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Posts by isthatu  

Joined: 8 Jun 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 1 Apr 2008
Threads: Total: 3 / In This Archive: 2
Posts: Total: 1164 / In This Archive: 984
From: oop north
Speaks Polish?: troche
Interests: People places history life

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1 Jan 2008
Love / I got married to a Polish wife; Polish family advice needed [45]

I think everyones missing a big point here,Gunner,you say your wife is a housewife so you will have to pay this debt. Ok,simple answer,its your wifes fekless parents who cant work at 59,whats her excuse?
1 Jan 2008
History / Polish shield on a banner [6]

and a nice friendly welcome there from the forums ambasador of goodwill.
The vertical stripes are the ones drapped inside buildings and such like,you know,indoor functions,so crappy,no,just diferent to the usual run pf the mill horizontal stripes.
1 Jan 2008
UK, Ireland / English people attitude towards Poles? [761]


That would be a ticket that would see them home then back here again then......


Yes,dont be tardy,be a smarty,go an vote for the nazi party......


Why,has it drifted out to sea,I hadnt noticed as I thought I still had a country,maybe its just you baird,who are such an insignificant little worm that you have been overlooked somehow?
1 Jan 2008
Life / "I can spot a Pole a mile away" - Polish fashion? [146]

no my girlfriend is a fellow student.

poor cow.she must be on a media studies course as she obviously isnt the sharpest pencil in the case to be with a numpty like you.
1 Jan 2008
History / Jewish belongings [118]

Actualy,all of mainland europe had the same problem!!!When you have a situation where the 2 largest armies the world has ever seen decide to treat Europe as one big army barmy free for all war theme park you end up with a situation with a serious lack of housing. If a house stays empty just out of respect to the fact the previous owners went up a chimney that would have been a crime in itself. Get over it. Why do you think most europeans dont buy their own property out right?because,Im guessing,history shows its a waste of money as who knows when a bomb will come through the rooof or a tank enter the living room.
31 Dec 2007
History / WW2: Britain Declares War on Germany to Save Poland [290]

The argument being that most Poles seem to think "we" owe them something and cant acknowladge the simple fact that Britain got dragged into a war "we" could have easily avoided and in the process lost pretty much everything "we" had built up over 300 years only because we had a treaty with Poland to declare war on Germany if it invaded.

It goes round and round but the obviuos points such as the red army being in occupation at the time seem to elude some.And frankly, there is now way to tell these people otherwise,deny as they might the stories are those they or their parents were weened on by the commies.
31 Dec 2007
UK, Ireland / Anti-Polish sentiment of England [253]


You really are as dumb as your name suggests.

If old Vlad makes it across the Volga someday and is pissing in the Thames some day,

Why would a medievil Romanian king want to go all the way accross russia,through siberia,over the bering strait,via northern Canada just to have a pee in london? Your level of geographic know how just screams stereotypical insular yank.

There are a lot of people here in the US who do not see them as allies any more.

Thank fek for that.Does that mean we can tell u to fek off next time you guys want a crusade?
31 Dec 2007
History / Jews...and their Polish experience [520]

Who is to say what tribe will have their finger on the button a month or a year from now.

The scariest tribe of all=men who like playing soldiers,you find them in every country and every creed.
31 Dec 2007
History / WW2: Britain Declares War on Germany to Save Poland [290]

Eichmann, who was Jewish, and who co-ordinated secret relations/deals between the nazis and zionists

These are hardly secret,it was and is well known that one of eichmens pre war responsobilities was to filch as much cash from the jewish community as possible,one way he did this was by "selling" the right of jews to get to palastine using zionist groups to smuggle them in. This is not a hidden conspiricy but well documented history.

many people forget that there was a large massacre of Germans supposedly commited by Poles in the Danzig corridor right before the attack in September 1939...what was the background on this massacre?

Most people know this took place right AFTER the german invasion and involved fifth column germans being rounded up and executed by Polish militia with one or two dozen out and out murders thrown in,in light of the situation to be expected.
30 Dec 2007
UK, Ireland / We welcome Polish people to Britain! [224]

Industrial Revolution...Englishman

So one man did all that,crikey,he must have been busy.........

