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Why do People spend half their lives complaining about living in Poland?

ShelleyS 14 | 2883  
2 Aug 2009 /  #1
Signing lots of a papers in a bank is good secruity? No?

Dentist ripping you off - a friend of mine paid nearly £3K for treatment (she was told it was unnecessary by another dentist )

Phones ringing out for hours on end - has anyone ever tried to speak to someone in the Council tax office in Manchester?

Roads? Can we talk about pavements in the UK, I have to get my heels re-heeled every other week because of the fcuking cracks! I should have shares in Timpsons!

Food - waiting to be served in a supermarket (any time of the day), why do they all go for a break lin the busiest hours or is it just me that when Im next they put up the closed sign!?

dtaylor5632 18 | 1998  
2 Aug 2009 /  #2
Moral of the story is, no matter which country you are in, the grass always seems greener on the other side.
Bartolome 2 | 1083  
2 Aug 2009 /  #3
I'd say grass has different shade of green on the other side.
Myszolow 3 | 157  
2 Aug 2009 /  #4
To compare experiences? To vent frustration? For entertainment? To wind up Poles? Who knows?

I find the "what is different about Poland?" threads extremely interesting, full of generalisations, prejudices, preconceived ideas of "how things should be"...


Lots of fun. Obviously anyone with a brain can tell that not all people or towns/cities/villages are like the one where certain things happen. But humans cannot help but extrapolate their experiences to the "whole country".

If you had a bad experience on your first trip to Poland, that means Poland sucks and the people are all scum. Of course this isn't true ;)

It takes quite a while to acclimatise though. It's great to note the cultural differences. I bet the differences between old villages and Warsaw centre are almost as great as those between UK and PL.

There are quite a few things that suck about living in Poland. In fact there are also things that suck about living in other countries. The point is that they are, by and large, different things. That's why they're worth talking about. :)
BevK 11 | 248  
2 Aug 2009 /  #5
The roads are crap tho Shel but I'd rather have crap roads and decency than the misery in the UK x
aphrodisiac 11 | 2427  
2 Aug 2009 /  #6
I think that some people just like to complain and concentrate on the negative factors regardless of the country they live in.
OP ShelleyS 14 | 2883  
2 Aug 2009 /  #7
If you had a bad experience on your first trip to Poland, that means Poland sucks and the people are all scum. Of course this isn't true ;)

You know Ive never had a bad experience in any country Ive visited because I go with an open mind and ENJOY the differences...(okay.... hands up I did say customer service was bad in Poland, but if Im parting with cash they should be grateful, where ever I do it) but I can live with miserable shop assistants, they are not the be all and end all of my life!

I bet the differences between old villages and Warsaw centre are almost as great as those between UK and PL.

Im sure they are...friends of mine that moved to Ramsbottom were outsiders in the village even after living there for 10 years! Even the local lesbian who was born there was more accepted (very homophobic community by the way);0)

There are quite a few things that suck about living in Poland. In fact there are also things that suck about living in other countries. The point is that they are, by and large, different things. That's why they're worth talking about. :)

Talking about is one thing, but constantly whining about stupid things is silly.
Wroclaw Boy  
2 Aug 2009 /  #8
Talking about is one thing, but constantly whining about stupid things is silly.

Ive forever hearing you complain about immigration in the UK.
Myszolow 3 | 157  
2 Aug 2009 /  #9
Talking about is one thing, but constantly whining about stupid things is silly.

Agreed. I've only been on this forum a week, although I have spent quite a lot of time in Poland over a 15 year period and I speak the language (more or less).

The other thing I just thought of though is that Poles don't like to hear criticism of their country (who does?) so ex-pats (always makes me think of cow-pats) get together on here to have a moan instead. No harm in that? Might be boring after a while. But you're not seriously going to try to put the case to us that Poles don't whinge are you? ;)
OP ShelleyS 14 | 2883  
2 Aug 2009 /  #10
Ive forever hearing you complain about immigration in the UK.

Thats a problem, lining up in the post office isnt!

But you're not seriously going to try to put the case to us that Poles don't whinge are you? ;)

Hey, if there was a gold at the olympics the Brits would win that ;0)
dtaylor5632 18 | 1998  
2 Aug 2009 /  #11
lining up in the post office isnt!

It bloody well is when the average time takes 1 hour! I'm a busy guy, I dont have time to **** about in there.
OP ShelleyS 14 | 2883  
2 Aug 2009 /  #12
Ever been in the post office in Manchester at lunch? They have a new system now, deli styli, take a ticket and then wait for your number! Im glad I only go there once in a blue moon!
Myszolow 3 | 157  
2 Aug 2009 /  #13
Hey, if there was a gold at the olympics the Brits would win that ;0)

I dunno. I think the ex-commie nations would give us some stiff competition. It would be a photo-finish for sure. ;)
Wroclaw Boy  
2 Aug 2009 /  #14
Polish roads are a serious problem, directly causing thousands of deaths every year. Not sure if immigration can claim that. Im done complaining about that though, now i actually quite enjoy driving on Polands roads. Atleast theres no speed cameras: well that have any film in them unlike the UK.

