This city Chicago, the USA, this entire Earth becoming better place thanks to people like Trump and Blago.
Poles Living in the Chicago Area
Blago forgot that everything is on camera.
He was by the Obama forced to speak so. Obama the Chernobog.
Blago forgot that everything is on camera.
and on tape for the old golden boy.
If he ever tries to run for public office again these tapes will be played over and
What a mouth on this
That's why I assume that I am on camera every single moment outside of my house - including motel restrooms.
Blago shall prevail all Obama`s trickery.
Im no fan of Obama, but Blago got caught with his hands in the cookie jar.
Without support from and alliance with Europe, the US will never achieve a true MAGA status. It is simply impossible. Those MAGA gangsters ruling the US now are like kids lost in the foggy forest.
Your stupid post has nothing to do with Chicago, silly troll.
Pimpek, is Chicago in the US or Russia already?????
Im no fan of Obama, but Blago got caught with his hands in the cookie jar.
Your love for Blago is weak if you rather trust to yourself then to Blago.
Your love for Blago is weak if you rather trust to yourself then to Blago.
Blago may be likeable, but that doesnt change the fact that he was a bad governor. I live here-I saw it firsthand. His corruption is well documented, and the evidence is on tape. Watch video above.
Ignoring all that just because of his heritage doesnt make sense at all.
I would actually take back Blago than our current Ahole governor JB Pritzker. Hes a real douche!