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15 hr. motion on a minimum wage. (USA)

archiwum  12 | 122
28 Feb 2014   #1
Anybody coming to the U.S., or who is already here. Their is a motion on a 15hr. mininum wage.

My feeling is that small businesses that have 5 employees or less, should be exempt.
mochadot18  18 | 245
28 Feb 2014   #2
Their is a motion on a 15hr. mininum wage.

HAHAHAHAHAHA Yeah like that'll happen HAHAAHA ONLY Canada has high minimum wages and its no wonder why the prices their compared to the U.S are so much higher........ Raising minimum wage wouldnt change anything inflation will raise right with it and so will the price of goods......... W/P Increases then so does the price of good.

The production cost curve wouldnt allow for prices to stay low with an increase in wage prices.
Plus if the cost per worker goes up well then their productivity better also go up, so it would either have to be an increase in productivity by the current workers, or a reduced amount of workers making the same amount that they are currently working, either way their productivity must go up

Plus you also must consider that while raising the minimum wage may help students and young workers...... Full time employees wont be seeing an increase like that within their salaries, so you will be increasing the cost of production for many manufactures and suppliers but buying power and real income of most of the working people. If anything this would really help people on like gov programs because the CPI would increase allowing them more money to buy things like groceries
Marek11111  9 | 807
28 Feb 2014   #3
and watch all the firing to get under 5 employees, the better way would be get away from a free trade agreements and bring the manufacturinut yg jobs back. to create well payed work force b you will not get that from fascist gov.
Meathead  5 | 467
28 Feb 2014   #4

You must be from money. The minimum wage in the 1960's was equivalent to over $10/hr. and the world didn't end. Workers need to make more to spend more and circulate money throughout the economy. Our economy is slow due to low wages and no one has money to spend. BTW I'm a business owner, who if he hires someone will be in the $18-$21/hr. range.
mochadot18  18 | 245
28 Feb 2014   #5
Does it matter if i'm from money??? That has nothing to do with this

You do understand though that if you increase minimum wage and the inflation rate increases by the same rate then your buying power will be exactly the same....thus you haven't changed a thing.

Now I can see increasing the minimum rate by like 2$ sure but what they are talking about is doubling it, I sure hope that then all those on salaries get to see their incomes go up 100%

Plus also please do realize many states are getting their minimum wages increase within the next few years... so like every year they are going up some .75 cents which isnt going to beat out the rate of inflation.

and also considering minimum wage was 1$ in 1960... that would equate to $7.75 in this day and age. Now in 1968 it hit an all time high that today would equate to 8.56$ but that is the all time high

Also this increase in minimum wage would NOT cause any change in income inequality what so ever either.
But over all you increase the minimum wage this much you will only be eliminating current jobs, and you will only be increasing the prices for all other goods and services.

BTW I'm a business owner, who if he hires someone will be in the $18-$21/hr. range.

...... If you owned like a mcdonalds I'm 100% sure you would not be paying that cashier 18$ HAHAHAHA different business tend to pay different amounts so i'm sure you pay the standard amount

I also do hope that you are importing and not exporting if you are located within the U.S with the recent appreciation of the U.S dollar exporting is now becoming much more expensive and importing much cheaper. Now luckily this should cause a decrease in inflation but also a low AD and lower economic growth. This would also be assuming that demand is relatively elastic for whatever you do.
Meathead  5 | 467
1 Mar 2014   #6
Does it matter if i'm from money??? That has nothing to do with this

It has everything to do with it. It's how you perceive the world. Wealthy people obsess over the value of their currency. The problem we have in the economy now (not just in the US but worldwide) is a lack of demand. Deflation not inflation. Raising the minimum wage will increase demand. Hint, Henry Ford doubled the pay of his workers in 1915 so that they could afford to buy the cars he was building, thereby increasing demand.

It doesn't help the economy when Wal Mart pays so low that the workers qualify for food stamps. That's a huge subsidy for business and contradicts the "Free Market".

As for paying fast food workers, I would have to look at their profit/loss statement. But there is something to be said for a quality workforce, that is paid well enough to hang around.
mochadot18  18 | 245
4 Mar 2014   #7
It has everything to do with it.

Alright well whatever No I did not grow up with money, i've grown up middle upper-middle class.

Raising the minimum wage will increase demand

Higher minimum wage means some job loss meaning higher prices meaning a decrease in demand not an increase.

But I hope that you do realize that this will not really affect the poverty rate at all either. I just did a research fact sheet on the cut down of unemployment benefits. So maybe instead of raising the minimum wage by 40% in most states they should put some money back into other programs that will help those who are unemployed.

Hint, Henry Ford doubled the pay of his workers in 1915 so that they could afford to buy the cars he was building, thereby increasing demand.

