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Can any international computer science student get software development job in Wrocław or Warsaw?

NotBlueLagoon  1 | 1
13 Jan 2022   #1
It seems all of the people are absolutely pessimistic about jobs prospects of international students in this forum atleast. I know that IT and software industry has shortage of good developers in almost all of the EU countries, but after reading so many threads here all the way from 2010 to 2022, it seems really demotivating for students to move in Poland with the intentions of finding work over here after their graduation atleast. So I was wondering if there is really no one student who is non-white, non-EU, non-catholic, and studied in those major cities like Warsaw and Wrocław who has got even one job offer once they complete thier studies? I mean, the number of students moving in Poland is increasing. So it should mean something, right? And also, now students don't even need work permit to work within Polska. So it should make employers really easy to hire graduates without dealing with any legal issues.
cms neuf  1 | 1903
13 Jan 2022   #2
I would ignore the pessimism on this forum - the average age is quite high and few people are working in your sector. Rather seek out forums for programmers and IT or a fb group for younger foreigners

My own view - there is a shortage of workers full stop and a double shortage of developers. So employers will be more likely to go through the effort than they were a few years ago.
30 Dec 2023   #3
You should not come in Poland.
It will be impossible to find a work for you.
Atch  22 | 4299
30 Dec 2023   #4
God, you're an idiot - or drunk, or both. First of all you're answering a query from two years ago. Secondly, you're wrong. There are loads of Indians for example working in software jobs for companies in Poland.
Poloniusz  5 | 970
30 Dec 2023   #5
You should not come in Poland. It will be impossible to find a work for you.

Yes, good and timely advice.

The OP's sob story said a lot by what was never mentioned.

This "international student" blames Poland and companies in Poland for not doing enough to hire foreign students like him upon graduating but says nothing that the government and businesses in his own homeland are far worse by offering no help or hope at all.

Such students openly admit they only come to Poland because it is cheaper to obtain degrees and certifications. But it is the schools who are in business too and they are selling a dream that certain industries have high demand for labor and therefore going to their school will pave the way to a job.

Unless the schools have guaranteed placement programs with companies then their graduates are nothing more than yet more job seekers on their own along with thousands of others.

The OP never said how his knowledge, skills and abiliteis made him standout candidate and would benefit a company. He only laid out his expectation that he should be given a job in Poland.

And my, hasn't the industry changed so much in such a short amount of time since the OP first made his post:

ChatGPT may be coming for our jobs. Here are the 10 roles that AI is most likely to replace.

Number 1. Tech jobs (Coders, computer programmers, software engineers, data analysts)

Number 5 on the list of jobs being replaced by AI were teachers (another PF favorite). :)
Atch  22 | 4299
30 Dec 2023   #6
hasn't the industry changed so much in such a short amount of time

You know nothing about the industry. There isn't even any such thing as AI. It's just a marketing term for bog standard software.
Poloniusz  5 | 970
30 Dec 2023   #7
You know nothing about the industry.

Aren't you just a housewife?

There isn't even any such thing as AI.

Foolish words of a luddite.

It's just a marketing term for bog standard software.

Yes, you would know.

Anyway, like all women, you will wait on the sidelines watching men do all innovating.

Then once all the work is finished and there's lots of money being made you will be crying that there aren't enough women being represented.

Many such cases all over the world and throughout human history.
amiga500  5 | 1523
30 Dec 2023   #8
There isn't even any such thing as AI. It's just a marketing term for bog standard software.

LolzoI I heard Irish were stupid but I never realised they were THAT stupid.
Novichok  4 | 8992
30 Dec 2023   #9
Anyway, like all women, you will wait on the sidelines watching men do all innovating.

...and telling them that it won't work...
Poloniusz  5 | 970
30 Dec 2023   #10

Agreed. Feminists like the lowbrow Irish housewife can only build themselves up by trying to tear men down.
Novichok  4 | 8992
30 Dec 2023   #11
Smart wife-dumb husband commercials are so funny...They never show how the husband is driven to insanity trying to teach his wife how to operate the DVR or car radio.
Poloniusz  5 | 970
30 Dec 2023   #12
Smart wife-dumb husband commercials are so funny...

