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What kind of American food do Poles like most?

forgetmenots  4 | 77
30 Mar 2007   #31
If I would standing in your shoes I would go with BBQ or Sea food.
And I think that most of Poles would recognized T-Bone as something very American :)
something mexican can be an option as well.
OP valmoe1
1 Apr 2007   #32
Thnaks to all your advice but I think only 1 person read my request. DESSERTS! LOL , I now know what to make for a dinner though! I just did the most American thing I could think of, I bought something already made. Can't get more American than that!

Thanks again, for the Dinner advice.
sledz  23 | 2247
1 Apr 2007   #33
If you can microwave it...then its probably American
valmoe1  11 | 52
1 Apr 2007   #34
Or if it comes in a box with directions to "just add water"

I have boxes of Kraft Mac-N-Cheese sitting in customs on it's way to ME! Mmmm processed hydrogenated cheese!
sledz  23 | 2247
1 Apr 2007   #35
Kraft Mac-N-Cheese sitting in customs on it's way to ME! Mmmm processed hydrogenated cheese!

Ya thats the best especially with cut up fried hotdogs...:)
10 Apr 2007   #36
We will possibly be moving to Poland at the end of Summer, for two to three years.

When you say your mac n' cheese is "sitting in Customs", do you mean a person in the states mailed it to you, rather than you being able to order it online and have it shipped to you via a company/website?

How long does it take to get stuff like this from home and approx. what is the cost?

ie: a couple boxes of Kraft mac n cheese (which I hate, but my 4 year old LOVES)?

10 Apr 2007   #37
What about "mom's apple pie"?
valmoe1  11 | 52
10 Apr 2007   #38
It took about a month by regular post. I think it ran about $30 US dollars to ship a boz with a computer mouse that couldn' tbe shipped direct to Poland, 2 boxs MacNcheese and some make-up. There was a large snow storm in NY so maybe that had an effect. Other packages smaller and bigger have taken 2-3 weeks when shipped by regular post. Shipping via UPS and DHL is insanly expensive. I have never checked ordering from the company. I just suggested to my mom to toss a couple boxes in last minute.

I suggest trying to master home made macNcheese...much easier and quicker. I know, it's not Kraft but I also find the milk and butter here is different so it can taste a little off. Not bad, just not different. The butter and milk are better here so you don't get that chemical taste like in the US :) Joking...but it is a little different.

Sorry, my typing is horrid today!
pawian  226 | 27817
19 Sep 2012   #40
What kind of American food do Poles like most?

Ooops. I have a problem.

If you mean the New World stuff, then I like tomatoes, chilli peppers, all beans,

I am not fond of turkey and potatoes.

I hate coffee.

I am crazy about corn.
Des Essientes  7 | 1288
19 Sep 2012   #41
If you mean the New World stuff, then I like tomatoes, chilli peppers, all beans,

All delicious, but, although many varieties of beans are native to the New World, there are also many varieties of beans that are native to the Old World, unlike tomatoes and chili peppers which were once exclusively New World aliments.

I am not fond of turkey and potatoes.

Turkey is foul, but potatoes can be good tasting if properly prepared.

I hate coffee.

Coffee is far too acidic. It is sad to see that this disgusting beverage is provided for free in so many workplaces.

I am crazy about corn.

A freshly made corn tortilla is unsurpassed amongst other starchy foods for deliciousness. Although the foodstuff is more properly referred to as maize. "Corn" means any sort of edible grain and it was a word, in English, long before the discovery of the New World and its maize.
pawian  226 | 27817
19 Sep 2012   #42
there are also many varieties of beans that are native to the Old World,

I suspected it. Thanks!

Turkey is foul, but potatoes can be good tasting if properly prepared.

Yes, turkey is too dry for me, if you know what I mean.

As for potatoes, fried are the best. Actually, I can eat any food on condition it is fried, and crispy in result.

Coffee is far too acidic. It is sad to see that this disgusting beverage is provided for free in so many workplaces.

