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Choice of Poland's OFE ( Open Pension Funds )

Nojas  4 | 110
2 Dec 2013   #1
Anyone who can tell a little something about this subject? And also if you have some insight, which would you recommend to choose (I will have to) and why?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
2 Dec 2013   #2

Having said that, the contributions made by the State these days are minimal, so I'd go with PZU on the grounds that they are expanding heavily abroad and are a big domestic company.
OP Nojas  4 | 110
2 Dec 2013   #3
Any idea what Amplico is in to? If I'm reading the site correctly they've had the best return during 10 year period (126%). They are also in the top in last 12 months, last 3 years and so on. Obviously doing something right.

But yea, like anyone born in the 80's (or 90's), we can't expect to get anything from the government in terms of pension. Better save up yourself.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
2 Dec 2013   #4
Any idea what Amplico is in to?

Looks like they're part of MetLife, a huge US insurance company. I wouldn't trust them, personally.
15 Jan 2016   #5
Merged: OFE (Open Pension Funds) Nationale Nederlanden

Hey People,
I know that contribution to ZUS are returned only at the time of retirement age.

But what about OFE Nationale Nederlanden (previously ING OFE). I am an Asian and may consider moving back soon and was wondering if I could encash my OFE contribution during return?

Thanks in advance for answering.

kpc21  1 | 746
16 Jan 2016   #6
If you had money in OFE, it has been transferred to ZUS in 2014. Unless you signed a paper between April and July 2014 that you want 15% of your OFE pension to stay there.

As far as I know, it's impossible to withdraw this money.
16 Jan 2016   #7
Yup I did sign that paper( if I recollect right it was last year not 2014), and part of my pension is going to OFE.
ZUS situation is clear(unfortunately). Question is whether/how I could withdraw money from my OFE.

Thanks again for help.
kpc21  1 | 746
17 Jan 2016   #8
It's not possible. You must retire first.

Also in case you die before getting retired, then the money is either paid out in cash to your heirs, or, if you are married, 50% goes to the OFE of your wife/husband and 50% is paid out in cash.
InPolska  9 | 1796
17 Jan 2016   #9
Best not to count on ZUS for retirement! ;)
17 Jan 2016   #10
That hurts - anyways thanks a lot for answering guys!

pawian  226 | 27817
18 Feb 2020   #11
PiS government has decided about the fate of OFE funds - they will be dissolved. Experts claim it is daylight robbery on people`s money. More exactly, 15% of it - that`s the tax the state is going to collect from each individual account.,poland-s-lower-house-approves-ofe-pension-fund-wind-down
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
18 Feb 2020   #12
More exactly, 15% of it

It's nothing but a cash grab.
pawian  226 | 27817
20 Feb 2020   #13
Yes, PiS needs it to cover 500 plus and other benefits.
pawian  226 | 27817
23 Feb 2020   #14
Within 2 years, they are hoping to collect 17 billion from the transfer fees.

gumishu  15 | 6228
23 Feb 2020   #15
do you collect 500 plus for your kids, pawian - if you do you are not exactly in the position to criticize PiS
pawian  226 | 27817
23 Feb 2020   #16
Yes, I do and yes, I am. Think, genius, and tell me why I can take 500 plus (as I already proudly told you in another thread last year) and still consider PiS thieves and criticise them??? hahaha

Only serious answers count! So, think hard.

PS. BTW, isn`t it funny you prefer to ignore PiS robbery of pension funds and change the topic to 500 plus instead? hahaha If it was PO doing it today, you would spit all over the screen already. :):)
gumishu  15 | 6228
23 Feb 2020   #17
if PiS are thieves then you are an accomplice if you ask me
pawian  226 | 27817
23 Feb 2020   #18
Add to that those millions of Poles who are eligible. hahaha Your opinion about the Polish nation is really scandalous. :):)
gumishu  15 | 6228
23 Feb 2020   #19

I never said PiS where thieves - you did (oh go figure)
pawian  226 | 27817
23 Feb 2020   #20
But you imply millions of Poles are accomplices to thievery. And it doesn`t matter if they criticise PiS or not. Your logic is clear: everybody who gets 500 + is an accomplice.