I thought that it was sad that they could always find some schmuck to play the role of the dumb husband but then concluded he was likely being paid more than the woman playing the smart wife.
Atch  22 | 4299
30 Dec 2023   #13
you will be crying that there aren't enough women being represented.

I totally disagree with gender quotas.

Foolish words of a luddite.

Informed words of somebody who actually understands how computers and software function. Have you ever written a program, in any language? Do the words 'hello world' mean anything to you?

There is no 'AI'. It's just software.
Novichok  4 | 8992
30 Dec 2023   #14
There is no 'AI'. It's just software.

So is a five-buck calculator.
AI is software so smart that humans can't tell if it's a PC or another human being. Add to this the ability to learn and make choices and we have a real problem.

My prediction:
Tech nuts will one day bestow legal personhood on robots to make sure we will not be able to kill them without a court hearing. Abortions, however, will still be available on demand.
amiga500  5 | 1523
30 Dec 2023   #15
There is no 'AI'. It's just software.

That's like saying the human mind is just meat.
Novichok  4 | 8992
30 Dec 2023   #16
...or that an unborn baby is just a blob...
Atch  22 | 4299
30 Dec 2023   #17
AI is software

And that's all it is.
Novichok  4 | 8992
30 Dec 2023   #18
Therefore, Einstein = cat. Both have brains.
Poloniusz  5 | 970
30 Dec 2023   #19
I totally disagree with gender quotas.

You already stepped in your own muck. Backpedaling now won't help you save face. You're only making a bigger mess of yourself.

There is no 'AI'.

Look, we get it.

You aren't qualified to speak on this topic like amiga500 said and you are just another female naysayer like Novichok pointed out.

It's just software.

That's like saying the Wright brothers' planes were just wooden frames covered in canvas and nothing more could become of their work.

And yet just 66 years later (basically one lifetime) men landed on the Moon and today airplanes crowd the skies in a multi-billion dollar industry carrying millions of people and millions of tons of freight all over the globe every single day.

Alan Turning is credited with being the first man to come up with the idea of software back in 1935. Now 88 years later (again one lifetime for many now) AI is being used to autonomously write software.

Oh, and drones don't need pilots either because their software is so sophisticated and use of sensors and global communications means they can fly autonomously anywhere and respond to conditions locally on their own. And these are still the early days of innovation for that sector.

For you, thinking big means importing millions of economic migrants from the third world so Western women can have a wider variety of restaurants and more options for an exotic shag without having to travel very far. For you, life is about having convenience and choice brought to you thanks to the hard work of innovation and exploration done by men.

That's why you see AI as just software. You are dismissive because you haven't derived any immediate and personal benefit from it yet.
Novichok  4 | 8992
30 Dec 2023   #20
autonomously anywhere and respond to conditions locally on their own.

There is a fundamental difference between simple machines and those that adapt to new conditions structurally.
A doorbell button is simple. A doorbell camera and a button with AI that can evaluate if the button-pushing person is a friend or foe is not simple.

An AI robot with a nuclear source of practically inexhaustible energy is the real threat since we won't be able to just unplug it.

Legally, the robot owner, like during slavery, must be liable and criminally responsible for its actions. See an auto Tesla killing a pedestrian.
Atch  22 | 4299
30 Dec 2023   #21
You aren't qualified to speak on this topic

I'm far more qualified than you are. What computer languages are you proficient in? What programs have you written? Read this book, learn how to program and then we can talk on an equal level:

Backpedaling now

And what am I supposedly back-pedalling on? Please point me to the rabid feminist posts that you imagine I've made.
Novichok  4 | 8992
30 Dec 2023   #22
What computer languages are you proficient in?

