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What kind of American food do Poles like most?

Joker  2 | 2447
20 Feb 2023   #61
That looks like popcorn chicken from KFC.

They should build a White Castle over there. LOL

fortunately none of it is offered by their fast food outlets in Europe.

I never eat fast food when I can get homemade everything.

Poles love Mexican food. They are always at the Taco Burrito King. I ordered a burrito at the shambles in York, UK. It was horrible and I threw it out then bought some fish n chips. I knew the burrito was going to be revolting but had to see how bad it was out of curiosity.
jon357  72 | 23654
20 Feb 2023   #62
Taco Burrito King

The worst fast food I ever had from a chain was at Taco Bell. Just mush.

There's an American fast food chain that I used to go to in Dubai called Hardee's. That was quite fun and I went a few times.

Is Wendy's American? There used to be some in the UK, with square burgers. And a good salad bar.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
20 Feb 2023   #63
We call it Taco Smell as they use very low grade cheap meats and cheese so they can keep their costs low for the welfare people.

After you eat there your guts will start gurgling causing serious gas so be sure you are close to a restroom after eating there.
The toxic taste enhancers that they use make their food taste great though.
Hardee's, another cheap chain restaurant isn't bad and have a great biscuits sausage and gravy breakfast for less than a zloty.
Wendy's is another cheap hamburger chain restaurant that boast of always fresh meat that has never been frozen.
Probably the best ground beef of any chain restaurant.
I don't eat bread (burger buns) so I have their chili.
The step up from those cheap eats is the chain restaurants like Applebee's (combination of everything), Red Lobster (fish and sea food), and Olive Garden (pasta's)

These are of much higher quality foods and actually doable with prices about 4-5 zloty.
My favorite is Olive Garden where they have an all you can eat homemade soup and fresh salads for about 3 zloty.

I never eat fast food when I can get homemade everything.

I am with you as for what it costs two people at a restaurant for the food, the tax on the food and the 20% to 25% tip on the total bill you can buy a whole sack of groceries to make three delicious meals at home.

The negative is you have to stand in line at the restaurants but have to do the dishes at home. :-)
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
20 Feb 2023   #64
They should build a White Castle over there

lolol Yeah,since you remind me,that will be our dinner tonight.I still remember 25c burgers in the 80s and I could gobble 8 of em,now they are over a buck fifty.

We call it Taco Smell

I still like there Chalupas,hard and soft tacos with there hot sauce.LOL remember there ad "Drop the Chalupa"


Average food,except there cheese steaks are on a round roll,lol still better then "Aioli" restaurants in Warsaw cheese steak that has chunks of meat with fu.cking curry sauce,lol more like bombay cheese steak.

Subway,the most fu.cked up franchise and food in Poland,they freaking charged me xtra for toppings like onion,tomatoes etc.This time I saw them on the airport in Warsaw with not a single customer.New Yorkers love it esp in the Bronx or Harlem where there are lines.
20 Feb 2023   #65
And that is what makes them so exciting.

That's not a word I would use to describe chicken wings lol

I never eat fast food when I can get homemade everything.

Me too, but then I don't much like fast food anyway. The problem is that I think most people when thinking of American food just think of fast food and little else. I really like Cajun/Creole food but I don't see it much over here.

biscuits sausage and gravy breakfast for less than a zloty.

Less than 23 cents, I don't think so.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
20 Feb 2023   #66
Less than 23 cents, I don't think so.

Thank you for correcting me as I figured that backwards.
Bisquits with sausage gravy is $3.60 the last time I was there.

Subway,the most fu.cked up franchise

That is because Subway is the cheapest franchise there is to buy and own.
The problem is that you are required to use all Subway products plus what hours you are required to be open and have your orders in on time or get written up and eventually lose your franchise.

You are required to do an inventory on products you sold every day down to how many cookies you sold, how much lettuce you used, how many pickles you used and on and on.

They are a huge pain in the ass with many closing down here in the U.S.
Again, I don't eat their big bread bun so I only get their salads which are aways very fresh.
Here in the States they will give you all the vegetables you want for free on your sandwich.
It is a real hoot to watch people say, more peppers, more cheese, more tomato's, more more more until they can't even close their sandwich. LOL

In essence they get a free salad to go with their sandwich.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
20 Feb 2023   #67
Less than 23 cents, I don't think so.

Bisquits with sausage gravy is $3.60 the last time I was there.

16 zloty
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
20 Feb 2023   #68
The problem is that you are required to use all Subway products

LOL buggers sell you equipment worth hundreds of thousands,and if the store fails you are on your own lol.
I learnt my lesson when I owned 7/11 franchise,you are just a fu.cking high priced manager and work like a dog thinking you own the store lol.They took it back from me after 22 months cuz when I realized that I stole the money and made a deal,they dont sue me and I dont sue em and i surrender the store,Fu,cking Southland Corp.

