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Posts by SzwedwPolsce  

Joined: 21 Feb 2009 / Male ♂
Last Post: 2 Nov 2012
Threads: Total: 11 / In This Archive: 2
Posts: Total: 1589 / In This Archive: 631
From: Poland
Speaks Polish?: Staram się... hehe. ;-)
Interests: Driving motorcycle, SCUBA-diving, playing guitar, delicious food etc.

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4 Aug 2009
Language / Polish Present Tense - Please Help Me. [8]

This a very complex question.

There are many different groups of verbs that conjugate differently. Most of these groups have some personal endings in common. Compared to English, Polish verbs are much more irregular.

Here are some common endings of Polish verbs in the present tense. Of course it is a simplification.

ja (I) often ends in . If the infinitive of the verb ends in -ać it often ends in -am.
ty (you singular) -sz
on/ona/ono (he/she/it) often no ending, only stem.
my (we) -my
wy (ýou plural) -cie
oni/one (they)

There are 2 extremly important verbs that don't follow these rules at all, it's być (to be) and mieć (to have). You should learn conjugation of these verbs by heart as soon as possible. See link below.

The best reference is the book 301 Polish Verbs by Janecki.

Here is another list of conjugation of some common Polish verbs:

You can read more about conjugation of different groups of verbs in this short Polish grammar book.


And go to the chapter about Verbs, and then to the Present tense.
3 Aug 2009
Genealogy / Two Polish Guys visiting Romania [15]

Your top secret revealed! By yourself

Yes, and I have actually done it before on this forum as well.

What about £ukasz and Mikołaj?

Naprawdę? Znam ich! Mam nadzieję, że ona nie jest w ciąży.

To be a little serious. Good Luck with finding these boys, but I think it will be difficult. At least you're trying, that's good. You have to figure out some smart ways to do it.
3 Aug 2009
Language / Polish Case System [32]


But honestly speaking, it's very difficult to learn how to use the different cases if you don't know the basic grammatical structures.
3 Aug 2009
Language / Learning to speak Polish options. [17]

If you get a book and no classes, make sure to have an audio CD. If you have friends that you can speak some Polish with it's a great solution of course.
3 Aug 2009
UK, Ireland / Polish worker's excuse and a vacuum cleaner (UK) [79]

come on every week is always one or two nasty news about polish in uk .

Hehe... how many nasty news are there about English, or other, people? There isn't a secret pact to just write sh*t about Poles. English medias have world record in nasty news.
3 Aug 2009
Love / What are your views (or Polish views) on abortion? [102]

actually has gotten pregnant a couple times now

There are so many ways of contraception to avoid pregnancy/abortion. Multiple abortions can also decrease fertility (not good for the future). Is she retarded?

Sex is great. But you have to be a little careful because you only have one body. But it's old news that some people don't care about their own, or other people's, health. It's not only abortions. Even very common STDs can make you infertile. And remember that there are some common STDs which there is no cure for.
2 Aug 2009
Language / words overused in Polish language [40]

bardzo dokładnie

Oh.. that's a little too much. but just dokładnie is a very useful (haha) word.
And so is właśnie (which is overused as well).
2 Aug 2009
Travel / Visit from Warsaw to Lubin. [7]

I would say that it's best to go by train. There are many trains between Wawa and Lublin every day.

In Poland, train is usually the best option.
1 Aug 2009
Language / List of noun endings in the different cases [5]

I made this list for my own learning. But I guess other people can find it useful as well.

For those cases where all the genders have the same plural ending I also added that plural ending.

Fem: -a
Masc: -y, -i
Neutr: -e
Pl: -e

Fem: -ę
Masc: -y, -i (living: -a)
Neutr: -e
Pl: -e

Fem: -y, -i
Masc: -u (living: -a)
Neutr: -a

Fem: -e, -i
Masc: -owi, (some -u)
Neutr: -om

Fem: -e, -i
Masc: -u, -e
Neutr: -u, -e
Pl: -ach

Fem: -ą
Masc: -em
Neutr: -em
1 Aug 2009
Language / Any sweet Polish phrases [255]

How do I tell my Polish guy that he is hot and hansome thanks.

Jesteś bardzo przystojny! (you are very handsome)
1 Aug 2009

I think it's common in many languages that you call someone paranoid even if all the diagnostic criteria of DSM-IV are not present.
1 Aug 2009
Language / Dobrze vs Dobry [15]

Don't make it more complicated than it is.

dobrze = adverb (describes a verb)
dobry, dobra, dobre = adjectives (describe a noun)

20 Jul 2009
Love / Could our relationship work despite the language barrier? [34]

I found myself in the same situation with my Polish g/f. Her english has improved considerably and I'm still struggling with Polish, but we manage. We've been together 2 years :)

Here we have the answer. But it doesn't mean it's going to be easy.
19 Jul 2009

I'm sure they aren't better or worse because they're Jewish.
I'm also sure that the president nominates people who have competence for such jobs. If not, we will notice that soon.
14 Jul 2009

Sometimes you wonder what a woman has found in a particular man.I mean they seem to lack everything and though they are chosen.

That's exactly how it is. Different people see these things in different ways.
14 Jul 2009
Language / declension? Masz mapę gratis? how did mapa become mapę? Thanks [4]

A very simplified, but much easier version:

It's the accusative case. Always with the word mieć (mam, masz, ma etc.), and many other words as well. "The thing one has is associated with the accusative case".

Nouns that normally (which means nominative case) end in -a, end in the accusative case in .

Words that do not end in -a, usually don't change when converted into the accusative case.

This is not always true, but it's a much eaiser rule to learn (to start with).
5 Jul 2009
News / 100zl note should be phased out. [20]

I think the 100 zl notes are great in food stores. Many people spend about 100-200 zl there as far as I've seen.

I think a 500-zł one would also come in handy. Not when paying for paying for bread or milk, but when buying a car, fridge or TV set.

Safer to use your VISA/MasterCard/whatever instead of walking around with several 1000 zl in your pocket.
4 Jul 2009
Language / Share Perfective and Imperfective Polish verbs [105]

The book 301 Polish Verbs by Janecki has a section in the beginning with pretty good explanation of the differences between perfect and imperfect forms of Polish verbs.
3 Jul 2009
Language / Confused about the Polish Imperative [15]

Or to make it easier...

Proszę + infinitive (of verb)

Proszę czekać!
Proszę wejść!
Proszę pokazać (gdzie...)!

Very easy! But pretty formal I guess, probably sounds a little strange to say to your friends.
11 Jun 2009
Life / Why do a lot of Polish people stare and why is good personal hygeine shunned? [108]

Showering twice a day is not good for your skin. You don't have to study dermatology in med. school to understand that.

Washing you skin too often damages its protective features. And even after washing you skin carefully there are 7-8 million bacterias per square cm of human skin. Because they can also live inside the epidermis, and even if it's extremely superficial it gives the bacteria protection. And when the skin is damaged it is, of course, easier for these smalls bugs to cause infections.

Saying it's good to shower several times a day is just b*llshit from a medical point of view. And how does someones hair (esp. long hair) look if the person washes it twice a day... I think we all know that.