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Poles Living in the Chicago Area

Crow  154 | 9535
13 Jul 2019   #31
We must turn Chicago in impregnable fortress for all our Slavic kind. Think of this. Always think of this. So when things in US worsen all our people from allover the USA can flee and find safe refuge here. Next step would be to declare Chicago a free Slavic city state.
Joker  2 | 2374
13 Jul 2019   #32
We must turn Chicago in impregnable fortress for all our Slavic kind.

You look like a total fool that has never been to Chicago and never will. You haven't a clue in regards to what's happening in Chicago or the USA for that matter.

Next step would be to declare

That you are nothing but a troll spewing Serbian propaganda on this thread and should receive another warning like you did yesterday for hi-jacking threads with your repetitive nonsense.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
13 Jul 2019   #33
Everyone moved to the suburbs,

...where it's white and safe. I used to live at Kimball and Eastwood. No way would I let my kids go to Roosevelt right across the street. So, it was bye Chicago and hello Downers Grove.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
13 Jul 2019   #34
Heh I use to go to school on Roosevelt. Great school but ****** area.

What cracks me up is even though Chicago is one of the most liberal cities it's also one of the most segregated. Seems white liberals will virtue signal... Until blacks start moving into their neighborhood
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
13 Jul 2019   #35
I meant the T. Roosevelt High School on Kimball. I lived in the building on the NE corner of Kimball and Eastwood on the second floor. The window has that white air conditioning box now.,-87.7131726,3a,60y,238.96h,87.58t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sd8FuqZ7-E3fR7YbtTJuInw!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?hl=en

The noise from the CTA trains was deafening as they went around the track curve.
pawian  226 | 27475
13 Jul 2019   #36
Yes, it`s typical, those real estate agents only show you the apartment when the trains don`t go and then they hurry you away with a very suspicious haste. That is why always insist on staying in the apartment long enough to hear those trains.
Joker  2 | 2374
13 Jul 2019   #37
I lived in the building on the NE corner of Kimball and Eastwood

Hey, that was close to my favorite lezbo bar at the corner of Eastwood and I used to live in Lincoln square, Jefferson Park and Belmont and Central. It used to be mostly Polish, like you guys said most Poles have all moved out to the burbs. Ja tez:)

There is zero crime where I live now:)

I have to say, Norridge and Harwood Heights are still hanging on though.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
14 Jul 2019   #38
Zero crime is good. According to pawian, it's because it's like El Paso and full of illegal - I am so sorry - undocumented Mexicans.

It's funny how quickly we change to raving lunatic racists - as I did - when you have a couple of very white kids who happen to be females.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
14 Jul 2019   #39
I have to say, Norridge and Harwood Heights are still hanging on though.

That's where I use to live namely Harwood Heights. We use to have an investment property in Norridge. Although HH has changed though too. When we first got there the HIP, all the stores around there and our block was all white mostly Italians, Poles, Irish, etc. Gradually the Mexicans started coming.... before long there were loads of them at all the stores in the area.

Norridge though is still hanging on and is mostly white - lots of Poles there too

There is zero crime where I live now:)

The suburb I live in is so peaceful to the point where people call the police whenever they see a black person - no joke. However, there was still a shooting last Halloween. A couple dindus crashed a party, some words were exchanged, and someone got shot.
Joker  2 | 2374
14 Jul 2019   #40
According to pawian,

I wouldnt pay much attention to what these foreigners say about America, most of them have an underlying animosity towards us and have never set foot here.

That's where I use to live namely Harwood Heights

I went to Maine South and we used to hang out at the HIP sometimes .Do you remember they used to have drive-in movie theatre? Its was a long time ago.

Norridge though is still hanging on and is mostly white - lots of Poles there too

There still are a lot of Poles that are hanging tight over there. Im thinking bc many of them never learned how to speak English and they are like a fish out of water if they dare move away? Just a theory, my friend`s mom and dad are from Poland and have lived in Norridge 30+ years now and still can't speak any English at all.
Crow  154 | 9535
14 Jul 2019   #41
Salute to all brothers and sisters of Chicago who are loyal to our cause! Only strongly!
Joker  2 | 2374
15 Jul 2019   #42
Salute to all brothers and sisters of Chicago

Right back at ya!

