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What are the average salaries in Poland for teachers, doctors, engineers?

fiveforthedive  2 | -
31 May 2013   #1
I am looking into the salaries in Poland, for teachers, doctors, psychologists, dentists, and engineers. I know my question is rather broad, but I only want to know the average wages. What are the living expenses like?
agascientist  - | 1
1 Jul 2013   #2
Generally, depends. In Science professor makes around 6000 zl /month. The expenses are close to the sallary....
Monitor  13 | 1810
2 Jul 2013   #3
Here you have a lot of reliable information: (numbers there are gross. Net is around 1/3 less)

Here less reliable source:

Teachers in Poland:

How much a teacher earns in Poland?

Monthly salary (median ) teacher is 2987 PLN . Earning 50 % of teachers range from 2300 PLN to 3675 PLN . The premium is on average 5 % of the total teacher salaries , while 95% are basic wage . Some teachers also receive benefits .

the salaries of teachers were described in the full report.

Details about how much he earns on the bench teacher will allow you to also assess the earnings and wages in science and education .
Our respondents come from all Polish . Person communicating to us working in Warsaw, Krakow , Lodz, Wroclaw, Poznan , Gdansk, Szczecin , Bydgoszcz, Lublin , Katowice, Bialystok , Gdynia Czestochowa , Radom Sosnowiec , Torun , Kielce , Gliwice, Zabrze, Bytom, Rzeszów, Olsztyn, Bielsko- Biala, Tychy , Opole.

Doctors in Poland:

How much a doctor earns in Poland?

Monthly salary (median ) doctor is 3795 PLN . Earning 50 % of doctors range from 2,875 PLN to 4725 PLN . The premium is on average 4 % of the total salary a doctor , while 96 % are basic wage.

Psychologists in Poland:

How much earns a psychologist in Poland?

Monthly salary (median ) psychologist is 2835 PLN . Earning 50 % of psychologists range from 2,336 PLN to 3535 PLN . The premium is on average 4 % of the total salary of a psychologist , while 96 % are basic wage . Some psychologists also receives benefits .

earnings psychologists were described in the full report .

Civil Engineers in Poland:

Monthly salary (median ) site engineer is 4200 PLN . Earning 50 % of engineers building range from 3360 PLN to 5550 PLN . The premium is on average 9% of the total site engineer salary , while 91 % are basic wage . Some engineers building also receives benefits. Earnings construction engineers

were described in the full report.

Living expenses varies. Rent 2 bedrooms apartment costs from 600zł to over 2000zł.

Food in markets costs around the same in the whole country. I would guess when cooking 500zł per month per person and each next cheaper. Transport around 200zł. People spend as much, as they can afford to live. People earning minimum salary which is around 1100net cannot really save money. People earning close to median - 2000net can save depending on their expenses (size of family, place of living) up to 50% (rather extreme case)
DominicB  - | 2706
2 Jul 2013   #4
I know my question is rather broad, but I only want to know the average wages.

Average wages are useless figures and don't really provide any real information. Overall, wages are MUCH lower in the States for the same job. VERY MUCH lower. Especially for professionals.

There are only five groups of people who earn high wages (more than 6000 PLN, net) in Poland: 1) entrepreneurs who entered the market at the right time when there was little competition and made themselves into market leaders; 2) very experienced, highly qualified professionals working in high level administrative positions; 3) very experienced, highly qualified professionals and consultants that possess skills and knowledge that are in very short supply on the Polish market; 4) very experienced, highly qualified specialist doctors and lawyers who have their own practice, for which connections, especially family connections, are extremely important; and 5) very experienced, highly qualified professionals in high level management and admistration positions for foreign companies who get paid at foreign rates.

Aside from these positions, you're looking at a ceiling of about 4000-5000 PLN a month, net, and that only after many years of experience and in mid and upper level management and administrative jobs. Entry level jobs pay half that at best, or less, if at all. Many recent grads work in unpaid internships to get experience, and consider themselves lucky that they are working at all, even if for nothing.