HEHE, really really LOL. Hint, he did this to only make more money for himself LOL. But the main reason that he did this was in fact to stop employee turnover, so he really did this to save himself money. labor turnover at the Ford Motor Company had been so high that, in 1912, 52,000 men had to be hired to retain 14,000 workers. Productivity soared and employee turnover plunged, and the cost per vehicle plummeted. "The resulting savings were so great that despite sharply rising costs for all materials in the next few years, Ford could produce and sell its Model T at a lower price and yet make a larger profit per car,"

Now also think about this, I'll admit what Ford did was a very very smart business move. But when he increase the wage he was the only one to do so. Thus making his company the one everyone wanted to work for as you got top dollar their. (His main reason was the stoppage of turnover) But now think about if the minimum wage in increased by all companies. Then that wont lower turnover because you can still make the same amount at any other company. Thus you cant bring in what Ford did back then and compare it to nowadays. 20% of a persons salary is how much it costs a company on average to have that employee quit. So now when you think back to ford

At the time, workers could count on about $2.25 per day, for which they worked nine-hour shifts. It was pretty good money in those days, but the toll was too much for many to bear. Ford's turnover rate was very high. In 1913, Ford hired more than 52,000 men to keep a workforce of only 14,000. New workers required a costly break-in period, making matters worse for the company. Also, some men simply walked away from the line to quit and look for a job elsewhere. Then the line stopped and production of cars halted. The increased cost and delayed production kept Ford from selling his cars at the low price he wanted. Drastic measures were necessary if he was to keep up this production.


So if you wanna look at it from this perspective well their are a few options, Ford did this because overall it lowered costs for him, he had just invented the assembly line witch cut down the cost tremendously and now stopped turnover at his company

1. Change from employee's to machines
2. Increase current productivity.... Which the increase in wage may do this itself but doubtfully
3. We all know that production is more expensive in the U.S than elsewhere so instead move production across the water or into mexico

It doesn't help the economy when Wal Mart pays so low that the workers qualify for food stamps. That's a huge subsidy for business and contradicts the "Free Market".

Yes well now this I actually agree with it is sad but then again at least these people have a job and aren't living under the poverty line. But again its how things work turnover at walmart is high, but the cost is lower. So its no sweat to them and their is always another new eager person ready to apply and take over.
OP archiwum  12 | 122
6 Nov 2014   #8

I only read some of you'alls postings. Starting next April, in the City Of Seattle, there will be a minimum wage of $15 hr.

There is a residency requirement of 3 months.
Cardno85  31 | 971
6 Nov 2014   #9
aren't living under the poverty line

Ummmm, does qualifying for food stamps not mean living under the poverty line??
johnny reb  49 | 8003
7 Nov 2014   #10
Hell no !
When welfare pays more then most jobs that these dead beats are capable of doing what do you expect.
Poverty pays good these days.
Our boys in the military putting their lives on the line don't make $15 an hour nor get foodstamps to buy lobster and top shelf steaks so why should some stoner that can't skip and chew gum at the same time get paid that.

Flipping burgers is a kids job to put gas in their car and buy a bag of weed not support a family with.
So when you sit home on your dead ass sucking off welfare and demand to have high speed internet ($3 a day)
cable t.v. ($3 a day) have a smart phone ($3 a day) smoke a pack and a half of cigarettes a day ($10 a day) drink a six pack of beer ($5 a day) and buy an eighth of weed ($25 a day) what the hey. Living large.

If you do the math that all adds up to over $1400 a month on sh*t that you need none of to survive.
That's $17000 plus a year for luxuries. Pleanty to pay the NECESSITY bills.
When your maximum capabilities are $7.50 an hour to flip burgers or mow lawns then I can understand why you think
you need twice that much to support your bad habits and certainly to be able to start popping out kids.
So the system offers you $15 an hour welfare plus free medical to be able to afford your life style what you gonna do ?
Sit home on your dead ass the rest of your life and let your working neighbor support you or go get an education and
make an effort to quit those bad habits and get a $15 an hour job that you actually put out $15 an hour worth of work.
You could pay $25 an hour for those kid jobs and people would still want more even though they only put out $7.50 worth of work.
Wake up Smuck, you ain't worth it.
No, give the military personel who risk their lives a huge raise way before of thinking of giving some high school kid job one.
They sacrifice their families, their lives, are away from home all while putting their future on hold.
We all can't be doctors and should get paid according to our capabilities and if that is $7.50 an hour and it isn't enough to

pay the bills get a second job so you can. Those are the work ethics that built this great nation.
Szalawa  2 | 239
7 Nov 2014   #11
So when you sit home on your dead ass sucking off welfare and demand to have high speed internet ($3 a day).

This is very true, Internet is available at your local library if you need it, cabel T.V is a waste of time, Phones should be for calling/texting, Cigarettes are good for cancer, beer should only be after a hard days work or on the weekend, weed is illegal, buying weed is funding criminal gang activity that puts people at risk.

To be honest out of all that, the only thing I need is a standard phone so I can contact clients and family, no smart phone. But again I am a student and not sitting on welfare.