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Cargo pants  3 | 1425
15 Jul 2019   #43
lol joker had to look really hard what you meant:))
Joker  2 | 2374
15 Jul 2019   #44
You do know Ditka is Polish:) Dyczko, DA Bears!!
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
19 Jul 2019   #45
I bet Pulaski is rolling in his grave knowing what goes on at the street nsmed in his honor. Madison and Pulaski is arguably the biggest open air drug market in the USA.
pawian  226 | 27475
20 Jul 2019   #46
Just read a description of a similar market
The dealers were all out in the open, calling out brand names, even handing out free samples. Many people smoked crack or meth or injected heroin. They stuck needles in their arms, necks and the skin between toes. They were limp and nodding off. Some people lay on the ground looking dead.

It is really hard to believe.

Is there any way to deal with the problem? But don`t offer undemocratic solutions, like rounding then up and putting in a concentration camp in the jungle with guard towers and barbed wire. Keep to legal methods. Is it possible at all?
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
20 Jul 2019   #47
No because as soon as one crew gets locked up there's or killed another one that will replace them that same day. The only way I could think of is bringing a bunch of high paying jobs but that's not gonna happen when even people with degrees are making bullshit money.

If you were going to choose making 10 bucks an hour at some **** job or even 100 a day after taxes at some office or you make 200 300 plus everyday in cash even as a low level runner you'd do the same thing. And if you get caught you'll maybe do 6 months to a year.

Best to just let them kill each other off and not waste finite resources seems to be the only real solution.

Granted it's not really working and its not going to change. That areas been the same way decades I even came to the us. These blacks complain they live in dangerous ghettos with trash everywhere yet they're the ones perpetuating the cycle.

Chicago is becoming just like Detroit only in slow motion which imo is even worse. No wonder all the poles left.
pawian  226 | 27475
20 Jul 2019   #48
Thanks for that info. That`s sad what you write. I have never seen a place like that and wouldn`t like to, either. My only contact with drugs in the USA was when coloured guys asked me in streets: Wanna a smoke? I guess they wanted to sell me marijuana. But they were quite reserved, with this air of unassuming conspiracy, probably weed was illegal then so they had to be careful.
NoToForeigners  6 | 948
20 Jul 2019   #49
They obviously asked you for a reason junkie
Crow  154 | 9535
20 Jul 2019   #50
It is really hard to believe.

I am shocked. They will turn Pulaski in Colombia safe heaven. They only lack nargiles to fall completely.

Right back at ya!

Don`t shame yourself man, and this venerable forum, with your vulgarities. Very primitive performance, you know.
pawian  226 | 27475
22 Jul 2019   #51
Chicago is becoming just like Detroit only in slow motion which imo is even worse. No wonder all the poles left.

Hmm, some Polish Ams must have stayed, it is impossible all left.
But, where did they leave? To another city or just Chicago suburbs? If the latter, it is not leaving, just changing the address in the same city.

They obviously asked you for a reason junkie

Yes, in those times I looked like a big junkie. Today, with gray hair and half of it lost, I look like an old junkie. Do you think it is my fault? :):)

Don`t shame yourself man, and this venerable forum, with your vulgarities.

Crow, that is a perfect reply. Respect, he asked for that. I would also be scared if I were you. hahaha
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
22 Jul 2019   #52
There's some still in the city but it's mostly old generations in the traditional polish areas. That and the FOB generations kids which are very Americanized and most don't speak polish live in the typical yuppie areas

The rest moved out to the suburbs - mostly young families, dink couples like me, etc. A lot moved to Indiana and Wisconsin and even some random states like Florida, Georgia, etc. Also a lot of the older FOB generation that's now retired moved back to Poland.

From what I understand though the Polish community on the east coast namely nyc and new jersey is still in thr same old neighborhoods.

