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Analytical Chemistry / Chemistry jobs for graduates from abroad

Markos K  1 | -
12 Dec 2023   #1
Hello everyone
This is a long shot but here we go. I am a chemistry undergraduate studying in the UK. I finish my studies this spring, and I wanted to move to Poland with my polish gf. I do not really know Polish, and my qualifications are my bachelors degree and experience on an internship as an analytical chemist. Would it be possible to get a job on the field, or some statistics or data processing job without the knowledge of Polish? I am very fluent in English. Please let me know if anyone has any idea and thank you so much for taking the time to read this!
mafketis  38 | 11199
13 Dec 2023   #2
Would it be possible to get a job on the field

Are you an EU citizen? That removes some bureaucratic barriers (have no idea about that particular job market).
Atch  22 | 4299
13 Dec 2023   #3
Depends somewhat on where you want to move to but the fact that you don't have fluent Polish is a disadvantage;combine that with lack of industry experience and you'll be up against it. Your best bet would be to get two years experience in the UK and take Polish classes. What kind of work does your girlfriend do?
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
13 Dec 2023   #4
Please let me know if anyone has any idea

I know "indeed"is very popular in the US lately for job hunters.Try it here and see what you get,even some Govt agencies advertise here.

Home / Work / Analytical Chemistry / Chemistry jobs for graduates from abroad
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