Maybe not everyone can finish university, but college (in the Canadian sense) is very much doable. Or at least do a trade, easily over 15$ an hour and much better then fast food/retail etc.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
9 Nov 2014   #12
. Or at least do a trade, easily over 15$ an hour and much better then fast food/retail etc.

Absolutely !
Long haul truck drivers, for example, can easily make $2000 USD per week here in the U.S.A.
Problem is companies can not find dependable people that speak and read English to do the job and they other half can't pass the drug testing.

Up in the booming Dakota's they can't find workers period because it is "to cold" of a climate even though they pay twice minimum wage for unskilled labor.

And that is the problem, Americans have never felt the pain of war, have never gone without, have never suffred to appreciate what they have. They are SPOILED.

Poeple in Poland know what war is all about, going to the store and not having a choice of what brand to choose from, what

suffering is, what authority is, what going without is.
These people that are demanding $15 an hour do not have the skills or capabilities to put $15 an hours worth of work out.
Cut the damn welfare programs out for ALL capable workers and they would be happy for "those $8-$10 per hour jobs" that Americans won't do.

Promlem is welfare pays $20 plus an hour to watch t.v. all day, get stoned and play video games - so there is the problem.

Only in America could the rich people who pay 85% of all income tax be accused of "not paying their fare share" by people who don't pay any income tax at all.

Starting to see the big picture here ?
OP archiwum  12 | 122
21 Feb 2015   #13
Web Address for the 15hr minimum wage:
21 Feb 2015   #14
Long haul truck drivers, for example, can easily make $2000 USD per week here in the U.S.A.

You need to stick to talking about stuff you actually have some idea about.Are you a trucker?


You have no ******* clue dude!

Problem is companies can not find dependable people that speak and read English to do the job and they other half can't pass the drug testing.

No,this is not the problem you ignorant!The problem is that when you count the hours you come up with less than minimum wage per hour for all that responsibility and risk you take driving 80000 pounds rig and you have no freaking life.Drive a truck for 1 month and then we can talk.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
22 Feb 2015   #15
Yes, Yes that is the problem !
I don't know who you drive for or what kind of freight you haul.
If you are only making less than minimum wage ($7 an hour) driving long haul you better find another job.
Yes, long haul truck drivers make $2000 plus a week, not $300 per week as you suggest.
They are only allowed by law to drive so many hours a day.
Yes they work hard and yes they are never home with their families.
And yes finding drivers that are willing to sacrifice never being at home, have a license (cpl),
a clean driving record, can read and write English properly, can pass impromptu drug screening,
no criminal back ground, can pass a physical test, physically fit, and are level headed is tuff to
find in this day and age.
At least give people the benefit of the doubt before you start running your trap about being
ignorant as it makes you look REALLY ignorant.
And yes I have been back and forth across this country several times when younger in an
eighteen wheeler moving people. We did our own loading (by hand) and unloading (by hand)
and worked our ar#e off.

(side bar) I normally don't respond to non members but you are totally ignorant.
Maybe that is why you only make minimum wage driving a pack van.

Most people do not qualify to even obtain a CDL, (commercail drivers license).
The medical part alone cuts out about half the applicants.

Then add in the rest of the requirements it really cuts the field of applicants down.
Same with the commercial airline pilot shortage.

Applicants come up short to qualify for a license.

Many over qualified people are working jobs that they don't need a license for.
That is why expecting $15 an hour to put pickles on a hamburger is fantasy in
this economy.
pawian  226 | 27817
8 Feb 2023   #16
Americans have never felt the pain of war..

Holy words. Thank you for sharing your valuable opinions.
Alien  26 | 6527
3 Aug 2024   #17
What is the minimum wage in the US now? $20?
2 Sep 2024   #18
$20? No. It's $7.25 per hour as per the federal laws. $20 is a pretty good rate and it's definitely not the minimum wage yet. Maybe in 20 years after more inflation kicks in.
pawian  226 | 27817
2 Sep 2024   #19
It's $7.25 per hour as per the federal laws

Amasing. I earned a little less - around 6$ - 33 years ago.
Alien  26 | 6527
2 Sep 2024   #20
$7.25 per hour

This is very little, in Germany it is over 14€.
2 Sep 2024   #21
This is their way of slowly destroying America. For millions of illegal aliens, $7.75 is a good deal, but it destroys the middle class. Once everyone is equally poor, they may implement their AI-replacing-brains and other chips faster.
Alien  26 | 6527
2 Sep 2024   #22
This is their way

Who is "their"?
2 Sep 2024   #23
Their = mostly Democrats; in general politicians and corporations that want to implement total corporcacy in America and the rest of the world.
jon357  72 | 23654
3 Sep 2024   #24
total corporcacy

Rich people paying rich people to tell middle class peoplehow to blame poor people for all their problems.

the middle class.

Don't get out of bed for that hourly rate.

Home / USA, Canada / 15 hr. motion on a minimum wage. (USA)

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