If you lived here Shell you may find yourself jumping on the moany band wagon, atleast temporarily. holidaying is one thing but living is a totally different cup of tea.
Myszolow 3 | 157  
2 Aug 2009 /  #15
now i actually quite enjoy driving on Polands roads

The key is to treat it as a game. Let the idiots be idiots, but foresee it and keep yourself out of trouble. You don't get three lives in this game. ;)
OP ShelleyS 14 | 2883  
2 Aug 2009 /  #16
If you lived here Shell you may find yourself jumping on the moany band wagon, atleast temporarily. holidaying is one thing but living is a totally different cup of tea.

I completely appreciate that, but never look for anything remotely English when Im off the Island...(I will admit this, begrundingly of cours, in true English styli I always take tea bags with me lol)

I know its just due to frustration that people post these threads but its becoming really borning..Its a Polish site, not a site for the English to moan about Poland, surely there are ex-pats sites to do that.

Polish roads are a serious problem, directly causing thousands of deaths every year. Not sure if immigration can claim that.

Thats another debate, have you seen the goverment web site and seen how many foreigners are trying to import horion to the UK.
Wroclaw Boy  
2 Aug 2009 /  #17
I know its just due to frustration that people post these threads but its becoming really borning..Its a Polish site, not a site for the English to moan about Poland, surely there are ex-pats sites to do that.

Its a beginners thing, Brits and many other nationalities come to Poland and find themselves having to adjust to certain issues. They come on the Forum and just want to know if others appreciate there whining and issues: hey presto theres plenty here.

Its all part of the integration process. Older members have heard it all before of course.

have you seen the goverment web site and seen how many foreigners are trying to import horion to the UK.

No, its a massive issue although im sure many UK nationals are just as tainted as the foreigners.
OP ShelleyS 14 | 2883  
2 Aug 2009 /  #18
No, its a massive issue although im sure many UK nationals are just as tainted as the foreigners.

But they are OUR problem, we dont need foreigners doing it. That's my point. Im not just on about people from 3rd world countries, in the last week alone there were Dutch "nationals" and Spanish "nationls" trying to bring enough in to kill 1,000s of people - Ive lost school friends to it, so I HATE anyone that brings it into this country.
Myszolow 3 | 157  
2 Aug 2009 /  #19
What the heck is horion? Never heard of it and google doesn't play ball either.???
MrBubbles 10 | 613  
2 Aug 2009 /  #20
have you seen the goverment web site and seen how many foreigners are trying to import horion to the UK.

So? I like heroin.
OP ShelleyS 14 | 2883  
2 Aug 2009 /  #21
What the heck is horion? Never heard of it and google doesn't play ball either.???


Are you stupid? Actually scrub that, you must be an ignorant tit!

So? I like heroin.

You're far to fat to like heroin!
MrBubbles 10 | 613  
2 Aug 2009 /  #22
Thanks man but that's not actually me in the avatar. Anyway, if there were not demand for hard drugs, there would be no import no? Takes two to tango...
Myszolow 3 | 157  
2 Aug 2009 /  #23
Are you stupid? Actually scrub that, you must be an ignorant tit!

I only asked you what horion is because I've never heard of it before. How am I supposed to know that it's heroin? Your spelling wasn't even close.

Good to see admin's doing a good job. Well done :)
tj123 - | 85  
2 Aug 2009 /  #24
And actually she wrote horion not horoin. So you're pretty stupid yourself.

Hmmm...let's see. A typo vs total inability to decipher context...which of us isn't bright? Hmmm....

The whole "last word" comment is weak man. "I have nothing to say so I will leave this here"....everyone knows this is some attempt to 'win' the conversation. If you truly wanted to leave it you wouldnt reply at all.

Good to see admin's doing a good job. Well done :)

Yeah its really convenient when it benefits you isnt it? If they deleted something you didnt like you'd be whining up a storm.
Wroclaw 44 | 5359  
2 Aug 2009 /  #25
Why do People spend half their lives complaining about living in Poland?

Please keep on topic. This thread is not about typing errors, nor is it a place for slagging off others.
esek 2 | 228  
2 Aug 2009 /  #26
Why do People spend half their lives complaining about living in Poland?

we have one common saying here....

it would be sth like this:

if one don't know what it is all about then it's about money ;-)
sobieski 106 | 2111  
2 Aug 2009 /  #27
But after all it is good that we found out that diesel is widely available in Poland. What a relief :)
Nika 2 | 507  
2 Aug 2009 /  #28
As far as Polish people are concerned then it is our national trait.
For the foreigners, well people seem to always compare the place they live in with the place they come from and seem to always be surprised that for example in Poland people don't do things the same way they do in UK, US etc.

I agree with what was said before, when you go abroad be open-minded and prepared that everything will be different, expect the un-expected and learn from it!!!!

Complaining about is like "walka z wiatrakami"...how would this be in English???
sobieski 106 | 2111  
2 Aug 2009 /  #29
Complaining about is like "walka z wiatrakami"...how would this be in English???

Don Quichote !!!!
Nika 2 | 507  
2 Aug 2009 /  #30

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