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Posts by SzwedwPolsce  

Joined: 21 Feb 2009 / Male ♂
Last Post: 2 Nov 2012
Threads: Total: 11 / In This Archive: 2
Posts: Total: 1589 / In This Archive: 631
From: Poland
Speaks Polish?: Staram się... hehe. ;-)
Interests: Driving motorcycle, SCUBA-diving, playing guitar, delicious food etc.

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9 Aug 2009
Travel / Wot? No beer allowed on Polish PKP? [30]

The sensible thing to do would have been to ban alcohol from all but Eurocity, Intercity, Express and sleeper cars - the type of idiot that causes trouble because of alcohol isn't going to be paying the price for those trains.

Good idea. I think we all know what kind of people that causes most of the problems, both on trains and in many other places.
9 Aug 2009
Life / Openly gay in Poland [245]

People should focus more on their own, and less on other people's, sexual orientation.
9 Aug 2009
Life / Openly gay in Poland [245]

most are open to gays and will rarely bat an eyelid

Are you serious? I can guarantee that most Poles are not open to gays. Even if more are than 20 years ago.
9 Aug 2009
Travel / Thinking about having a roadtrip in Poland... [41]

Of course you should visit Gdansk/Sopot at the seaside. And when you are there drive through more of the Mazury region. One of the most beautiful parts of Poland with its many lakes.

You can also go to the mountains, also one of the most beautiful parts of Poland.

You say a few week. Example of a nice (pretty long) road trip could be:

Warszawa-Torun-Gdansk-Sopot-Mazury region-Białowieża National Park (near Białystok)-Zamość-the mountains-Krakow.
9 Aug 2009
Life / Openly gay in Poland [245]

You should talk to people in Poland who are gay.

I don't know anyone who is gay. But from what I hear they have a hard time. Many of them move abroad because of the situation in Poland. Probably it's a little less difficult to live in Warszawa and Krakow.

There is at least 1 other thread about gays in Poland on this forum.
8 Aug 2009
Genealogy / Indian? Gypsy? Turk? [41]

Most of Poles have dark hair. We're not any Scandinavians.

Not all Scandinavians have light blonde hair. For example myself. When I was a child I had very light blonde hair, but that changed into very dark blonde.
8 Aug 2009
Life / How much Zloty to have an average life in Poland? [98]

I don't absolutely need to get a job, but I'd like to work doing something part time after not too long. What sort of job can someone with a good BA, but who can't speak much/any Polish get in Warsaw?

I have almost never heard of anyone that can't speak Polish getting any other jobs than teaching English. But then you need a TEFL or something like that. Many educated people leave Poland because they can't get a job.
8 Aug 2009
Polonia / Poles experience of india [30]

is it possible to marry my boy friend when i am here on tourist visa and settle here forever because the visa expires after 6 months.

You should ask Indian embassy in Poland.

You should ask the Polish embassy in India.

8 Aug 2009
Language / Example sentences for different cases. [42]

Mieszamy herbatę.
Why did herbata or herbaty become herbatę? What is the grammatical term for this?
Was it herbata or herbaty before it became herbatę?

Herbata is the nominative case (singular).
Herbatę is the accusative case (singular).
Herbaty is the genitive case (singular).

Herbaty is also the nominative and accusative cases in plural.

Mieszamy herbatę is in this way because herbatę is the direct object of the sentence. I guess you know what direct object means. And the direct object always requires the accusative case.

why did kran become kranu? Is it locative or something else?
this is part of the sentance, wody z kranu.

No, in this case it's not the locative case. After the preposition z (if you mean from something) you should use the genitive case. Genitive of kran in kranu.

(If you use the prep. z in the meaning "with someone/something" you should use the instrumental case.)

Oh, now I saw that gumishu already wrote some of this.
8 Aug 2009
Language / tu vs. tutaj [4]

Synonyms. Most people say that tutaj puts more emphasis into the expression. Probably in the same was as ciebie puts more emphasis into the expression than cię, even though they mean exactly the same.
7 Aug 2009
Language / Polish Present Tense - Please Help Me. [8]

I still fear the present tense more than any other aspect of Polish

Present tense is easier than the past tense I think. You don't have to think about the perfective/imperfective aspect. This aspect is usually manageable in the future tense, but it's a pain in the @ss in the past tense.
7 Aug 2009
Language / Pozdro & kasa? - examples of Polish word abbreviations [21]

So 'Siema' is made by that guy but what does it actually mean? I always thought of it deconstructed as 'Sie ma' like I/You - have i.e. some kind of greeting like whassup!

Yes. Something like "yo.. what's up?" in English. But kind of a retorical question, which doesn't need an answer.

I heard it was abbr. from "jak się masz?". But without the ę-pronunciation of course. Does anyone know if it's true?
7 Aug 2009
Language / I'm learning Polish using the Michel Thomas Method [9]

You should understand the very basics before you go to Poland. Also you should be able to make very simple sentences. If you then go to Poland and interact a lot with Poles you have the best possibilty of "fast" learning.