In Poland its the same like Zabka,except Zabka learnt from other franchises and adopted strict measures.
Joker  2 | 2447
20 Feb 2023   #69
The worst fast food I ever had from a chain was at Taco Bell

You will never see a Mexican eating at Taco Bell.... That says it all.

I could gobble 8 of em,now they are over a buck fifty.

Fart Castle.. Within 20 mins you're blasting them out.

Me too, but then I don't much like fast food anyway.

You can sit down in a family restaurant and have a much better meal for only a few dollars more. We have every nationality and any type of food you want. I know of a little

restaurant with Babcias cooking. Its still under $20.

Again, I don't eat their big bread bun

I always eat whole wheat unless I have some Polish Rye for my grilled cheese sandwiches
jon357  72 | 23654
20 Feb 2023   #70
That is because Subway is the cheapest franchise there is to buy and own.

I always wonder how fresh their stuff is, especially the tuna and the meatballs.

Lots in Poland and the UK, most of them permanently empty of customers.


I've been there too, also in the Gulf. Certainly in Qatar, maybe in Dubai too. It was OK, a bit like TGI Friday's.

The best American fast food I've had was in New York. Not a chain, but New York type pizzas. Really good. Sold in big squares.

like Zabka,

A weird business model, a bit like a pyramid scheme.

In the UK, I like Indian food. In my city there's one of the best Indian restaurants in Northern England (according to online reviews, genuine ones). Down a backstreet and with normal prices but full every night and you always need to book; it was even full midweek last week, two nights after St Valentine's Day when all other restaurants are empty. I've never really had a good Indian meal in Poland though. Maharajah was the best however I don't think it's there now. The others are all rip-offs, taking advantage of the fact that Poles aren't used to the food. The pakora and bhajis in Warsaw are so bad they're almost funny and the sauces are all the same, no matter what you order. I do those at home, and bonda balls too, just to taste chilli and spices.

There used to be an American fast food chain in Warsaw called King Pie. I liked it but it didn't do very well. Probably because pies are an alien concept and because in Polish, the word pies suggests something else, not usually considered edible unless you're Korean.
Miloslaw  22 | 5208
20 Feb 2023   #71
an alien concept and because in Polish, the word pies suggests something else, not usually considered edible unless you're Korean.

Cargo pants  3 | 1425
21 Feb 2023   #72
A weird business model, a bit like a pyramid scheme.

Not for people who know the business.Its a cheap franchise one can own from 10.20k pln for a new store (unlike 7/11 which use to cost over 500k years back),people do make 5k pln to 30k pln,hard work esp for Ukranians.Zabka is still learning business though like finally the fu.ckers stop covering the windows and have transparent windows so people can see in and come in.I wonder if you have noticed finally they fu.cking started carrying junk food then those ole Polish stores had racks full of grocery.Crying out loud its a convenience store not a grocery store.A small section of groceries is fine then the whole rack.

funny and the sauces are all the same

As much as I hate homos I have to agree with you,just order 3 dishes with curry and 2 have the same curry lol.Pakis are the best cooks for meat dishes,Indians suk at that lol.BTW I dont know WTF is bonda balls?I googled but never saw or ate em.LOL I do only like 1 Indian restaurant that is "Guru" on widok only because it sells beef curry/seekh kebabs lolol but they have no fu.cking tap beer.

There is no good ethnic food in Poland except Polish & now Ukrainian food maybe Vietnamese food,but only at the places they cater to Viets like heenka market.

Hey still dressing up to go to the bar across Guru lol:))))
jon357  72 | 23654
21 Feb 2023   #73
Not for people who know the business.

It's about how they pay related to turnover.

just order 3 dishes with curry and 2 have the same curry lol.

That's how it is.

WTF is bonda balls?I

Potato with fresh chilli and garam masala, dipped in a similar batter to pakora and deep fried. In Bradford (most people from north Punjab) they make them like patties.

Hey still dressing up to go to the bar

Doesn't everyone dress up to go out? Especially in Poland.
21 Feb 2023   #74
"people do make 5k pln to 30k pln,hard work esp for Ukranians."

who makes this the ukrainian franchise owners or workers per month?
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
23 Feb 2023   #75
who makes this the ukrainian franchise owners or workers per month?

Owners lol workers can too if they steal,2/3 packs of ciggs and cpl btls of alcohol lolAnd dont worry about the cameras they are just to scare,no franchisee has time to watch.The franchisee only finds out when Zabka does inventory and usually it comes out short and thats when the franchisee cries saying Zabka is a thief.Its the same story of 7/11 in the States.

