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What would Europe look like with Polish-Lithuanian-Ukrainian Commonwealth today [209]
but you are losing face and respect in the eyes of the world even those at the stone age level, which has to be a much, much, much more humiliating for you.
Humiliating? Because the world doesn't like us? Did you actually type that? No, most Americans don't really care. I don't care because no matter what we do it's wrong.. or not enough ... or too much. If I had my way we'd be as isolationist as possible and pull out of every base in Europe , S. Korea, S. America, Japan .. etc. Especially out of Europe which naturally is the most expensive..
I have written several senators asking them to consider this and am considering making a few websites about it.
Iraq hasn't been a defeat and neither has Afganistan.. but you can say it if you want. Probably 85 - 90% of Iraqs communications and major roads were subdued within 2 weeks of invasion. It's pretty hard to monitor teenagers pulling out makeshift bombs out of their underpants.. but hey you're the military genius apparently. I'm sure you could do better.
If we pulled a complete blitzkrieg on these countries you'd be p.issing your pants about the human rights. Oh I forgot , you already are. Meanwhile Europeans can't even make movies or cartoons about Islam for fear of Jihad. Americans have fear in Iraq / Afghanistan.. Europeans have it on their own continent.
Sure, Vietnam was a loss, the Russians lost in Chechnya.. you win some, you lose some. However both of us will always lose with the European "intelligencia". Right now the US has to save money so yes we'll probably pull a large portion out of Afghanistan soon. Call it a defeat if you want. Poland's troops are there too (as you remind me on a daily basis).
In closing, you're welcome for the EU. It doesn't get off the ground without "dumb , fat, retarded , evil Yankee". Let's hear somebody deny that one.