One things for certain though the amount of immigrants coming from Poland has become zilch. It's been like that the past 5 years or so although since EU accession it dramatically slowed down. There isn't really much incentive for poles to come to the USA as the economy is doing great there and after adjusting for cost of living you're basically living with the same kind of standards. And the ones that did immigrate since accession mostly went to UK, Germany some to France, Holland, etc
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
22 Jul 2019   #53
Speaking of Poles - this is a locally famous video of a half Polish gang leader (Simon City Royals) in Chicago (driver not passenger). Some of the Chicagoans will likely recognize the area - it's the north side and use to be all Polish like around Irving Park, Belmont, etc.
Joker  2 | 2374
23 Jul 2019   #54
Some of the Chicagoans will likely recognize the area

I can't imagine these 2 punks every rising up to the level of a gang leaders, they are way too stupid. Im glad they were busted, but its too bad they won't do much time before they're back out on the street again because of the lax Illinois laws and overcrowded jails.

This clown livestreams himself shooting someone, incriminating himself and the rest of the gang and looking like a total pussy doing it.

Stay in school kids!
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
23 Jul 2019   #55
The only reason why the dude driving became the leader is because he was awarded over 20 mil in a wrongful conviction case. He spent something like a decade or two for a murder.

What upsets me not so much the stupidity of people who record themselves committing crimes or posting pics of drugs, cash, guns etc is that the police can easily find out who committed a murder yet the murder clearance rate is something like 20% meaning 80% of murders go unsolved. I mean gang members literally brag about who they shot on social media. You don't have to be a detective to figure out who did what.

Yet millions are spent on chasing smollets imaginary attacker... I knew this was right away - two supposed trump supporters attacking a gay in boystown of all places and saying this is trump country lol come on...
Joker  2 | 2374
23 Jul 2019   #56
The only reason why the dude driving became the leader

That figures. I remember, when I was a kid most of the gangbangers were badasses and never used guns, instead they would beat the snot out of you with bare fists, or the occasional pipe, numb chucks, brass knuckles etc. When they would fight other gangs, they would meet in an empty parking lot or woods, it was called a "Rumble". No guns, just an all out brawl. Now these pussies drive around in expensive cars and shoot ppl for stupid reasons. Its a disgrace!
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
23 Jul 2019   #57
That's actually how the Simon city royals got started. They were essentially an all white greaser gang back up until around the 90s protecting the north side from Puerto Rican and Mexican gangs like the Latin Kings. The fights you describe only happen in Europe amongst soccer clubs (ustawki). Here people are scared to take an ass whooping and immediately reach for guns.

But ya that shooting got dude 9 years (in reality it's half) and the victim is suing dude for millions. They use to be in a lot of the Polish and Italian areas up north but lost a lot of their territory due to the Latino invasion
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
23 Jul 2019   #58
greaser gang

What's a greaser gang, Dirk?

Is that a bad area that they're driving around?
Joker  2 | 2374
23 Jul 2019   #59
Actually it used to be mostly Polish and Irish until the Latino invasion and sanctuary city policies ruined the place.

Its really not that bad, just a handful of punks like these 2 idiots ruin the whole neighborhood.

Its from the 1950`s by the way they dressed. Think Bowzer from Sha na na.... Im glad that style is long gone!

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Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
24 Jul 2019   #60
The Northside is mostly peaceful except for certain areas like Humboldt park, Hermosa, etc. Still they're nothing like the West and south side. Although those areas are changing now thanks to all the hispter yuppies working downtown who think it's cool to live in run down buildings next to ghetto section 8 tenants. Still I wouldn't want to live there because of the high property taxes, small yards, and all the taxes on things like cigs, gas, food, etc. And it's a lot of little things like whenever I get something shipped to the house they leave the package right in front of my garage or front door in full view of the street. Not once has anything been stolen. That would never happen in the city. The drivers wouldn't leave packages outside like that in the first place.

Home / USA, Canada / Poles Living in the Chicago Area

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