Yes, I never cease to wonder how people can be so obsessive about their coffee, even a few times a day. My wife explained it to me once: she has to drink it to boost her vitality during the day. She suffers from low blood pressure - on average 90/60, with the lowest at 85/55.

Although the foodstuff is more properly referred to as maize. "Corn" means any sort of edible grain and it was a word, in English, long before the discovery of the New World and its maize.

Wow. Interesting info.
ilmc  4 | 136
20 Sep 2012   #43
nothing more american than apple pie...
pgtx  29 | 3094
20 Sep 2012   #44
American food... Hmm... I like everything from the Thanksgiving table... Yumm yumm yumm... :)

Turkey is also too dry for me. But! If you don not make the thanksgiving meal yourself, ordering from the Albertson store is a good idea... A whole, smoked, moist, delicious bird.
ilmc  4 | 136
20 Sep 2012   #45
Turkey is also too dry for me

if you deep fry a turkey in an outdoor turkey frier it will not be dry :) Canadians prefer to cover it in a boat load of gravy that also helps
pgtx  29 | 3094
20 Sep 2012   #46
^^^ true that :)
PennBoy  76 | 2429
20 Sep 2012   #47
Philly Cheesesteaks

  • phillycheesesteak..jpg
Baacon  - | 46
3 Oct 2012   #48
My Ex's favorite was King crab legs
scottie1113  6 | 896
3 Oct 2012   #49
Put a turkey in a couple of plastic bags, add a bottle of red wine- prefer a dry red-and stick it in the fridge. Turn the turkey about ever 6 hours or so for 23 hours and it's ready to cook, either in an oven or in an outdoor homemade smoker over charcoal. Believe me, it won't be dry, not even the white meat. I've cooked this in Poland and all my friends loved it.Ah, if only a whole turkey wasn't so expensive here!
PolishTVCompany  - | 14
4 Feb 2013   #50
Steak! Steak! Steak! :) Also sweet potatoes, sweet potatoes fries, lasagna even though it is Italian, or any pasta we like it!
pawian  226 | 27817
18 Feb 2023   #51
We like KFC style chicken. Very crispy, indeed. And easy to make. There are dozens of recipes.


3 chicken fillets
spoon of sweet paprika or pepper
2 cups of flour
oil for deep frying


2/3 cups of milk
1 cup of flour
2 eggs
teaspoon of sweet pepper
teaspoon of hot pepper
1/2 teaspoon of salt

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Cargo pants  3 | 1425
18 Feb 2023   #52
That looks like popcorn chicken from KFC.
pawian  226 | 27817
18 Feb 2023   #53
Popcorn chicken is coated in panko crumbs while my chicken - in flour. But I think the effect is the same.

  • 77.jpg

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Cargo pants  3 | 1425
18 Feb 2023   #54
KFC is going to discontinue popcorn chicken lol maybe they shouldve tried your recipe,lol try selling them and get a royalty deal,if yours that good even regionally(Poland only).
18 Feb 2023   #55
KFC style chicken.

Is the only fast food I would eat. Yours looks really nice and tasty :)
pawian  226 | 27817
18 Feb 2023   #56
tasty :)

Thanks. :):):) It was such - our family experts, kids - rated it very highly. :):) Very fussy eaters - I started cooking the dish with chicken wings but they insisted they didn`t want to nibble at any bones.

KFC is going to discontinue popcorn chicken

Impossible!! Their best dish???
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
18 Feb 2023   #57
19 Feb 2023   #58
chicken wings but they insisted they didn`t want to nibble at any bones.

Don't blame them! I've never seen the point in fried chicken wings, there's nothing much on them.
pawian  226 | 27817
19 Feb 2023   #59
the point in fried chicken wings,

While to me they are the best part of chicken, right after fried rump.

there's nothing much on them.

And that is what makes them so exciting.
Miloslaw  22 | 5208
19 Feb 2023   #60
There is some great regional cuisine in America.
Unfortunately none of it is offered by their fast food outlets in Europe.

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