that was 10 years ago...
Poles and Americans, what do you think, are we friends or enemies?
George8600 10 | 630
23 Sep 2010 #122
On the philosophical/ religious context, Kochanowski finds himself in a period where the stark traditions of religion and it's vast secularism with philosophy are diminishing. Not quite in terms of the soon to come Enlightenment or Scientific Revolution, however in terms of the Renaissance reaching back into antiquity to enthrall the arts and culture from a prior Medieval period that was quite ignorant of these ideals to the masses. That isn't to say that it was worthless. It was medieval philosophers and their platonic influences along with antiquity influences that gave head to the religious contexts and philosophy that influenced the Renaissance. The divinity in particular as seen in this Lament is very much the child perspective of St. Augustine and somewhat of Alebard whom from strong tradition of religion infused Platonic and Aristotelean thought along with much other antiquity. We see in the poem divinity being pantheistic or metaphysic with nature. However in this Lament it is more in perspective of the natural references and metaphors which are still of great importance to renaissance thinking. "Looms like a cliff above some wild and rough Shore"/"Who never came to full bloom in the light Before her eyes closed underneath your night?" are just some examples. Yet it is important to note this nature for not only does it present the nature of divinity (as opposed to Kochanowski simply referencing Hell or Satan) it also greatly liberates divinity. We see Kochanowski give possibilities of how he could have changed his past to prevent such a death and the sadness brought upon him, yet still maintains "natural sin" and the progression of his daughter to a higher-life. All these key pioneering from Augustine and his abolishing of pre-destiny and precise fate which Kochanowski could have easily been swarmed into simply saying 'it was meant to be this way', he actually questions reality and questions the ultimate end his most loved encountered.
To address literary influences, Kochanowski's education was in Italy and focuses extremely on the classics and learning of Greco-Roman philosophy and literature. He mastered Latin and Greek which allowed him to read works by many poets of the antiquity such as Homer, Theocritus, Virgil, Pindar and his most favorite Horace. It is little known but slight evidence suggests that Kochanowski's first poems ever written were in Greco-Latin. His first practices forms which he used predominately as a poet thereafter were of Plutarh's sonnets and their form. It thus can be said, that Kochanowski's main literary influences are that of the antiquity.
To address literary influences, Kochanowski's education was in Italy and focuses extremely on the classics and learning of Greco-Roman philosophy and literature. He mastered Latin and Greek which allowed him to read works by many poets of the antiquity such as Homer, Theocritus, Virgil, Pindar and his most favorite Horace. It is little known but slight evidence suggests that Kochanowski's first poems ever written were in Greco-Latin. His first practices forms which he used predominately as a poet thereafter were of Plutarh's sonnets and their form. It thus can be said, that Kochanowski's main literary influences are that of the antiquity.
Poland is only loyal when they get paid.
loyal to whom ? WTF? Do you know what are you talking about ?
**** you and your laws !
If Poland was opposed to communism after the German occupation they would have done the same thing in 1946 like they did in 1922. The fact is, the Polish people embraced communism in the 1940's. The Poles lived under Polish communism not Russian communism.
What?are you serious?You know that the WTC was an inside job ! You did it yourself and then blame somebody else!
You know that the WTC was an inside job !
Jeez, no one knows that. It's just another conspiracy theory. Like always some people choose this some people choose that.
It's just another conspiracy theory
Just like the Russians crashed the Polish airplane?
How come Ironsides isnt hollering about that??
Its easier for him to bash America,,we all know his agenda!
How come Ironsides isnt hollering about that??
Because Soviets were Poland's "best friends" maybe ? lol
Soviets did so much for Poland and no one seems to remember it except for the "liberation" of Poland. How about the invasion of Poland, how about killing Polish officers in Katyn etc...
Not to mention what the Soviets did to Poland's neighbor next door in 1933, starving to death between 7-11 millions of Ukrainian people. How come no one is talking about that?
Its easier for him to bash America,,we all know his agenda!
Yep, it seems like it's his favorite waste of time :-)
ShortHairThug - | 1101
23 Sep 2010 #127
You Yanks have a long way to go, a lot to learn about sarcasm, you’re just clumsy at it, hopeless really.. At the end of the day your statements come across as primitive, the reasoning; well let’s just say as that of the simpleton. No wonder so many think of you as Idiots. With those comments you’re just reinforcing those stereotypes, not really helping yourself in the long run. Simply put digging your own grave. If you catch my drift.