Worldwide Web....English man

Actualy a US airforce boffin,designed for communication post nuclear holocaust...

!!.......Something you've never achieved against us yet!!

Stirling Bridge
Bannock burn
and many many more bud'
Lets have a look at famous British Generels then,if you like battles; Montgomerey,Alexander,Gordon,Browning,David Stirling(SAS founder).........
Founder of US navy,John Paul Jones,Scotsman.
oh,and Buick moters in the states,Scotsman.
So folks,welcome to britain,you thought you had it bad in Poland :)
29 Dec 2007
News / Zbigniew Brzezinski, Great Polish Intellectual & Strategist [27]

So the CA fought for free,with sticks and rocks did they? Granted,it was all part of a package but it played a vital part in crushing the morale of Soviet forces,much as the US didnt do much sword rattling for a few years post 1973.
29 Dec 2007
News / Zbigniew Brzezinski, Great Polish Intellectual & Strategist [27]

Using Islamists to fight Soviets was a very good idea.

Bankcrupted the USSR so no arguments there.

The leader of anti-Soviet forces was killed in suicide attack by Talibs just a day before 9/11.

The vast majority of former Mujahadeen were in the so called Northern alliance,the Talib are predominantly Pashtu from the south and Pakistan.
Anyhow,to say that the creation of one force is to blame for its mutations is as ridiculas as saying George washington was responsible for the My lai massacre.
29 Dec 2007
UK, Ireland / The Changing Face of Scotland - we need more immigrants! [178]

this country is packed with pollocks

its a very straight forward operation to remove them and you will find your breathing improves no end.......oh,sorry,you meant Poles,right,thought you meant Britain had caught a bad E N T condition....

so called "west"

er,look on a map,we are west........no so called about it.
29 Dec 2007
UK, Ireland / We welcome Polish people to Britain! [224]

Seanus wrote:
Scots and Poles are quite alike and that may help keep down any flare-ups

You show me a similarity and im David Beckham

They both have borders with arscheholes

I really dont know why the Scots hate us so much,

Im Scots,I dont hate the english,I hate us,the english are wa nkers and were ruled over by........sorry,just went a wee bit Trainspotting there :)

They just cant figure out how we ended up ruling 1/4 of the World

Ok,look at any list of names from the history of the British Empire,names of important people that is,and youll find most are Scots or Irish names,Gordon of khartoum etc etc

Dont you mean welcome to Scotland Jock?

Sorry Tarquinn

Gottcha mee wee ginger jock,

Sorry,you homosexual mousey brown balding hair receding chin englishman.....








er,God? (but he's probably a scotsman too :) )

Scotland is a country of only 5 million but has hugely and unproportionately contributed vast amounts to the world, and britain has a whole makes huge contributions.

A point I agree on with you for a change,

what has poland done for us.

oops,you were doing so well
How about,enabling our boffins to crack the later enigma codes therfore sealing victory in WW2,How about anti personnel mine detectors as used to great effect at El Alamien,probably Britains last great mil' victory.What about the dozens of people of Polish/Jewish desent who are leading lights in the arts and entertainment,I could go on but Im off to watch some telly and drink some vodka....
29 Dec 2007
Life / Legally changing my Polish name to English one? [55]

For those of you who are surprised at marcin's idea, you obviously have common names in your country and don't know what it feels like.

Far from it,in fact my name is so uncommen in the UK that i wont say what it is to preserve a little net anonimity for myself :) As I said before ,if other people cant pronounce your name ,their loss, just get a nickname..
29 Dec 2007
UK, Ireland / Will Polish names eventually become popular in the UK? [53]

Keysha :) Doesn't it already exist ?...

lol,me mums black labrador is called keysha :)

for a native English speaker this might be too close to kasha.

mmmmmmmm kasha with honeymmmmmmmmm

and there's only so many Chardonnays you can have in one family

"meet my litle baby Zubrowka..." :)

They'll be spelt wrong and mispronounced beyond recognition

sorry , "baby Zoobrofker....."
28 Dec 2007
History / Chicago Public Radio on *Polish* concentration camps [62]

But since concentration camp is usually equated with death camp and since this thread is about NAZI extermination camps, you cannot call the "Polish" concentration camps

well,just because you cant cope with the fact that a concentration camp is a concentration camp and a death camp a death camp doesnt mean the rest of the world cant.

