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Is Poland accepting incoming airplanes coming from the USA?

Polakito  3 | 1
4 Jun 2020   #1
As the title says.

At which phase of opening is Poland in right now?
PolAmKrakow  2 | 874
4 Jun 2020   #2
Yes. Very limited flights. But in order to get into Poland you need to be a citizen, or resident or have some other official documents requiring your entry.
Crow  154 | 9541
4 Jun 2020   #3
Like in a book Starship Troopers?
PolAmKrakow  2 | 874
4 Jun 2020   #4
Like through chartered flights that have ticketing through airlines. Like you get notified by the embassy if one is available via email. Flights every day to and from Warsaw.
Crow  154 | 9541
4 Jun 2020   #5
Then accept all airplanes. Make Warsaw center of Europe. If you fail Belgrade will do it
30 Jul 2020   #6

Travel to the US

I am curious as to whether Poland (Gdansk) is allowing its citizens to travel to the US. Actually he is a dual Polish/US citizen. And how much one way tickets are right now.
pawian  226 | 27510
30 Jul 2020   #7
whether Poland (Gdansk) is allowing its citizens to travel to the US

Yes, of course.

And how much one way tickets are right now.

The cheapest one-way to NYC is about 1600 PLN.

Check this site
30 Jul 2020   #8
Thank you. Very helpful. He will be flying into DFW hopefully.
Joker  2 | 2377
31 Jul 2020   #9
And how much one way tickets are right now.

Theyre super cheap right now! I got tickets for $660 per person roundtrip from Chicago, its the perfect time to buy...

Fly LOT to Poland, theyre the best!

I seen tickets as low as $400 a few months ago, coz of the ChinaVirus
Crow  154 | 9541
31 Jul 2020   #10
Is Poland accepting incoming airplanes coming from the USA?

If I am Poland I would accept. Everything what coming from USA. Now I understand wisdom of brat Duda when he offered to President Vucic, to buy USA gas and not Russian, no matter that USA gas have double bigger price. Duda is wise. Duda creates maneuverable space. He knew that EU`s penis fall and didn`t want it to fall on Poland. I think my country is not wise enough. We preparing to receive it.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
31 Jul 2020   #11
Fly LOT to Poland, theyre the best!

Good luck getting your money back...
Crow  154 | 9541
1 Aug 2020   #12
Smaller planes are future but, some regions, Poland included, would preserve larger fleets. That is decided. We see it by other signs. Poland is to become one of core regions of future emerging global power from Balkan to Baltic. And every world power would preserve some resemblance of larger airplane transportation. Sure, later would even them shift ways of passenger transports when technology allow for it.

LOT do have serious future. Rare would survive and LOT is among them.
ShawnH  8 | 1488
1 Aug 2020   #13
Still waiting for our refunds. We were supposed to fly in April for a wedding and a side trip to Italy. Maybe next year.
Crow  154 | 9541
1 Aug 2020   #14
What refunds? Progress have its price. Somebody have to pay it.
ShawnH  8 | 1488
1 Aug 2020   #15
I paid for a service to a company that provides that service. If i do not receive that service, I should expect a refund.

What "progress" is there is taking people's money and not providing the service?
Joker  2 | 2377
1 Aug 2020   #16
We were supposed to fly in April for a wedding and a

Since they cancel the flight they should definitely pay you. I know several ppl that are unhappy with them as well. Ive always had a good experience, hope im not next to get screwed around.😳 I wont be traveling until next spring. I like Aer Lingus and British Airways is ok too.
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
1 Aug 2020   #17
I booked with Lot but they cancelled and am waiting for a voucher valid for 1 year,been 11/2 months no response.I flew Lufthansa and going back in same.
ShawnH  8 | 1488
1 Aug 2020   #18
Honestly, from YYZ to WAW, Lot is the only one that makes sense for me. Always a good experience, but I get why they are holding onto my cash, but if i was really pressed, it would hurt a whole bunch more.

Home / USA, Canada / Is Poland accepting incoming airplanes coming from the USA?

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