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Polish people in LA / California

phillygirl  1 | 1
12 Oct 2007   #1
I ve been living in Philly for over 3 years, lately have been traveled to LA at least once a month to see my b/f. He's just asked me to move in with him. I am happy however I have some second thoughts, heard many bad things about LA. Personally I didnt get to like that city. Anyways are there any Polish people who are in need of a good friend? I dont know anybody except my b/f. I'd love to meet some girls. Age is not important to me. I am myself in my 20s. Are there any polish stores, a church, a club? I need polish food to exist LOL!
beckski  12 | 1609
12 Oct 2007   #2
You've just missed the Polish Bazaar in Los Angeles. It's held yearly at Our Lady of the Bright Mount church, on the last Sunday in September.
shewolf  5 | 1077
12 Oct 2007   #3
There's a club called L.A. Polonia:

I just checked the site. There's going to be a big festival this weekend in Santa Monica.
cynnomin  - | 1
1 Nov 2007   #4
I go to a Euro-Market that has tons of Polish (imported) foods in Santa Monica (1128 Wilshire Blvd). I know of two restaurants, as well. Warszawa (Santa Monica - Best food and a lot of fun) and Polka (near Glendale in Los Angeles - Much better food than how it appears and family owned).
dinofaustino  - | 1
14 Feb 2008   #5
Do you know of any Single Polish girls in the San Diego area? We have a Polish festival down here every October but I am hoping to meet a Polish girl before then.
jamesams1357  - | 35
14 Mar 2010   #6
no theres not many polish lot of mexicans and blacks i near got killed there
archiwum  12 | 122
9 Nov 2012   #7
Merged: What is the Polish population in Los Angeles?


What is the Polish population in Los Angeles?
beckski  12 | 1609
10 Nov 2012   #8
Likely under 1 percent. We are fortunate to have a Polish Catholic church in Los Angeles.
Nacjonalista  4 | 95
10 Nov 2012   #9
Is there a Polish neighborhood in LA?
beckski  12 | 1609
10 Nov 2012   #10
Not to my knowledge. The church has been there for decades though.
Nacjonalista  4 | 95
19 May 2013   #11
Good site I found:

Los Angeles from what I heard also has a good size Russian and Ukrainian population.
beckski  12 | 1609
20 May 2013   #12
First time I've ever heard of Polish Happy Hour in Los Angeles area.
Nacjonalista  4 | 95
20 May 2013   #13
Beckski can you recommend some good white areas to live around LA? That is not too expensive either as I need to rent a cheap apartment or bedroom. You can PM me if you want.
archiwum  12 | 122
23 May 2013   #14
West Los Angeles-Expensive

North Hollywood-Maybe

Zuma Beach-Expensive


Ventura County-Somewhere

Orange County is to expensive
beckski  12 | 1609
23 May 2013   #15
Orange County has many nice areas; especially the coastal sections. Irvine is a good choice in terms of safety issues. There's also a Polish church nearby in Yorba Linda.
26 Feb 2018   #16
Wait so there are others that know Polish in Cali!! I felt so lonely being the only one who knew Polish in my area
24 Sep 2019   #17
Czy jeszcze tam mieszkasz? Im polish and I'm looking for room to rent in LA are.
Joker  2 | 2447
25 Sep 2019   #18
Why even bother to pay rent in LA? You can just pitch a tent on the beach and they wont do a thing about it, but it could get a little tough at night.

Wait so there are others that know Polish in Cali!!

Na, they got out of that place like the rest of the gringos.
pawian  226 | 27817
26 Sep 2019   #19
but it could get a little tough at night.

The tides are rough?
Miloslaw  22 | 5198
26 Sep 2019   #20
No, the people are.
Poloniusz  5 | 969
19 Jul 2020   #21
Is there a Polish neighborhood in LA?

No longer but an interesting study was done on the former Polish community in Los Angeles:

Ethnic Identity and Assimilation: The Polish-American Community. Case Study of Metropolitan Los Angeles.

Link to the Title:

The study is paywalled but copies of this now out-of-print book sometime become available.

It explains that Poles were significant in the City of Los Angeles at the turn of the last century but improvements in communication and transportation dispersed them to the suburbs.

