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Posts by FISZ  

Joined: 14 Jun 2006 / Male ♂
Last Post: 16 Dec 2009
Threads: Total: 24 / In This Archive: 22
Posts: Total: 2116 / In This Archive: 1666

Interests: Snowboarding/ Travelling

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20 Dec 2006
Life / Polish Girl Fashion - "less is more"? [108]

Of course Ive never actually been to Poland,

Then these things you say hold no value because you just don't know. Maybe these PL people you see in the UK are trying to look like others to fit in.

.... not trying to be rude of course :)
19 Dec 2006
Food / Mushroom Picking Parties (Poland tradition) [74]

We used to pick em out of cow sh*t down in Florida.... it gets u wasted
gotta get them right after it rains.

That's exactly where I was talking about. Florida is loaded with them. My dad lives in live Oak ...in the middle of nowhere :)
18 Dec 2006
Love / Why are polish girls more approachable than north american girls [158]

but its a fair to say there are more approachable women in europe then there are in North America

That's ok. Because this is just 1 man's opinion at this point. I disagree with you. I think both are just as easily apporached.
18 Dec 2006
Life / Are Polish People Racist? [1037]

Get off your high horse........ Whitey :)

I'm done...you're just embarassing.
18 Dec 2006
Life / Polish Girl Fashion - "less is more"? [108]

Well, so far I'm not being proved wrong in my opinion about polish people

How is that? You're still wrong. Where in Poland have you seen this?

Thank you for proving that polish are rasists

FYI.. I'm not polish, but you're still clueless :)
17 Dec 2006
Travel / Cracow over the weekend [45]

I had a similar problem with Americans in Krakow. I was really embarassed by the yelling. I saw a lot of Scots in Poznan but it must've been too early because they weren't too loud.
17 Dec 2006
Love / Getting engaged! I'm 18, he's 28. WOW [72]

Do you not find this strange D_g? Sorry, but being a man..I find it strange when a man in his 20's falls in love with a 15 yr old....I know she's 18 now, but this started when she was just a little girl. Honestly, I'd becareful with a guy like that. I don't mean any disrespect to her, but his character is a bit off.
16 Dec 2006
Life / Polish people have low self-esteem? [80]

Don't Poles have better opinion in Scotland

My GF is in Edinburgh....she hates it. She said she doesn't feel the same as when she's home in PL. It's very depressing there. But she does have her fun days.
16 Dec 2006
Food / Looking for homemade Ajerkoniak recipe [13]

I'll see if I can find some.

Thanks again :)

Any other suggestions?

can someone translate these recipes? And which one loos the best? Thanks all!
Składniki na 1 litr ajerkoniaku:
7 żółtek
1/2 kg cukru pudru
1 3/4 szkl. zimnego gotowanego mleka
1 szkl. spirytusu
Wszystkie składniki połączyć i zmiksować.

Ajerkoniak II
Składniki na1 litr ajerkoniaku:
8 żółtek
2 szkl. cukru
1 1/2 szkl. mleka
1 1/4 szkl. spirytusu
50 g winiaku
Żółtka ucierać na parze z cukrem, dodać wrzące mleko oraz wanilię.
Po wystudzeniu dodać spirytus i wlać do butelek

Ajerkoniak III

6 żółtek
1 kostka świeżego masła
2 szklanki cukru pudru
1 butelka wódki
cukier waniliowy
Żółtka ukręcić z cukrem na puch.
Dodawać po jednej łyżce masła.
Po otrzymaniu jednolitej masy dodawać powoli wódkę.

16 Dec 2006
Food / Looking for homemade Ajerkoniak recipe [13]

You can use vanila sugar if you don't want to have brown spots in you yellow drink

What do you mean? Regular sugar will give it brown spots?

nie jestem polakiem :)

Ahhh from the Vanilla stick...gotcha :)

Hey...you're leaving soon! Woo hoo...exciting! I can't stop looking at the calendar :) Have lots of fun and eat plenty!

Wesołych Świąt Bożego Narodzenia i Szczęśliwego Nowego Roku!!!!
16 Dec 2006
Food / Looking for homemade Ajerkoniak recipe [13]

I'm going to make it here.

I've found a recipe...sort of, but it says sth about a "glass of sugar".....trying to figure out what that is :)

This is what i've found in another forum, but I don't know how accurate:

750 ml of spiritus
1 vanilla stick
glass of sugar
5 yolks
2 glasses of milk.
You have to put a crushed vanilla stick to alcohol first and leave for two days, then grind yelks with
sugar add boiled (but cold) milk then slowly add alcohol, you have to beat whole mixture while doing it
otherwise bad things will happen, then bottle that mixture and leave in dark place for few hours.
16 Dec 2006
Life / Poles' tolerance towards other Races [190]

As far as grabbing a broom goes. There are many employers in the US that offer to sponsor PL people. It's an easy way to come and better your education..or whatever it is you wish to do..hey it's work...perfect for a student

Your defintion of a troll is anyone who disagrees with your tunnel vison of denial you live in

LOL you're the one who answered. Feeling a bit like one?
16 Dec 2006
Love / I fear to lose my polish boyfriend.. [44]

Tough situation for me too, but I'm in the US. You just see him during the summer? You're in Italy....can't you see him on weekends? I know I'd be over there almost every wknd.
16 Dec 2006
News / Germans file WWII claims against Poland [198]

Am leaving our house tonite so our 18yr old can party....good idea?

Sure why not. AS long as you have a key pot. Make sure everyone tosses their car keys in and you should be good to go :)