I never said PiS where thieves - you did (oh go figure)

Yes, you said it. Check the grammar in your post. :)
cms neuf  2 | 1959
23 Feb 2020   #21
What a ludicrous argument.

This is a tax on all Poles including those who don't claim 500+ but have pension savings, + people who haven't had kids yet, people who don't want them, people who can't have kids, people who have grown up kids.

Some benefits and taxes were in their election program but this one was not.
pawian  226 | 27817
30 Jun 2020   #22
tell me why I can take 500 plus and still consider PiS thieves and criticise them???

Gumishu, you prefered to evade the answer to my question, as usual when the context becomes too inconvenient for you.

Then I will tell you why: because it is the burden imposed on Poland`s finances that my kids, among others, will have to repay in the future. Under PiS, Poland's debt raises fastest in the EU.

If I refuse to accept 500 plus benefit today, to show I don`t want to have anything in common with PiS swindlers, will my kids be exempt from repaying the national debt when adult?

Of course, they won`t. That is why I still collect the benefit and invest it immediately so that they will have resources for the future when the hard times come.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
30 Jun 2020   #23
That is why I still collect the benefit

That was a brilliant answer coming from a self-conscious citizen of Poland who proudly refuses to buy the bullshit of PiS propaganda.

Well done!
pawian  226 | 27817
30 Jun 2020   #24
Thank you. I have always been against socialist benefits and give aways. They only spoil the society. PiS is truly a neobolshevik party. :):)
Ironside  51 | 13109
30 Jun 2020   #25
you prefered to evade the answer to my question,

My question is that. Since your paycheck comes out of people's taxes what right to you have to open your gob and criticize gov in a radical manner? What right to you have to put yourself above 'society'? Spoiled my foot. You are a one arrogant son of the ....! a pen-pusher with inflated ego. What? inteligencia? How the hell you or any of you peasants are that? inteligencja is dead.

self-conscious citizen

Are you joking? Is that a joke right? someone who thinks is better and above the society is not a citizen but a clueless post soviet rabble. You must be the same way.

By the way what self-conscious citizen means? You suppose you don't mean self - centered. I guess you meant - a good citizen.
pawian  226 | 27817
30 Jun 2020   #26
what right to you have to open your gob and criticize gov in a radical manner?

I explained it in post 22. It seems you haven`t read it.

What right to you have to put yourself above 'society'?

Where did I say it?

What? inteligencia? How the hell you or any of you peasants are that? inteligencja is dead.

I am afraid you are hallucinating. Where has it been mentioned in this thread?

someone who thinks is better and above the society

Where was it said?

All in all, your answer is worthless coz it is a pure product of your daydreaming, instead of being based on factual utterances in this thread.
Ironside  51 | 13109
30 Jun 2020   #27
All in all, your answer is worthless

It pointless as you don't even know what you are saying.
pawian  226 | 27817
30 Jun 2020   #28
I know what I am saying. I also know you want to put certain words and opinions in my mouth. That I will certainly not agree to. :):)
Ironside  51 | 13109
30 Jun 2020   #29
I know what I am saying.

no you don't. otherwise you would know where from it all comes. You don't have to say it verbatim.

That I will certainly not agree to. :):)

I'm not surprised you don't, as it put you in a bad light, never the less that is the truth. Ask anyone.
pawian  226 | 27817
30 Jun 2020   #30
otherwise you would know where from it all comes. You don't have to say it verbatim.

In the same way I can interpret your sick support for PiS as a sign of your infatuation with Jarosław Kaczyński. Admit you have been in passionate love with him for decades.

Remember, you don't have to say certain things verbatim, they are obvious anyway. What exactly do you love him for?? hahahaha

Ask anyone.

hahahaha OK, I will ask another poster who visited this thread today. ZIEEEEEM! Where are you? Iron wants me to ask anybody to confirm his bad opinion about me.

Home / Work / Choice of Poland's OFE ( Open Pension Funds )

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