And, as mentioned in other threads on PolishForums, hostile and active discrimination against Polish identity in America left an inaccurate and undeserved stigma of low status among first and subsequent generations of Poles. This targeted negative stereotyping dissuaded many, especially younger Poles, from maintaining their heritage.

Their story is another tragic but unexpected example of diversity being a delusion.

Na, they got out of that place like the rest of the gringos.

There is an excellent and damning video titled "The Fall of California" which gives an unvarnished explanation for this:

The title could easily be applied to the entirety of the United States, or Britain, or Sweden, or France, and perhaps even Poland someday in the future.

Unsurprisingly, the Maoist censors at cultural marxist controlled YouTube rabidly despise this video and play a game of Whac-A-Mole trying to purge it; only for it to be reposted by a band of resistance fighters who do not regard the truth as being a form of hate speech.
cms neuf  2 | 1941
19 Jul 2020   #22
Yet many soviet refugees have made good lives for themselves in California - including of course System of a Down and the founders of Google.

Must be something about the place that is better than Moscow ?
pawian  226 | 27817
19 Jul 2020   #23
hostile and active discrimination against Polish identity in America

Their story is another tragic but unexpected example of diversity being a delusion.

Does it mean the arrival of immigrant Poles to the USA contributed/added to diversity on American soil which later turned out a delusion? Funny view I must say. hahaha
Poloniusz  5 | 969
19 Jul 2020   #24
Immigrant Poles contributed much to America in terms of their knowledge, skills, labor, and even their very lives to the defense of their newly adopted country.

The arrival of Poles could and should have contributed to diversity in America. But America did nothing to support Polish communities from maintaining the Polish language, Polish traditions, etc. And as pointed out here and in other threads, Poles were not only unsupported but singled-out, discouraged and even shamed by the broader society into abandoning Polish identity and instead assimilating into a bland melting pot of nothingness save law-abiding, tax-paying consumerism.

That is not the case with other immigrant groups in America who (unlike Poles) can and do receive private and government funding to have education provided to them in their native languages and teachers who share their identity. Who have laws written to give them preferential treatment in hiring decisions based on their national origin; a privilege which does not extend to Poles. Who have entire months of the year set aside by the government which funds events to publicly celebrate the history and culture of their own distinct groups based on their national origin; yet again another privilege which does not extend to Poles.

Why else do you think Polish landmarks in the United States were recently attacked and vandalized by these privileged groups? Because it is the delusion of diversity which demands respect be given to these privileged groups and refused to others like Poles.
pawian  226 | 27817
19 Jul 2020   #25
But America did nothing to support Polish communities from maintaining the Polish language, Polish traditions, etc.

Because America has always been a ruthless country where every man/woman is for himself/herself. It is strange you don`t know it and seem to be surprised the USA isn`t a charity. No, it isn`t.

Poles were not only unsupported but singled-out, discouraged and even shamed

Were they singled out and humiliated as the only minority or it also happened to other minorities?

abandoning Polish identity and instead assimilating into a bland melting pot

But America`c concept of a country has always been based on the idea of a melting pot. Why do you want to turn back the tide now? Do you imagine all this mess and chaos if the USA weren`t a melting pot?????

a privilege which does not extend to Poles.

Stop crying. In a ruthless country, you only get priviliges that you are able to secure for yourself on your own. Poles were never strong lobbysts of their cause in the USA, hence they are overlooked and ignored. Simple.

I can say it is also your fault - as a person of Polish descent, instead of fighting for more priviliges for Polish minority, you are wasting time in the casual discussion forum. Drop this useless complaining and perpetual whining, stand up and fight for your fekking rights at last!
Poloniusz  5 | 969
19 Jul 2020   #26
seem to be surprised the USA isn`t a charity. No, it isn`t.

Just watch the news or read up on American policies and legislation. You don't even need to go very deep. You'll be very surprised that the USA most certainly extends charity to certain, special interest groups (but not Poles).

Were they singled out and humiliated as the only minority or it also happened to other minorities?

Many Slavic groups were also on the receiving end of similar mistreatment. But since this is PolishForums we are discussing Poles.

