In my opinion, its false that Polish are so oppressed by everyone. Sure they are very belligerent, like most European nations and have lost more wars then won, but thats more about the lack of infrastructure and social organization.
I don't really think that Hungary is the best friend of Poland, its just a symbolic friendship - if a million Polish wen to live in Hungary there would be a civil war there.
The true friend to Poland, that has done more for Poland is the USA.
We have taken in millions of poor, starving Polish, given them food, jobs and freedom.
We protect Poland from Russia (if you don't agree with me, imagine what the European map would look like without US military presence there).
American companies give millions of Polish jobs inside and outside of Poland, and we give Poland modern goods, services that they never had before.
I think America is the best friend Poland has, and the Italian worship and Hungary "friendship" is all dust in the wind.
Does anyone disagree that America has done more for Poland than any other country in history?
imagine what the European map would look like without US military presence there
The same, although the American football team would have less Germans playing for them.
Does anyone disagree that America has done more for Poland than any other country in history?
Yea, most people will disagree. Poland however, will always suck America's knob, coz Yankie Doodles keep on promising visa reforms, which won't happen.
I don't think our kindness and charity to Poland will ever be reciprocated but oh well, at least we tried, unlike Italy, Britain, Serbia and Hungary, countries that Polish claim to admire and look up to.
What did I say that is incorrect and that offended you so much?
I'm no offended.
Come on then show me some proof of what you're saying. Maybe you'll change my opinion. TBH, I don't think many countries have ever really helped Poland. A few have helped Poland to help itself, but for the most part, Poland's kinda been on its own.
The reason being that historically, Poland stepped on many toes over the course of history and many neighbouring countries wanted nothing to do with it.
But come on then, give some links to prove what you're saying.
Smurf - you need a LINK to know that America took in millions of poor, starving Poles and gave them food, shelter, jobs and freedom?
Surely, you most know history a bit more than that?
I think the OP is hermetic to irony when the topic is about the so-called generosity of the US.
Look I don't need a "thank you" or anything, but it would be nice to hear a Pole at least acknowledge that my people feed then and protect them, instead of the scowling anger, and pointless jealousy they show towards us.
The usa is a goid ally. I am a bit sick of people saying the brits are not they have 600k poles or more certainly doing their part. I also disagree they will not return the favour its just they cannot yet. We shall see.
Honestly I hear alot of Polish people bashing Britain about real and imaginary grievances, but it does seem that Britain is taking in a lot of poor Polish people that Poland can't support itself.
They seem to resent Anglo-Saxon freedoms the same way Islam does.
Have you heard of General Andrzej Tadeusz Bonawentura Kościuszko, I think he did his bit for American Independence. Cant see any problems with Polish American relations (Except maybe Yalta), The more positive foreign investment in Poland the better.
I don't think one single guy fighting on our side is of any real significance. The Hessian Germans abandoned the other side and came over to us in the thousands. the USA is far more German in blood and culture than Polish, one reason we are so advanced and tolerant of other cultures - Germans come from the West, not Scythia.
Poland has no real historical grievance against USA
well, how could Poland have historical grievance against USA when is USA far younger then Poland? God didn`t even have plans for USA when Poland was world power.
On the other side, even so young, USA managed to be part of German `Drang Nach Osten`. Yes, yes, we all knows that USA magnates collaborated with Hitler while the madman pledged to exterminate Poles.
In my country Anglos are now considered to be practically one with Germanics. Their deeds suggest that conclusion.
I think the Poles would love to thank Roosevelt and Eisenhower for allowing the Soviet Union to install a puppet regime from 1944 to 1989. America stood by and watched for 2 years after the Nazis (and then the Soviet Union) invaded Poland in 1939.
Britain lost it's empire trying to defend Poland and Europe against the Nazis. What has the USA given up to help Poland? Oh that's right, nothing! You won't even let them have tourist visas in case they decide they want to stay.
I think that USA has taken in people from every country in the world that is older than the USA to allow it to become so powerful.
USA only does something if it will benefit their power hungry politicians, they have never been interested in anyone but themselves.
In my country Anglos are now considered to be practically one with Germanics.
Thanks for the compliment.
Britain lost it's empire trying to defend Poland.... I'm not going to comment here, but if these guys really are the ppp's (proud polak patriots) they claim to be, they are going to flame you to death for this.
I don't think so. Most Polish I know understand that Britain tried to help Poland in 1939. The Polish Army, Navy and Air Force fought within the British Armed forces structure in their own formations.
The real question is "Where would the weak Republic be without the glorious nation of Poland?" From it's founding America has relied upon Polish military genius and leadership to help it's poor and failing armies march on against the English onslaught. Today, a country made up of immigrants, which looks to this European nation for enlightenment and guidance, should take a moment, a day, a week, a whole month, to commemorate the contributions and sacrifices the Poles have made to fortify and glorify these lost souls. From Scarlett Johansson or Sasha Grey to Zbiegniew Brzezinski and Alan Greenspan, without Polish blood America would have stumbled and fallen into its own feces decades, if not centuries ago.
Please take a moment to mention some of your favorite Poles who have tried to lead the Yankee swine out of the darkness...
Now that I have humbled myself I will take a few moments to exclaim the greatness of Polish Americans who have heaped jeremiads of wisdom to us American children.
Ted Kaczynski - taught us that technology isn't everything and that "going back to nature" is a good option.
Richard Kuklinski - Another Polish American founding father taught us that putting meat on the table for the wife and kids means working overtimes, very often.
Sasha Grey - taught me that humans are capable of stretching their limits beyond what I ever had imagined before.
you need a LINK to know that America took in millions of poor, starving Poles and gave them food, shelter, jobs and freedom?
Yea, I want proof.
Did they really take them in, or did Poles just move there? Like Brits, Irish, Germans, French? Were they given free food? No. Were they given free shelter? No Were they given jobs, or did they have to look for them themselves? Freedom? Yea, sure, the land of the free me hole.
Proof laddie, give us some actual proof. Coz they only thing you've proven so far is you're full of wind.
Cant see any problems with Polish American relations (Except maybe Yalta),
Yes, Yalta was a shocking treachery. Roosevelt earnestly treated the USSR as an ally, Poland didn`t matter at all. He did his best to block the truth about Katyn Massacre in the USA. He also asked Stalin to keep silent about their deal with new Polish borders until after US elections - he was hoping to get the votes of American Polonia.
That is why it is so strange there is still one Roosevelt Street in Poland. It is in Poznań.