Grammar is rather difficult to pick up by just listening to someone speaking. Polish grammar is so complex that you need to have a good structure. Or else it will just sound totally random.

Living in Poland (maybe with a Pole) is the absolutely best way to learn Polish. But you should know the very basics first, or else (as I said) it will just sound random.
6 Aug 2009
Life / Life in Bydgoszcz [39]

there goes my diet :)

Stay away from the word ciastko, it's evil... hehe.
6 Aug 2009
Life / How is cancer treatment in Poland??? [17]

The UK is rather well known for insisting on very rigorous trials before allowing people to have new medications, for instance.

Drugs are approved centrally in the EU (for all EU-countries) by EMEA. The thing is that even if a new expensive drug is approved, many hospitals/clinics outside USA choose to use them extremely restrictively. But this is because they are so expensive, not because they are not approved for use in Europe. Then after several years they get cheaper and then the use of the drug increases by several hundred percent.

In USA they often start to use the drug a lot at once because it's new and your clinic gets a great image that you provide the newest and "best" drugs. This happens even if the new drug isn't much better than the old ones. It contributes to a great image. Often there are also some contracts (hmm) with the drug industry involved.
6 Aug 2009
Life / Life in Bydgoszcz [39]

I just moved to Bydgoszcz one month ago and i'd like to ask where musicians going here? How is music life in Bydgoszcz? Is there any bars to play etc

for sure you should visit legendary place:
Mózg (Brain)

6 Aug 2009
Life / How is cancer treatment in Poland??? [17]

You should check the details about it. Maybe he can get a better treatment than he gets now. It's impossible to know without all the information. But it sounds like the cancer is in an advanced stage, and it usually makes the prognosis rather poor.
6 Aug 2009
Love / Better place to meet women in Poland? Krakow or Gdansk? [5]

Krakow is more party feeling, and also more tourists. The Poles are also more "tired" of the tourists there.

Gdansk (area around) have good beaches (but maybe not like in CA). Gdansk is a nice city and surrounding area (incl. Sopot) is nice as well. Probably a little more quiet city than Krakow. But more and more tourists discover Gdansk.

I would probably recommend Krakow (if you only gonna visit one of them). If you really miss the beach, the area around Gdansk/Sopot is better of course. But some tourists have got rather bad reputation in Krakow (running around drunk and more or less naked).
6 Aug 2009
Life / How is cancer treatment in Poland??? [17]

I'm just wondering if there is anyone else out there with some info or insight on a simlar cituation.

In Western Europe/USA they give cancer patients a little newer/more expensive anti-cancer treatment. And cancer-patients there also live a little longer (on average). But there are of course cancer treatments in Poland as well.

Many cancers can be treated, some can be completely removed, it depends on the stage and progression of the cancer when discovered. If the cancer has metastasized (I don't know anything about this case) it's usually extremely difficult to remove it completely. But you can usually suppress the cancer so the patient lives a bit longer. It also depends on how much the patient is suffering (pain etc).

If the cancer has not metastasized it should absolutely be treated offensively

/ Medical student in Poland
5 Aug 2009
Genealogy / Two Polish Guys visiting Romania [15]

but they are quite useless if you don't know their surnames

Isn't it possible to look specifically at med schools at nasza klasa? I don't know.
5 Aug 2009
Love / What are your views (or Polish views) on abortion? [102]

A woman has rights to her unborn child but once it's born then the father suddenly gets rights to it which is unfair, because she gave birth to it and she should still have more rights to the baby than a man, because men can't breast feed, etc. But In the US more and more rights are given to men, who have no clue about raising children yet were given split custody. These children often grow up without nursing the mother because the courts ordered that the father should also raise the child.

Jesus, you can't be serious? Maybe you should take a look at what has been proven scientifically.

An increased amount of father-child involvement has also proven to increase a child's social stability, educational achievement, and even their potential to have a solid marriage as an adult. The children are also more curious about the world around them and develop greater problem solving skills [1].

[1]. "The Effects of Father Involvement: A Summary of the Research Evidence," Father Involvement Initiative Ontario Network, 2002.

5 Aug 2009
Love / What are your views (or Polish views) on abortion? [102]

Thanks! Sometimes you write great things too. But sometimes when I read things you write they seem to be written by someone who doesn't think so much. You don't write here when you're drunk, do you? :)
4 Aug 2009
Love / What are your views (or Polish views) on abortion? [102]

Just don't have sex untill your married.

Way to many people undergo abortion. We should try to decrease this number by making people use protection. But if people think they can make the people of the world wait with sex until married, they have lost their battle very long time ago. It's time to realize that.

It's important to reduce the number of abortions. And the best way to do it is to make people use contraception.

Why is it not better to ask people to wait with sex until marriage?
Because your compliance number will be lower than low.

But some people are not being realistic. Let's be realistic and try to reduce number of abortions in a realistic way. Some people use abortion as a method of contraception, and that's horrible.