How is that relevant? Sorry for barging in, Poloniusz...
Torq  8 | 1060
30 Dec 2023   #23

... a classic, and pretty much a primer for first year students - definitely not enough to impress Amiga or Poloniusz. ;)

In one sense, you are right Atch - AI is software but I wouldn't say "just software". If we look at things like expert systems, neural networks or even simple generative/language models like Chat GPT, these things have potential to make our lives easier but can also, potentially, be quite dangerous if misused, so I wouldn't dismiss them with "oh, it's just another - a bit more complicated - 'Hello, World' program".

Just my two cents.
Atch  22 | 4299
30 Dec 2023   #24
I'm not saying it's just a 'hello world'. The point I was making was that Poloniusz doesn't even know the most basic first step in programming ie. creating a hello world program and yet he thinks he's qualified to argue about AI. But that's life Torq. Most people know almost nothing about anything! Anyway, I'd forgotten he's a total nut job.
Poloniusz  5 | 970
30 Dec 2023   #25
Sorry for barging in, Poloniusz...

Not at all. Thanks for the assistance. She's off her rocker again today and would never admit I'm right anyway.

How is that relevant?

It isn't relevant at all and she is too obtuse and obstinate to realize it.

Literally, she reads an old man's work on programming, concludes that AI is just software, and therefore it's great that "there are loads of Indians working in software jobs for companies in Poland."

Never mind that the tech industry wants AI in order to produce value and increase profits by reducing and eliminating high costs and inefficiencies caused by labor both in the tech industry itself and other sectors of the economy.

Nope, none of this matters.

Let's face it, the Irish housewife is bitter and longing for more unneeded third worlders to come to Poland so she can feel like she is back home in Ireland.
Atch  22 | 4299
30 Dec 2023   #26
an old man's work on programming

And once again you demonstrate your laughable ignorance.

therefore it's great that "there are loads of Indians working in software jobs for companies in Poland."

When did I say it was great? It's disastrous. They're generally very poor programmers; Polish companies hire them because they're cheap. It's not great that they're here but it's a fact that they're here. You were wrong - as usual.

And AI is just software.
Poloniusz  5 | 970
30 Dec 2023   #27
When did I say it was great?

What a conveniently short memory you have.

That or your disjointed posts and denials about you wrote in them suggest you are suffering from delirium.

Go read posts 1 - 4.

- "International student" complains he isn't being handed an IT job in Poland.

- Guest poster tries to share some common sense.

- You attack the guest poster calling him an "idiot' and "drunk" and then boast that "loads of Indians are working software jobs in Poland."

And AI is just software.

Read again what others have tried to explain to you.

Novichock provided you a very simple explanation:

So is a five-buck calculator. AI is software so smart that humans can't tell if it's a PC or another human being. Add to this the ability to learn and make choices,

And therein lies your problem. You are so woke that you resolutely refuse to see differences and think denying reality somehow makes you look smart and virtuous. But it doesn't. Like I already said, you are a foolish luddite and unqualified to speak on the topic of AI.
Atch  22 | 4299
30 Dec 2023   #28

Merely stating a fact.

Novichock provided you a very simple explanation:

Novichok is an old man. I thought you didn't respect old men's knowledge of programming - even the man whose knowledge gave us pretty much every operating system, browser and even the James Webb telescope.

You are so woke

I'm not remotely woke. You haven't heard my impersonation of a Nigerian TEFL teacher 'Repeat after me: ah am wantin' to deevoss mah wife in Lagos and marry mah Polish girlfriend.' Where you put the stress on the words is very important in getting the accent right. And when you're doing the Indian programmer impersonation, it helps to put the top teeth out over the bottom ones slightly. Go on - try it! You might actually enjoy yourself :)
Novichok  4 | 8992
30 Dec 2023   #29
Novichok is an old man.

Name one post of mine as a basis for this claim excluding those where I revealed my age.
Atch  22 | 4299
30 Dec 2023   #30
You voted for Reagan back in 1980.

Home / Work / Can any international computer science student get software development job in Wrocław or Warsaw?
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