But,specificaly the Nazi constructed and run camps,no ,of course they are not Polish concentration camps,they are concentration camps in Poland.

Jena is way too overblown.

Those "boys" nearly beat to death a person.

Oh realy,It was a school yard scrap,a tussle and not one of the white "victims" even had to attend ER/casualty or even a local Doctor. And now the black kids are up on attempted murder and deadly assult charges. Please, if they had wanted to off whitey why didnt they just do a colombine ?
28 Dec 2007
History / Chicago Public Radio on *Polish* concentration camps [62]

So no, you cannot complain about "Polish" concentration camps.

yes you can, Concentration camps and extermination camps were two seperate things,the nazis had both ,the poles both pre and post war only had the one type.

'football' fans and supporters, no?

maybe,but football supporters dont generaly treat young black boys as adult criminals...Jena anyone.
28 Dec 2007
History / Should Germany claim to be the victims in Poland? [510]

isthatu wrote:
still,doesnt mean we like you tho freebird

To be honest, I don't try to change anyone's opinion about us because it would be a worthless thing to do.

No dude, I meant You ,specificaly yourself,not a whole nation,just you.

isthatu wrote:
To not feel sympathy for their human suffering but to feel all gooey about someone elses just seems dammed hypocritical to me.

But who decided to move the Germans and give this to Poland? If I recall Poland was not included in this pow wow, right? Carol

Sorry,but whats that got to do with recognising someones suffering,but,Im afraid you are wrong anyhow,as Polands communist govt was involved. The question wasnt who caused the suffering,just,did the inocent germans suffer.

Some things cannot be made equal. Life is not fair. You make the best of it.

Well said softsong,I want my families land back stolen by the english/loyalists in the highland clearances....but im not going to get it.
27 Dec 2007
UK, Ireland / We welcome Polish people to Britain! [224]

this being the same bnp that has that nazi song from the musical Caberet as its unofficial theme song...yes.lets listen to those be suited wanna be nazis shall we,or not.....
27 Dec 2007
Life / Legally changing my Polish name to English one? [55]

If you have a child in an Enlish speaking country, would you give him a name of your heritage or where he would live?

Heritage over here in England mate,all the way.
27 Dec 2007
History / Should Germany claim to be the victims in Poland? [510]

Sorry,but the force that smashed hitler did so by capturing berlin and killing the most germans,the RKKA/red army.Never mind what their bosses did it was Ivan who crushed the nazis,compared to the eastern front the western front was a war game."we" in the west go on and on about D Day and the "terrible" allied losses,2 thousand americans,no offence but that was a five minute burst of action at smolensk or kerch.As to numbers lost,The belrussians had a slightly higher percentage of population loss than poland and the USSR as a whole lost at least 27 million so I think that safely trumps 5.5 or 6 million in the slaughter stakes.

Anyhoo,the thread question was specificaly, were the germans who suffered in Poland/east prussia in 1945 victims?
I think it is safe to say they were,the vast majority were women and children and old men too old to serve the reich,and remember the volksturm made dads army look like crack commandos,forcibly evicted from homes they had either been in for generations or homes they had been dumped in under nazi resettlement programes of volksdeutshe from further east.Remember were not talking about SS men or camp guards here,were talking about normall families who just happened to be the wrong race/nationality at the wrong time in the wrong place. Surely if we are supposed to feel sorry for earlier victims of the same style of persecution we can muster a little sympathy for them?To not feel sympathy for their human suffering but to feel all gooey about someone elses just seems dammed hypocritical to me.
27 Dec 2007
History / Should Germany claim to be the victims in Poland? [510]

The Pianist by Szpilman

Yes,he leaves a lot out though(Poles will know what ...)

'the victims'

If you read the link you will find the museum is intended to be about ALL of europes civilian displacments/ethnic cleansing,the uproar is the fact that,quite rightly imho,the germans are including the suffering of their own people in this as part of the whole story,instead of the usual " Jews were mass murdered and sure a few other people died along the way....." type of "history" of the mid 20th century.