Don't even start with stereotypes :-) I could make a long list vice versa too. What do you think, what's your reputation around the world? I'm not going to even start with it. No need to insult the entire Polish nation in return just because of some wanna be "intellectual" is trying to insult ours. Open your eyes and see what we've (us stupid Americans) achieved in just a little bit over 200 years, and compare it with your achievements much about "simply digging your own grave" ............Think next time before you say something !
Chicago Pollock 7 | 503
24 Sep 2010 #129
What?are you serious?You know that the WTC was an inside job ! You did it yourself and then blame somebody else!
Ironside, just look at the thread "What was better in Poland under communism?" The proof is in the pudding.
Yes, WTC was an inside job. Of course. How else could those planes slip through our air defense?
Mr Grunwald 33 | 2134
24 Sep 2010 #130
How else could those planes slip through our air defense?
It wasn't exactly an military plane with Russian/Soviet markings or something ;p
Or Japanese painted "KAMIKAZE" on their sides
Most Americans don't even know where Poland is so I would neutral as they don't see Poland as an enemy either I guess... NATO? Anyone?
Poland bought F 16 ($6.5bilion just for the planes).Where is the the offset?
Poland got paid lots of money for this, Polish soldiers would do anything to leave Poland, nobody forced them. besides the US military does not represent the Americans. We don't support the war but are forced to pay for it with our tax money, we want our troops back but the military is another form of a system America has no say so, which some people think it's all Americans that want this. We Americans don't want this but have no choice
Poland allowed you to set up missile defence base (this s h i t is to defend US not Poland).
And that's the Polish side of the story. Didn't know America borders Poland and needs a defensive system way over the pond. When we denied the missile defense system, the Poles were all mad that "Americans not putting misile no more". Now you got it, and now they complain they did. You can never satisfy a Pole.
When we denied the missile defense system, the Poles were all mad that "Americans not putting misile no more". Now you got it, and now they complain they did. You can never satisfy a Pole.
Yep, no matter what we do, it will never be good enough and then they wonder why we get this "I don't give a damn attitude".
Poland bought F 16 ($6.5bilion just for the planes).Where is the the offset?
For one, Poland now has F16s. Second, there were offsets, that's one of the main reasons that LM won the contract. Marshall Center has a good writeup on it.
Plastic Pole52 - | 67
24 Sep 2010 #134
Interesting read Convex.Still if that was up to me PAF would be flying Grippens.And hey,we need to add CIA "black site" in Kiejkuty to the list of favors regardless of what corrupted crooks (KwaĆniewski,Miller etc)say.
Marshall Center has some excellent writeups, lots of meat, little potatoes.
The F16s are an excellent choice considering Polish security and economic needs. While I like the Grippen, I'm not sure it was the correct choice for the PAF. Considering training and parts availability, the F16 wins out every time. Poland has no AWACS or tankers, so it will be dependent on partners for a good time to come in order to put up a decent fight in the air. Might as well go with what your biggest partner is flying :)
Poland is making those decisions in the interest of Poland, not the US. Iraq and Afghanistan are about power projection and training, which is something that is important to Poland.
The F16s are an excellent choice considering Polish security and economic needs. While I like the Grippen, I'm not sure it was the correct choice for the PAF. Considering training and parts availability, the F16 wins out every time. Poland has no AWACS or tankers, so it will be dependent on partners for a good time to come in order to put up a decent fight in the air. Might as well go with what your biggest partner is flying :)
Poland is making those decisions in the interest of Poland, not the US. Iraq and Afghanistan are about power projection and training, which is something that is important to Poland.
Poland is making those decisions in the interest of Poland, not the US. Iraq and Afghanistan are about power projection and training, which is something that is important to Poland.
Absolutely right. No one is doing here favors to anyone.
25 Sep 2010 #137
Poland got paid lots of money for this,
how much?
Polish soldiers would do anything to leave Poland,
No, I'm pretty sure they'd be more happy to stay in Poland and go home for supper every night to their wives and kids.
besides the US military does not represent the Americans.
Now I'm curious: WHO do they represent then?
Chicago Pollock 7 | 503
25 Sep 2010 #138
Now I'm curious: WHO do they represent then?
no matter what the american governments stance on poland, i will always love poland and consider poles my brothers and sisters.
