Mr Grunwald 33 | 2134
12 Oct 2020 #1
There has been a long standing conflict here on PF between Poles living in Poland and those living abroad or connected with Poland in one way or another.
Like a Pomeranian Gryf (take this symbolically, not literally about the Gryf) I struggled with having any form of contact with Poles in Norway (where I have lived most of my life) and any form of contact with Poles or Poland has been on this forum, with family and books&movies.
It was sad for me that, there were few connections between Poland and Norway throughout history, meaning most Norwegians are pretty clueless about Poles in any aspect of life. Are easily susceptible to propaganda about Poland and have few encounters.
Meanwhile American-Polish relations have traditions to build on. Few American-Polonia one can think of are: Tadeusz Kościuszko, Pulaski and Paderewski. It griefs me that representatives of American-Polonia on this forum seems to behave more like the caliber of chamstwa and not that of great Polish Americans.
It seems to me that many of them today are the result of American Politics. Living the American life without care and responsibility for ones self or others. Instead of trying to be mending the great divide between the republicans and democrats many seem to take it as a form of amusement and bullying.
The whole world is looking at America and are seeing a civil war brewing, just waiting for which side will start it and win it. U.S.A has a responsibility as the torch carrier of freedom, if U.S.A succumbs to the machinations of evil and political division, then the future looks further and further more dim.
I am actively trying to work on gathering the local Polonia together where I live locally and I am seriously planning and considering moving to Poland. I sincerely hope that American-Polonia got more to offer on this forum then beef, barbecue and tasteless insults
Like a Pomeranian Gryf (take this symbolically, not literally about the Gryf) I struggled with having any form of contact with Poles in Norway (where I have lived most of my life) and any form of contact with Poles or Poland has been on this forum, with family and books&movies.
It was sad for me that, there were few connections between Poland and Norway throughout history, meaning most Norwegians are pretty clueless about Poles in any aspect of life. Are easily susceptible to propaganda about Poland and have few encounters.
Meanwhile American-Polish relations have traditions to build on. Few American-Polonia one can think of are: Tadeusz Kościuszko, Pulaski and Paderewski. It griefs me that representatives of American-Polonia on this forum seems to behave more like the caliber of chamstwa and not that of great Polish Americans.
It seems to me that many of them today are the result of American Politics. Living the American life without care and responsibility for ones self or others. Instead of trying to be mending the great divide between the republicans and democrats many seem to take it as a form of amusement and bullying.
The whole world is looking at America and are seeing a civil war brewing, just waiting for which side will start it and win it. U.S.A has a responsibility as the torch carrier of freedom, if U.S.A succumbs to the machinations of evil and political division, then the future looks further and further more dim.
I am actively trying to work on gathering the local Polonia together where I live locally and I am seriously planning and considering moving to Poland. I sincerely hope that American-Polonia got more to offer on this forum then beef, barbecue and tasteless insults