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Polish women are not to be trusted! They are out to get American men just for money.

Holly5  1 | -
14 Apr 2011   #1
Two out of two friends got stuck! Friend number one got taken advantage of by this one Polish woman who lied, lied, lied! Let's just say V from Poland met a friend who trusted her. She hid the fact that she had been married to a nice Jewish professor, claimed abuse (there was none --- there seems to be a plastic surgeon these Polish girls go to in NY and they get injected so it looks as if they were bruised and then then go to the police for an order of protection. The next thing you know the American is arrested, he can not go near his place --- she aims for a pay off and then he finally gets to divorce her. She told my friend that her husband had died and then my friend married her --- I told him to look up the last person because I was suspicious that he was not dead. Bingo! Alive but this Polish girl had done the same thing before and now my friend got stuck with thousands in legal fees and paying her off just to get her out of his life. Now I have another friend who is dealing with another Polish girl user who is trying to destroy a family --- what my advice is to men --- is open your eyes, realize that these girls are out for money to send back to Poland and improve their lives and they do not care who they hurt! Two out of two were the same and that is why I have such a negative view of these users. Fake sweetness and smiles will cost you!
southern  73 | 7059
14 Apr 2011   #2
They are out to get American men just for money.

You are unlucky.They do this only to american men.

She hid the fact that she had been married to a nice Jewish professor

Maybe she forgot.
ShortHairThug  - | 1101
14 Apr 2011   #3
Fake sweetness and smiles will cost you!

The genuine one clearly does not work in your case, jealous perhaps?
pgtx  29 | 3094
14 Apr 2011   #4
Polish women are not to be trusted!

all of them? are you sure?
you just provided a couple of examples...

Fake sweetness and smiles will cost you!

it takes two to tango... :)
convex  20 | 3928
14 Apr 2011   #5
They do this only to american men.

Apparently only certain American men...
strzyga  2 | 990
14 Apr 2011   #6
So the conclusion is that certain Polish women do certain things to certain American men.

It's really hard to challenge that...
BBman  - | 343
14 Apr 2011   #7
I've heard a lot of stories like this. Generally men should be wary of women from poorer countries. I tend to stay away from Polish women and FOBs.
Ironside  51 | 13109
14 Apr 2011   #8
Two out of two friends got stuck!

war of the roses or war of the vaginas ?:D

Well, look at the bright side, you have at last two friends you can help and cheer them up.:)
14 Apr 2011   #9
Generally men should be wary of women from poorer countries.

Aha , your conclusion is - " poor country did that "

I tend to stay away from Polish women and FOBs.

Maybe they tend to stay away from you ?
dcchris  8 | 432
14 Apr 2011   #10
Yes 2 women speak for a nation of millions. Nothing like stereotyping and generalizing! Be afraid, yes be very afraid... Hahahaha The only thing to fear is fear itself. I personally don't believe this story at all. "My 2 friends had this happen..." Probably just a case of jealousy against a Polish girl...
14 Apr 2011   #11
that is why I have such a negative view of these users.

And not at all because they tend to be slim and pretty while your appearance shows just how much you adore burgers and ice-cream.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
14 Apr 2011   #12
Maybe she forgot.

ha ha ha southern you are funny...;)
sobieski  106 | 2111
14 Apr 2011   #13
Why Polish women would like to get Big Macs for a breakfast any time ?
Compared to pierogi not far from the Barbakan?
ShortHairThug  - | 1101
14 Apr 2011   #14
She just needs to change her strategy; I suggest showing more cleavage and leg to be more competitive on that market. I think she needs to advertise her assets a bit more to have an advantage over the competition; negative campaign on some forum won’t get her any dates. Of course if her leg is the size of an elephant this won’t work either but then she can always find comfort in food, true reason why you find MD’s every couple of blocks in the US. Cheaper than a shrink I suppose.
southern  73 | 7059
14 Apr 2011   #15
Of course if her leg is the size of an elephant this won't work either

