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Poles Living in the Chicago Area

Joker  2 | 2447
19 Aug 2019   #61
@Rich Mazur

I went into the city today. Guess where in Chicago this photo was taken at?

  • Yoyoyo.jpg
johnny reb  49 | 8003
19 Aug 2019   #62
Looks like a gun in his hand, lucky you didn't get shot.
What were you trying to score ?
Joker  2 | 2447
19 Aug 2019   #63
What were you trying to score ?

I stopped at the liquor store on the way to the lake.

Theres something about liquor stores in the inner city that brings out all the fine characters. lol
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
19 Aug 2019   #64
Guess where in Chicago this photo was taken at?

Where I don't want to be?
DominicB  - | 2706
19 Aug 2019   #65
Guess where in Chicago this photo was taken at?

That's an easy one once you recognize the building in the background. It's Marina Towers, so that puts you at State and Lake looking north up State.
pawian  226 | 27817
19 Aug 2019   #66
Looks like a gun in his hand, lucky you didn't get shot.

No, it was a smartphone. Joker or his passenger took a photo from the car and the black guy didn`t like it . Risky business. :):)
pawian  226 | 27817
19 Aug 2019   #67
Come on. Even trigger happy Am police officers shout: Drop it before they shoot.
Crow  155 | 9699
19 Aug 2019   #68
I telling to you people all the time. Form Polish-Serbian Winged Guard and patrol the city, while there is still time. Chicago is Our.
Joker  2 | 2447
19 Aug 2019   #69
It's Marina Towers, so that puts you at State and Lake

Very observant, Kudos:)

Joker or his passenger took a photo from the car a

Na, I was riding my bicycle to the airshow. Im not worried about anyone messing with me downtown, during the day, its not that bad

I telling to you people all the time.

And still nobody wants to listen to some ridiculous fantasy concocted inside your thick head!
Dougpol1  29 | 2497
19 Aug 2019   #70
Anybody can see that is not a gun. You are paranoid joker. And very possibly racist.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
19 Aug 2019   #71
Anybody can see that is not a gun.

No, nobody can see it's not a gun when it's dark. I mean time of day, not his pigment.

You are paranoid joker.

No, he is not. In Chicago, when it's dark and the guy is black, you assume that the black object he is holding is a gun, not a bible. Your survival rate will be much higher if you do this, rather than play stupid.

Racist = a person who knows from the FBI statistics that blacks' murder rate is 17 times higher than the whites'. Would you like me to post it?
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
19 Aug 2019   #72
If I had a firearm on me I wouldve shot at him or took off if unarmed.He looks pretty agressive from the hood in mood to asault.
Joker  2 | 2447
19 Aug 2019   #73
Anybody can see that is not a gun

I never claimed it was a gun, show me where I said this? Perhaps, you should read before you jump to conclusions and start shooting your mouth off and calling ppl racists!

. Would you like me to post it?

Not even facts can change a libs mind, its a waste of time.

In Chicago, when it's dark and the guy is black, you assume that the black object he is holding is a gun,

When its dark everything changes, you better be ready for anything from these thugs.

Im not the kind of person you would want to pick out of a crowd and mess around with either. Just saying, I did grow up on these streets as well:)

johnny reb  49 | 8003
20 Aug 2019   #74
Anybody can see that is not a gun.

Really Doug ?
And how long did it take you to determine that ?
Long enough that if it was a gun you would be gasping your last breath.

When its dark everything changes, you better be ready for anything from these thugs.

Right on as these guys don't stay alive by being dumb or being caught off guard.
The only difference between you and them is that they have nothing to lose.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
20 Aug 2019   #75
The only difference between you and them is that they have nothing to lose.

A totally brilliant comment. And the cops who typically are married with kids know it.
On my island, my cops would be required to shoot to kill after only one "put the gun down". Don't speak no english? Tough sh*t. Die.
Joker  2 | 2447
20 Aug 2019   #76
More fun in front of Marina Tower, CPD tossing a guy into the back of the meat wagon. (notice the female officer giving me the stank

Cook Country Sheriff, not so happy with motorist.......

  • CPD.jpg

  • CookCounty.jpg
Crow  155 | 9699
20 Aug 2019   #77
Let us avoid dark mood. Something more positive. Look at this beautiful pearl of Our culture at the venerable University of Chicago > The Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures

source > homepage >

And still nobody wants to listen to some ridiculous fantasy concocted inside your thick head!

Don`t say that, don`t do that. If you are Westernized, I am free to be Western. I speak from the angle which puts in focus Slavic global interests. You are free to disagree but you have to tolerate me.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
20 Aug 2019   #78
Look at this beautiful pearl of Our culture at the venerable University of Chicago

You mean that oasis of tolerance of conservative views, where going for a walk after 9 is close to suicidal, and where Michelle made such an impression at the HR that they promptly gave her a job to be a community something for close to what the US President was making at the time, which had nothing to do with her leftist mulatto husband or her skin pigment.

