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Obtaining Residency Card

W_Zielonym_OBI  2 | -
15 Mar 2023   #1
Good Afternoon All/ Dzień Dobry Państwo,

I will type in English because my Polish isn't that good, yet.

Unfortunately, I have a problem with obtaining my first residency card.

I moved to Wroclaw at the start of December 2021,ive been hear about 18 months and its absolutely wonderful.

I met my wife in the UK nearly 4 years ago and I fell in love. Moved here and the rest is plain sailing, apart from my residency issue.

Where to start lol......

We attempted to get married in January 2022 but it had to be postponed because the British embassy in Warsaw took their sweet time and on two occasions "lost" my documents and I had to send more documents again. Then after 2 weeks of calling everyday to find out some information, they tell me they can send me all my documents to get married. I think this is fantastic, I am delighted.

3 days later I get a lovely knock on the door from GLS signed postage with a thick envelope with what I guessed to be all my documents plus the one I actually needed to get married. Fantastic!

I close the front door, go into the living room, sit down and open the huge letter. Took all my documents out first, they were all there. Great. I am so happy...... But. This is where it isn't good anymore.

I pull out the marriage paperwork I need from the embassy, to give to the marriage office here in wroclaw and low and behold there is another woman's name on the marriage document. Rather than my name and my wife's name. It was some other woman lmao. Some Magdalena Duda.... Maybe the presidents daughter or something who knows lol. I still have the certificate here, I refused to send it back because I wanted the proof because no one would believe me.

About a week later the new one arrives with the correct information on it. Me and my wife go down the office and there is another problem yet again. Some lady in this office wasn't happy with my copy of my documents. She said I had forged them lmao. I had them translated by a polish government approved translator that I found on the website. I know, it's absolutely mental. This is two weeks before we were due to get married, having already had to postpone the date once already. So then our marriage wasn't going ahead. We couldn't complain to this ladies manager because she was conveniently on "holiday" for a week. We then had to wait for to come back and then had to complain about this lady to her. Luckily the manager knew how the paperwork in the UK is, she was happy so we got married. The manager said she would discipline the worker because it was disgusting how we were treated.

We got married. Fantastic. Best day of my life.


We got married the day AFTER the war started. I still didn't have a pesel number. I needed one.

We went to the pesel office here in wroclaw, we were turned away and told (I speak Polish so I understood what was being said) "do you not know there is a war? The Ukrainians are a priority, come back in 12 months"....

My polish wife got quite irate and said to them "well what if I need to take my Polish child here for a pesel?" (speaking Hypothetically) and the lady replied to my wife "sorry, they are the priority, you will need to go somewhere else"

Well my wife got very angry at this and said some not very good words, which I agree with. It's horrible in that people who were born here are being told they are not a priority anymore?

So we left, because we knew we were getting absolutely nowhere. It would have been easier to draw blood from a stone tbh.

My wife had just started a new job, better than anything she'd have managed in the UK. I'm really proud of her honestly. The UK is a ******* ****-hole of backing stabbing, foreigners are bad, only cleaners waah waah etc. Glad I left. She has a better life back home. I'm glad I moved here too =)

So, she used her contacts to managed to book a slot into another viovodeship about an hour away. Poland is crazy like that. You just need to "know someone". We went on the train and we walked into this building and maybe 10 minutes later I had a pesel number. Fantastic. We are getting somewhere finally lol.

Back in March last year, I applied for a job, in an office, working for a UK company. Things did not turn out well. They were trying to make me set up a company in the UK, I had to be self employed for them to pay me..... I don't have any ties left to the UK, so that's impossible. There was also a person in the office who thought they were better than everyone else because they went to university. This person also attempted to hand me a script, trying to tell me how to speak English correctly, down the phone, to British people. Crazy right? Yeah I have that script saved, plus multiple recordings on my phone of her trying to **** the manager (Brit with a polish gf - she'd be devastated to find out she wasted all that time bringing him to Poland from Ireland to find out he was a Scumbag) and denying references for jobs because she thought that this old employee was a ***** (not her choice to decide a reference but there we go), so after all that hassle, one Friday I got picked up my **** at about 2pm, told them all to **** themselves if they can't even pay me and I left.

I've applied to work in multiple different places. I even went as far as applying for Amazon here in wroclaw. But here is the Problem. They asked me do I have a residency card. I said no. They can't employ me unless I have one.

Maybe 1 month after we got married (end of my 180 days in shengen zone) we submitted my paperwork to the viovodeship to get my residency card.

So about 12 months after submitting the paperwork decide to call the viovodeship in wroclaw. I spend 45 minutes on hold. Some guy answers the phone and he sounds absolutely miserable and I think "here we go"... God was i right!

I tried to explain to the guy that I'm struggling to get a job and can I have an explanation as to why I submitted the paperwork for a residency card 12 months ago and I still haven't heard anything.

He took my details and then told me he had no update. So I asked him what do I do? He said "just wait" wonderful. Am I supposed to eat paproch? Nice to know some pencil pusher in an office who was probably given the job from Babcia 10 years ago has zero concept of the real world. This proves it....

I said to the guy that I applied to work in a few places and as an example I said amazon to him and said that they asked me for a residency ca...even before I finished the word "card" he was already telling me "they can't ask you that". So I responded "but they do though". He didn't say anything. I then asked him so what am I suppo....i didn't even finish my sentence and he hung the phone up. I gave up calling after that. Useless jobsworth.

So maybe last month my wife managed to find the time to call inbetween working a very busy full time job. She manages to speak to a lady and this lady tells her "for some reason we don't have your marriage certificate". My wife responded "do you have a case number?" the lady "no". My wife "so why are you even touching our documents without a case number?" the lady didn't say anything... So my wife asks "so for how long have these documents been (lost)? she says sarcastically".. The lady responded "since March 2022".

To whoever managed to read this far. Yes, I know it's absolutely mental!!!!

So my wife asked the lady why didn't she think to call the number on file (my wife's) when they first learned of this. Conveniently the woman also didn't have a response.

So for the past nearly 12 months I've been sitting at home, without a job. It's terrible. I've even a few times walked into car garages and asked if they needed help, not to pay me, but to teach me and then eventually I can go to a garage and actually get paid once I have training, but nobody has ever got back to me.

Like what are the polish government expecting my wife to do? Feed me, her and a cat and pay all the bills from one job? It's absolutely ridiculous.

I still haven't had my fingerprints done for my residency card. Because I get the Ukrainians are a priority. This is just a rant, nobody here can offer any help that I haven't already tried.

For how many more months will I need to sit at home waiting for them to sort my residency card?
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
15 Mar 2023   #2
Yeah I have that script saved, plus multiple recordings on my phone of her trying to **** the manager

I hope you know that recording without the other partys consent is illegal and can get you in trouble,That is why they inform you that the call is recorded before they start a conversation in some businesses.

Feed me, her and a cat and pay all the bills from one job?

Yes,get rid of the cat,might make her save money.

For how many more months will I need to sit at home waiting for them to sort my residency card

My Brazillian friend in Warsaw is waiting for over 2 years now,he cant even leave Poland.
jon357  72 | 23668
15 Mar 2023   #3
Have you tried contacting these people:

There's another place, a paid service:

Home / Work / Obtaining Residency Card

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