Maybe she can find a man with proboscis.
catsoldier  54 | 574
25 Jul 2011   #16
I posted this here because I wanted to show you a funny video, I don't believe in the message, maybe there is more to the video than I see? Some deeper meaning
ukangel  8 | 56
4 Feb 2013   #17
Not new to many polish women are doing this in UK and they don't care about others feelings.not only about money,they are marriage breakers.
APF  4 | 106
4 Feb 2013   #18
It is because of prestige .. they want to be different.
Long walk
23 Apr 2014   #20
Spent the last 5 years living with a Polish woman and it was 10% calm and 90% hell. I have known many people whom have had relationships with Polish women and all have left them....not an exaggeration...ALL. Stuck in there for the sake of our child but had to leave as I was becoming suicidal. I was experiencing long winded speaches about how useless I am with the shortest lasting 2 hours. When I suggested separation she wouldnt let me leave the house, would come to my work and act aggressively and blackmail me with my child. When I finally did leave, after being given a few blows as a goodbye present, she called the police and said I assaulted her and got me locked up. Case was thrown out as the magistrates correctly pointed out that I was the one with the bleeding face..... Never again!
Crow  155 | 9721
23 Apr 2014   #21
Polish women are not to be trusted!

not truth. Every standard Polish women would always rather choose Serbian instead of American, if they choose between those two. Situation with Polish woman is that they are truly woman and very womanly. Serbians are dominant dinarid males and what are those who grow up in America?

mark my words. Great money don`t helps here. Eyes, moves and talk finishing this
pagan  2 | 26
23 Apr 2014   #22
A smart Polish woman who is after stable relationship in a long term will choose Polish man, because she knows what to expect and temperaments usually match as well as culture. In most cases such woman if she only had a choice between Serbian and American she will choose Serbian if he is not typically patriarchal. She will know very quickly that the Serbian man will appreciate her more than the American man. American men are too childish and think that they are superior if their woman is from poorer country. However, is she is a stupid Polish woman she will choose American man, few years later she will regret her decision, because she will realise that Western men can be just as temperamental as Polish men without the compensating gentlemanly factor. Also, she will realise that the so called gender equality so promoted in the West does not eventuate in real life between man and woman, woman is still expected to perform all the house duties and even more and she is not treated as a lady. She will also realise that American men also drink alcohol but unlike Polish or Serbians who drink vodka at parties or sporadically, Americans drink beer almost everyday. Then she will be shocked to know that American men value their male friendship with their male friend more than their woman, it's an Anglosaxon thing. Finally, money is kept separate and Americans are not as generous with spending their money as Polish are. Finally, woman is not the woman of the house matriarchal rule in the house does not apply the way it applies in Poland.

So that is it, personality and character do not play such a factor where all other aspects are considered.
Crow  155 | 9721
23 Apr 2014   #23
i agree to it. Poles comes first. Yes, in Poles they would see stability and that goes as priority for Polish women. i was only commenting Polish women stance if they choosing between Serbian and American. guaranteed, its not question of money. Of course, every nation has w*******, equally among women and `man`. We here speak of standard and normal Polish women
Lenka  5 | 3548
23 Apr 2014   #24
It's funny how the ppl that claim they know what Polish women like are men... I would choose character over nationality anytime. If the Polish/Serbian guy suited me more, cool but if the American guy had traits I'm looking for I would choose him. Simple as that. I wouldn't look at some mysterious national traits.
Crow  155 | 9721
23 Apr 2014   #25
but of course its not about nationality. if in situation to choose man of different nationality, Polish women would only think that it could be advantage of Poles. In her mind, it would be matter of stability, not matter of nationalism. Then, if she skip that phase and want to go into something `exotic`, nationality won`t be in question.
Lenka  5 | 3548
23 Apr 2014   #26
In her mind, it would be matter of stability, not matter of nationalism.

Stability has nothing to do with nationality. If you met a guy you judge by his character how grown up is he, not by the nationality- that argument is simply invalid.
pagan  2 | 26
23 Apr 2014   #27
It's funny how the ppl that claim they know what Polish women like are men...

That is because it takes experience and/or maturity to know that nationality is a significant factor when two people get together unless your persona differs so much from those around you that you will feel more comfortable with someone from another country. It may not be a factor if you are looking at it from distance but in close relationship, over time it becomes a huge deal.
Crow  155 | 9721
23 Apr 2014   #28
i see your point. At the end, i must agree with you. Women seek for man. That`s the ultimate truth
Lenka  5 | 3548
23 Apr 2014   #29
Listen, I met different men, of course mostly Polish, however few foreigners as well. I always looked at what kind of person the guy is not at his passport.
pagan  2 | 26
23 Apr 2014   #30
If you met a guy you judge by his character how grown up is he, not by the nationality- that argument is simply invalid.

Have you known relationships of mixed nationalities that lasted more than five or ten years? How many relationships like those have you known and if so are both parties happy? In most cases in a long run it simply doesn't work. It takes then a lot of compromising for such relationship to work and usually one partner has to be willing to give up much more than the other for the agreement to hold.

Home / USA, Canada / Polish women are not to be trusted! They are out to get American men just for money.

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