Quoting from

In 2005, when Obama began serving in the U.S. Senate (and his daughters turned 4 and 7), he and his wife were earning a combined annual income of $479,062. Barack Obama was paid a salary of $162,100 by the U.S. taxpayers, and Michelle Obama was paid $316,962 to handle community affairs for the University of Chicago Medical Center.

I could have done that community crap for half, but, as a white guy, I clearly didn't qualify. So much for the white privilege....

Is it just me, but the very word "community" makes me want to barf.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
20 Aug 2019   #79
I didn't think the photo would get so much attention. I might post some more from around town:)

Please post more pictures of what Polish people must endure living in the jungle of Chicago to enlighten Crow and the rest of the world.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
20 Aug 2019   #80
Polish people should learn to see the inner beauty in the black shooters, looters, and the rapists. The memories of slavery tend to make good boys do unkind things....
Miloslaw  22 | 5208
20 Aug 2019   #81
I can't even begin to imagine what life is like on a daily basis in most American cities.
Yeah, if I lived there, I would want a gun too..... a big one....
Luckily, I don't live there.
Joker  2 | 2447
20 Aug 2019   #82
Polish people must endure living in the jungle of Chicago

Johnny, there are still some nice parts of Chicago where there aren't shootings far away from ghetto. People live their daily lives without any occurrence. In fact, there are many good street festivals happening right now. Im not saying I want to move back to the city, but its not a battle zone either.

I can't even begin to imagine what life is like on a daily basis in most American cities.

I wouldn't want to stumble into the wrong area of Londionstan as well:)

  • pierogifest.jpg
pawian  226 | 27817
20 Aug 2019   #83
The memories of slavery tend to make good boys do unkind things....

Yes, that is why when Poland becomes a host country for more black guys, they will behave decently, knowing that Poles never participated in the slave trade and greatest Polish heroes even freed their slaves - Kosciuszko. Our Polish blacks will be the best immigrants ever. Just like those few who have already come and feel like Poles.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
20 Aug 2019   #84
imagine what life is like on a daily basis in most American cities.

The best way to survive in the US is to live in the American cities and avoid the African ones. If you do that you will be just as safe - most of the time. That is why the racist police is so important in spotting the outsiders who don't belong in the white areas. In the African cities, it's the locals that do the spotting and administer justice without the benefit of having a lawyer.
Miloslaw  22 | 5208
20 Aug 2019   #85
I wouldn't want to stumble into the wrong area of Londionstan as well:)

Nowhere near as dangerous as Chicago..... London Muslims are mainly pussies...... ;-)

The best way to survive in the US is to live in the American cities and avoid the African ones

Yeah, I get that!
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
20 Aug 2019   #86
Our Polish blacks will be the best immigrants ever. J

Yeah im sure their average iqs of 70 and the lowest educational attainment of any race will be a great asset to polish society...

That is why the racist police is so important in spotting the outsiders who don't belong in the white areas.

Indeed. The cops in my suburb are on it. As soon as they see a black person around they pull them over hecause they know they domt belong.

Nowhere near as dangerous as Chicago..... London Muslims are mainly pussies...... ;-)

Youre right. Difference is the brit cucks imported them willingly. Most of the blacks in the usa are leftover from the slavery era. And unlike londonistan people can defend themselves without ending up in jail. They can also voice their opinion and displeasure without cpd's thought crime division arresting them for "hate speech" or "incitement." Then theres also the problem of sharia courts and muslim schools teaching sharia and hatred for the local culture and people
Joker  2 | 2447
21 Aug 2019   #87
The best way to survive in the US is to live in the American cities and avoid the African ones

Which are all the cities that have been under Democratic control for decades.

Yeah im sure their average iqs of 70

Ive only met a few that actually like to work, most of them want to sleep all day and collect welfare benefits. I don't think Poland is going to support them. Its costing the Americans taxpayers Billions annually.
Joker  2 | 2447
21 Aug 2019   #88
Night Photography is the best! You get a totally different view of the city.

  • chicagolove.jpg

  • chicagolove2.jpg

  • chicagolove3.jpg

  • chicagolove4.jpg
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
21 Aug 2019   #89
Night Photography

...or from 500 feet above. Every town looks fantastic from that elevation until you get to the ground level and see the stores that are closed or closing. Or get robbed, raped, or both - if you are attractive enough.
Joker  2 | 2447
22 Aug 2019   #90
The Cops seem to always have their hands full.. I didn't do it, I swear!

  • Ididntdoit.jpg

  • chicagolove5.jpg

  • mirrormirror.jpg

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