As for cost of living, it's not all that much cheaper than the States. Some things, like computers and electronic consumer goods, are even more expensive. Rent ranges from about 700 PLN for a no-frills room in a student apartment in a city, utilities except internet included, to double that for a studio apartment in a city, to triple or more that for a one-bedroom apartment in a city. Many recent grads live with mom and dad if they can. Rents outside of cities are lower, but job opportunities are scarcer and wages are lower, too.

Food for a young male will cost 500-600 PLN for spartan eat-at home potato-and-macaroni-based dining, to double that for a better meat-based diet. Public transport will cost anywhere between 60 to 100 PLN a month. Few recent grads can afford a car.

For a single person, 1000 PLN net would be poverty existence. 2000 PLN would be spartan and no frills in the countryside, and poverty existence in the cities. 3000 PLN would be good in the countryside, but spartan and no-frills in the cities. Very few recent grads earn more than that.

The index you should be looking at is how many DOLLARS you can put away as savings at the end of the month. Few Poles can put away 300 dollars or more, and most can only put a little on the side for a rainy day fund, if that.

If you want to compare Poland to the States, compare it with small-town Walmart-is-the-only-business-in-town Alabama and Mississippi. Opportunities are scarce, and wages are low enough that most Poles have seriously considered working abroad, and many do. It's an extremely hostile and competitive job market that has little to offer American job seekers, unless they are very experienced and highly qualified. And lucky.
Monitor  13 | 1810
2 Jul 2013   #5
Overall, wages are MUCH lower in the States for the same job.

much higher.

Generally, depends. In Science professor makes around 6000 zl /month. The expenses are close to the sallary....

Why have you dug up this old post...
rola  - | 5
19 Apr 2016   #6
Merged: UBS average salaries for engineers in Poland

Hello All,

If someone is working in ubs as IT engineer has any clue about average salaries for Engineers
4 Jan 2019   #7

teacher in poland

How much a teacher in high school earn in poland(net) ?
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896
5 Jan 2019   #8
A very informative thread and a confirmation of my genius to get the f*** out in 1966 right after graduation. Then, as today, I wouldn't be able to have my own place and have a car.

FYI, the average teacher salary in the suburbs of Chicago is $130,000 a year before taxes and deductions. There is a pdf file for the Palatine District 211 available on the Internet to prove it.

That pos cop who stood outside the school building in Florida while the kids inside were being shot dead retired at 100,000+ bucks a year. Another manifestation of the American insanity.
johnny reb  46 | 7516
5 Jan 2019   #9
the average teacher salary in the suburbs of Chicago is $130,000 a year

Plus free health care for them and their family, a huge pension and three months off in the summer.
Some would call that a modest wage while most would call it Teachers Unions out of control.
How much do they make in California where 25% of the students drop out by 9th grade ?
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896
5 Jan 2019   #10
Some would call that a modest wage while most would call it Teachers Unions out of control.

The word is "legalized extortion". Well, actually, two words.
In Cali, they get a bonus for every drop out because drop outs are low-IQ imbeciles and, thus, more likely to vote for the plantation masters to get those badly needed welfare checks and free cheese.

Back to the miserable wages in Poland.
21 Dec 2020   #11

Salaries of teachers and uni professors in Poland

How much does:
1. A school teacher
2. A high school teacher
3. An assistant professor at a university

make in Poland per month? And are there paid PhDs where you get an allowance/salary?
Thanks in advance!
pawian  219 | 24592
22 Dec 2020   #12
1. A school teacher

What school teacher do you mean?

And are there paid PhDs where you get an allowance/salary?

Yes, if you do a postgraduate course for a doctor, you get a scholarship amounting to 37% of what a professor earns, ie. minimum 6400 gross.
23 Dec 2020   #13
1. In IT, English or Literature
rtfm  1 | 62
23 Dec 2020   #14
Holy crap, 130k usd for a teacher! And I thought I was overpaid.
Dave Peter Polski
5 Jan 2021   #15
Salaries in Poland are ridiculously low. Not worth it best to find a job in a better country.
pawian  219 | 24592
5 Jan 2021   #16
Not always, it depends on a job. Besides, costs of life are lower than in the West.

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