You can point to other groups like Asians, Africans, Hispanics and say they are minority groups who also had it rough in America. Whether they did or not ultimately doesn't matter because as I previously stated such groups are now privileged in America and have government backed policies and programs that favor them.

Poles are not formally recognized as a distinct minority group in America (and never would be either) even though the numbers alone support such as status.

Do you imagine all this mess and chaos if the USA weren`t a melting pot?

And that's why diversity is a delusion. The expectation of assimilation in America was ruthlessly applied to Poles and Poles living in America today enjoy no privileges because of it. Other groups on the other hand not only showcase their national origin but the government and even corporations encourage them to preserve and celebrate it and will give them preferential treatment as well because of it. And that is why the USA is in the chaotic mess you see today.

In a ruthless country, you only get privileges that you are able to secure for yourself on your own.

Exactly. And it's only ruthless for some (like Poles) and smooth sailing for others. As stated, Poles are a numerical minority in America. All the aforementioned privileged groups have many lobbying organizations acting full-time on their behalf. Any Polish organizations which do exist are not and never were lobbying groups because they don't have the money that is needed to influence politicians. And sadly many are comprised and run by people in your age group and so they have your virtue-signaling mindset and would rather chant "diversity rulez (sic)" and spend time and what little resources they have championing anything that isn't Polish.
pawian  226 | 27817
20 Jul 2020   #27
he USA most certainly extends charity to certain, special interest groups (but not Poles).

Did they receive that charity for nothing, or they fought for it ?

You say not Poles. Do Irish or German minorities receive any subsidies, too?

Many Slavic groups Asians, Africans, Hispanics are minority groups who also had it rough in America. such groups are now privileged in America

Wow, now I am really impressed by your sincerity. I thought you would shun my question as usual and I would have to reiterate it over and over again.

Now, pray tell me, why those minorities enjoy priviliges unknown to Poles.

And that's why diversity is a delusion

Of course it is a wrong presumption. The United States is an amazing and daring experiment. No other country in the world has so successfully blended millions of people of different race, background, culture and language. Yet, though blended into one American nation through the melting pot, they still display huge diversity. And that is the power of America. When asked, seldom do American guys think and talk about emigration - they feel good in their country

The expectation of assimilation in America was ruthlessly applied to Poles

Did it apply only to Poles or other minorities too?

Any Polish organizations which do exist are not and never were lobbying groups because they don't have the money

I heard that if you have no money in America, you are a loser and you can blame only yourself. So, it was Poles` choice they prefered to remain so tightfisted and saved their cents in the socket to buy houses and cars, instead of maintaining lobby groups who would fight for their cause.

Tell me, how is it that Hispanics moved higher up the social ladder than Poles, at least according to what you are saying here. Weren`t they much poorer than Poles before?

And sadly many are comprised and run by people in your age group and so they have your virtue-signaling mindset

Hah! And now we have finally arrived at a revelational conclusion. hahahahaha

No, I will tell you who is to blame for the lousy status of Poles in America. It is your own fault, and especially rightists like you who reject diversity. By doing so, you try to impose only one way of thinking and working out of things, and it is always only YOUR OWN way. Sorry, but it is understandable that such an approach must provoke resistance in your potential partners.

In this way, rejecting diversity, you also reject compromise which is necessary to act as one group, united. If Poles were united in the USA, politicians of various affiliations would be ready to win their support as of a powerful group of influence. But you are not united. Because of their silly character, American Poles have always been divided and at loggerheads. Why? Because some of them have retained the worst traits of native Poles: they are vengeful, aggressive, intolerant, envious and narrow-minded. I have seen it also here, in the forum when two guys of the same ideological stance, rightwing, wanted to rip each other`s throats.

All in all, it is your fault Poles are neglected and disregarded in America. Stop whining, change your old ways, give up your traditional enmity to each other and speak as one group. Then American will hear and appreciate you.

Please cut down on the number of quotes.
pawian  226 | 27817
20 Jul 2020   #28
OK, I will, thank you for understanding, you realise these discussions are very complex and require a lot of replies. I had already cut them before posting, there were 7 quotes and now there are 6. :):)

Home / USA, Canada / Polish people in LA / California

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