live here, we pay taxes, we are poor, homeless like everywhere else in the world, but that is overshadowed by the image America portrays as being rich and Poles see that image and it transforms into MONEY!!!! You come here and don't obey the rules,

Well said..Yeah for chrissake, we're flat busted over here. Stay home Poles. You hate us and insult us constantly anyway. We should just write them a check for the wow.. 2500 soldiers they gave us and call it a day. I mean 2500 troops and you feel betrayed? There is no EU without US aid over the years. Poland's in the EU. How about a damn thank you? Plenty of our skulls knocking around on the bottom of the North Atlantic. I'm sure they felt betrayed too.

I swear this is the EU in general.. bit/ch about this.. bit/ch about that. US is evil, blah, blah..You don't get this flak from the Asians all the time.
16 Sep 2009
Language / Learning Polish Quickly [12]

Ebay and Craig's List might have a used one cheap

Amazon is really good for used CD's.
12 Sep 2009
News / Death Sentence in Poland, when was it abolished? Last executed? [26]

1. Live the rest of your life in a jail having no freedom of getting outside unless you will be find innocent or you escape it (feeling hunted then too)

- OR - die because you willingly took another human's life for no reason. Therefore, the taxpayer doesn't have to pay for you to find redemption 30 years later.
11 Sep 2009
Love / He keeps adding females friends to his profile .... [41]

well your the one with the loose lips :)

Quick question, are you ever not offended by something?

it goes away when you have more experience,

There ya' go.. Emotional Maturity Rescue. Men in their 20's don't believe it but your 30's are better.
11 Sep 2009
USA, Canada / How to find a job in the USA [39]

Disney World and Six Flags still remain strong

No not really not Six Flags anyway. I think one just declared bankruptcy.

political sciences/economics

Normally that's a good degree combo but right now only nurses, old people attendants, some IT getting hired. Finance / Law / Marketing people are screwed right now. You'll have to wait 2 - 3 years to get something good. You know Spanish you might get a customer service job.. Maybe 15.00 and hour??

When we say it's bad - We're serious , it's bad. We'll probably see 10% unemployment before it's over. I would stay in Europe where it's safe personally.