District12a 2 | 12
5 Sep 2011 #140
obviously friends
Poles and Americans, what do you think, are we friends or enemies?
By viewing some of the negative posts I see at times on the forum, it may be a difficult question to answer.
14 Dec 2017 #142
Not sure why every topic seems to turn into an America bashing. Do Americans bash Poland?
My great grandparents came from Poland in the 1870's and we try to maintain our Polish roots. Are we Polish? No, we are a mixture of cultures. But still we think of ourselves as Polish American.
I don't know of any of my friends, Polish American or not, who have ever said anything negative about Poland.
I do like to believe that the US would defend Poland if someone attacked it.
My great grandparents came from Poland in the 1870's and we try to maintain our Polish roots. Are we Polish? No, we are a mixture of cultures. But still we think of ourselves as Polish American.
I don't know of any of my friends, Polish American or not, who have ever said anything negative about Poland.
I do like to believe that the US would defend Poland if someone attacked it.
Not sure why every topic seems to turn into an America bashing.
Its because this forum is filled up with expat trolls that hate America.
The EU is crumbling and most countries except Poland are under an Islamic invasion and their leaders refuse to stop it.
These internet trolls are jealous bc we dont follow them down the same dark hole and America is becoming more prosperous every day.
I don't know of any of my friends, Polish American or not, who have ever said anything negative about Poland.
In the real world Poles and Americans get along great! I have many Polish friends as well and they are all happy to be living in America.
I wouldn't use this forum as a barometer at all regarding Polish- Americans relations.
I do like to believe that the US would defend Poland if someone attacked it.
Of course we would!
delphiandomine 86 | 17823
14 Dec 2017 #144
The EU is crumbling
In your dreams. The EU is strong as ever, no matter what some American dreams of.
America is becoming more prosperous every day.
Strange. Other Americans on this forum feel differently, not least about the failing of the dollar and the rise of the Chinese.
Of course we would!
Hahahaha. Yeah, just like you helped bomb the hell out of Christian Serbs on behalf of Muslim Kosovans.
Low and behold the main troll has show up.
Ask him how many times he has been banned from here?
FYI delphiadope, take a look at our stock market... it's breaking records almost on a daily basis... haha
As for Europe crumbling all I need to do is point to Londonistan, Berlin or Paris as the prime example of failed PC policies that ruined your countries.
Low and behold the main troll has show up.
Ask him how many times he has been banned from here?
FYI delphiadope, take a look at our stock market... it's breaking records almost on a daily basis... haha
As for Europe crumbling all I need to do is point to Londonistan, Berlin or Paris as the prime example of failed PC policies that ruined your countries.
johnny reb 49 | 8003
14 Dec 2017 #146
The EU is crumbling
They know it and that is why they are trying to nullify the Brexit even though the populace voted for it.
Without the U.K.'s money the EU is crumbling quickly.
The U.K. is having a bad enough time supporting the Muslim invasion without supporting the rest of the E.U. too.
America is becoming more prosperous every day.
Yes the stock market shows that as it is breaking all time high records every day making the U.S.D. stronger then ever.
They even raised interest rates again yesterday.
Thank you President Trump for putting America back to work and getting people off foodstamps and welfare.
Of course we would!
Depends on what kind of an attack.
If the Polish soldiers have the option to see combat or not I may think twice before I lay my life down for them.
It happened in France in WW2 and I doubt America will ever let it happen again.
The EU isnt trying to nullify Brexit - they have told them to pay the cash they owe and leave in 2019. It is the British parliament that is having second thoughts
delphiandomine 86 | 17823
14 Dec 2017 #148
FYI delphiadope, take a look at our stock market... it's breaking records almost on a daily basis... haha
Do keep using terms like "our", "my" and so on in relation to America.
johnny reb 49 | 8003
14 Dec 2017 #149
It is the British parliament that is having second thoughts
There was a most humorous British lady on talk radio (Hannity) yesterday that was talking about it.
She said that even though the people voted for it that the Parliament was reconsidering. WTF
She was ask if the vote were to be taken again today would the people still vote to exit and she said absolutely.
Thank you for correcting me on that cms as you are totally right.
delphiandomine 86 | 17823
14 Dec 2017 #150
he Parliament was reconsidering. WTF
Sovereignty is in the hands of Parliament.
It's one of the most basic aspects of British democracy.