Btw cameras are only watched after a violent crime is committed,or someone suspects someone stealing.
Joker  2 | 2447
23 Feb 2023   #76
Lots in Poland and the UK, most of them permanently empty of customers.

They used to be real popular until Jersey Mikes came along:) What about jimmy johns are they there yet.

y of 7/11 in the States.

My friend put a bottle of MD 20/20 into the slurpee machine back in the 90s. He forgot to empty it and all these kids kept coming back. lol
Miloslaw  22 | 5208
23 Feb 2023   #77
Btw cameras are only watched after a violent crime is committed,or someone suspects someone stealing.

Nah, depends on the company, bigger ones, of which you have little,or no experience, watch constantly....... Not nice.
Joker  2 | 2447
25 Feb 2023   #78
I really like Cajun/Creole food but I don't see it much over here.

I went to New Orleans a few years ago and they had the best Jambalaya Ive ever tasted. You cant find anything like it in Chicago thats for sure.

Crawdads and Shrimp too!

Try some Grouper next time you're by the Gulf of Mexico, you wont be sorry.
25 Feb 2023   #79
New Orleans a few years ago and they had the best Jambalaya

I would love to go to New Orleans if only for the food! My guess is that outside the southern states, getting something authentic is going to be difficult, even in other parts of the US. I've only ever been to a couple of Cajun/Creole restaurants, and one of those was in Dublin of all places! I started cooking it myself after I was given a cookbook written by a Scottish chef who had spent extensive time in the American south. Some ingredients are harder to get over here though.

I guess if this type of food is popular with Poles it's going to be those in the US rather than anywhere else.
Joker  2 | 2447
25 Feb 2023   #80
My guess is that outside the southern states, getting something authentic is going to be difficult,

It cant be duplicated anywhere else, it never tastes the same. Try some biscuits and gravy down there or fried chicken, hush puppies, sweet tea and of course BBQ!!

I dont think they have BBQ sauce in Poland?

Cajun/Creole restaurants, and one of those was in Dublin of all places

That is strange. I'm sure it was good. Ive been to Ireland and the breakfast was huge food particularly the sausages, it had me full to mid day. Then its potato time! lol

guess if this type of food is popular with Poles it's going to be those in the US

Every Pole I've met loves all the different nationality's of food we have here in chicago. If you walk into a Mexican or Italian resturant chances are there will be a bunch of Polocks inside. Its my favorite as well.
pawian  226 | 27817
8 Mar 2025   #81
What kind? Perhaps KFC chicken.

Here is the story. We were invited to dinner. Apart from kfc, they also served fried celery. Amasing!

  • a

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  • a
pawian  226 | 27817
9 Mar 2025   #82
KFC dinner was followed by dessert, that cake was really good and later by Polish style cold meats and salad.

  • a

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  • My plate
Przelotnyptak1  - | 714
9 Mar 2025   #83
What kind? Perhaps KFC chicken.

Pictures of the food platers are very good, you should quit the PF nonsense and present food pictures full-time
Przelotnyptak1  - | 714
9 Mar 2025   #84
KFC dinner was followed by dessert, that cake was really good and later by Polish style cold meats and salad.

Your wife is a fantastic talent, but your not-so-Polish bigos, to this day, torture me in my nightmares.
pawian  226 | 27817
9 Mar 2025   #85
PF nonsense and present food pictures full-time

The problem is that food photos also belong to the PF nonsense. hahahaha

After that memorable dinner, I made my own kfc.

Check it out:

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  • a
Przelotnyptak1  - | 714
9 Mar 2025   #86
After that memorable dinner, I made my own kfc.

You are such a liar. Kentucky Fried Chicken formula is guarded better than Fort Knox, so all you could have made was Pawians Fried Chicken.
Alien  26 | 6527
10 Mar 2025   #87
I made my own kfc

Except that they look like they're boiled and not fried.
mafketis  38 | 11260
10 Mar 2025   #88
boiled and not fried.

I've done that, that is cook the chicken first (I steam rather than boil) then batter and fry for flavor much faster and cheaper than deep frying.
jon357  72 | 23654
10 Mar 2025   #89
I made my own kfc

Rather you than me.

And KFC is muck, although the Polish ones usually have decent coffee.

Why not boycott KFC? It's a franchise whose owners are based in West r*SSia. Why help their economy when their leaders would happily damage you?
amiga500  5 | 1539
10 Mar 2025   #90
And KFC is muck,

I remember when eating at kfc in poland was a status symbol, for people like baboon it still is.

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