And i hate to be the first one to bring this up but surely,if "you" want a country to never,ever go down again the road that germany did one thing "you" want is for the germans to know how much they suffered as well as everyone else? After all if a big kid hits a little kid then the spanking the big kid gets off his dad will maybe act as a deterent ,being told its naughty to hit someone is not quite as effective..
27 Dec 2007
History / Should Germany claim to be the victims in Poland? [510]

looks like nyc still hasnt figured out just because someone cant stand the inbred draft dodging drug taking alcoholic weirdo monkey boy you all have as pres' doesnt mean they hate america .(still,doesnt mean we like you tho freebird.)

Let's return to the German issue

Yes lets,lunatic conspirocy theories belong on other forums......

To Celinski, in what sense did u mean that Germans are victims in Poland?

Try reading the links at the begining of the thread then you dont have to look daft as well as paranoid.
Many hundreds of thousands of german civilians suffered terriblyin 1945 being forced out of east prussia etc by the oncoming red army, also once the borders had been fiddled around with at the end of the war all german families were booted out of what had become poland,including places that had been german/prussian for centuries. So yes,in short some germans were victims in poland.
26 Dec 2007
Life / Legally changing my Polish name to English one? [55]

You guys probably wont know the show but on british TV in the 90s was a comedy called Goodness Gracious Me, an all British-Asian cast that loads of people of all races etc loved. One of the regular sketches fetured 2 indian couples trying desperatly to be "english" and to "fit in" they changed their names and spoke with mock posh english addents,so funny,and so false.If you see a list of the personel in an "avarage" british company you will probably only find about 25% are "english "names,if that.

Change your names,just to fit in? Pardon me for being blunt,but, dont be daft! Get yourself a nickname,much cheaper and less insulting to your parents :)

Fine if people cant pronounce it,thats their loss,my name is scandanavian,3 letters long and my dumb shmuck fellow countryfolk can rarely spell it.When I was younger I toyed with using my other name ,Paul,but frankly,thats boring so people either get it right or look stooopid themselves.I wouldnt change my name to say slawomir if I moved to Poland so why should you guys change your names here?
23 Dec 2007
History / Should Germany claim to be the victims in Poland? [510]

USA could also be prosecuted for the unlimited submarine war

as could all nations,remember,a Red Navy, Baltic Fleet submarine was responsible for the greatest civilian loss of life at sea,ever,in '45.

I am not sure about the jurisdiction of the court in Nuremberg

It was limited striktly to the "european" war and not the war in the Far East,the show trials and lack of sentencing of Japanese criminals had more to do with Japans strategic position for the US in the all new cold war and did not come under nurnberg.

Luftwaffe officers were not convicted for the air raids to GB.

This actually comes down to the "only following orders " defence, Goering was certainly convicted on similar charges as head of the luftwaffe.
23 Dec 2007
History / Should Germany claim to be the victims in Poland? [510]

Exactly, these new arrivals come and see the modern day Poland and just want 'to take a slice of the action'. I wonder what these teachers of English would think standing in a queue for an hour to buy a pot of coffee and then to earn a hundred pounds a month.

Stop stiring,your a bleedin Russian not a Pole anyway!
No, a lot of us in the UK didnt have to que for an hour for things in the 80s,they just wernt in the shops or were out of the price range of the millions of unemployed here at the time, you lot dont get a monopoly on hard luck stories and state oppresion,what do you think was going on under Thatcher and her destruction of the unions and decimation of the mining industry and communities.

Is that true? Why? I always wondered why Stalin wasn't vilified in the manner which I think he should have been!

No, this is a version of some sort of truth, allied war criminals were tried,and excecuted. It was actually Stalin who put a stop on further investigations afterthe war as he knew the amount of soviet crimes that would be uncovered. Say what you like about the British in ww2,but they didnt have all that much to worry about regarding warcrimes so,in short,stop jumping at the standby ,all embracing bogey man of churchill and blaming the fat old drunk for all your woes.

GB for civilian bombing and USA for the bombs in Nagashaki,Hiroshima.

Thats just not the case,none of these even entered the circle of considered "warcrimes" untill many years after the war.
And Nagasaki and hiroshima,in case you hadnt noticed were in Japan,therfore not covered by the nurnberg trails.