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Polish friends, what would be your preferred US state/city to live in?

unknown destina
25 Nov 2013   #1
Hey fellow well travelled polish friends

where would you live in USA if you had kids age 15,13 and 10?
So taking into consideration schools, universities and affordable leaving
where would you move your family?
What would be your prefered state/city to live in?
pierogi2000  4 | 226
25 Nov 2013   #2
Everything in the USA comes down to $$$.

Doesn't really matter which state or even city because each town has it's own disparity in quality. For example: multiple schools

The coasts usually cost more than Island. Mid-America is the safest but no large cities. Downtown city life in the USA is dangerous and expensive.
Artur13  1 | 25
25 Nov 2013   #3
It depends on several factors. One of them is how important is it for you to live in a Polish neighborhood. If so, then look at New Jersey.

But disregarding culture, I think something like Wisconsin,Minnesota or New England would be the best place to raise kids and live a peaceful life. New England has the best schools in the country and is probably the safest place too.

But then you have to take into consideration where you are living now. Say you live in Florida, then a move to New England or the Midwest may be too much of a difference, especially to your children. If you live in the south, look at Kentucky or Tennessee or even Texas. ( in most places the community/town will matter way more than the state overall)
Meathead  5 | 467
25 Nov 2013   #4
@unknown destina
If you want good job market and safe living conditions: North Dakota, something more metro...Minneapolis. If you want Polonia, Chicago, maybe suburban Detroit.
pierogi2000  4 | 226
25 Nov 2013   #5
Haha yeah......

Detroit, Cleveland, Baltimore, St.Louis & Oakland
Meathead  5 | 467
25 Nov 2013   #6
If one wants Polonia. The above cities is where they are, among others. If she wants a stable social situation, low crime rate, good schools, low unemployment, etc., she'll have to migrate to the American hinterland: North Dakota, Iowa, Nebraska, MInnesota etc. but she won't find a recent Polonia there. Polish Americans but they'll have little in common with recent Polish emigres. If she wants urban living, Minneapolis. If she doesn't mind smaller towns, Bismarck, Lincoln, Des Moines, If your skeptical, crime stats, education stats, employment stats are easy to check. These states rank highest in low crime, education and low unemployment. But she won't find a Polish sausage within 500 miles.
pierogi2000  4 | 226
25 Nov 2013   #7
Good points Meathead,

I believe if you move to the USA, you are expecting to have Poland be in the back seat outside the household. Especially without family.
Meathead  5 | 467
25 Nov 2013   #8
Yes, I agree. Unfortunately recent Polish emigres don't gravitate to the most attractive places. The best I can think of is Northwest side Chicago. Artur makes a good point about New England but unfortunately they are not as welcoming to strangers. She won't have that problem in the Mid West.
Jardinero  1 | 383
25 Nov 2013   #9
Hawaii & sunny California
pierogi2000  4 | 226
25 Nov 2013   #10
The Polish group in Southern California is connected to the church
Jardinero  1 | 383
25 Nov 2013   #11
"Connected" to what "church"???
Artur13  1 | 25
25 Nov 2013   #12
btw - You can use this website : to check many things about a particular neighborhood or area. You can look up everything from racial composition to the education level or income level.

Artur makes a good point about New England but unfortunately they are not as welcoming to strangers. She won't have that problem in the Mid West.

The people in New England are pretty friendly to strangers, especially since they get thousands of new college students every year. I lived near Boston and there actually was a small Polish community.

But nonetheless, no matter where you go in the U.S, you're bound to find some time of shop that imports Polish/Slavic food. There's always a Russian or Polish or Ukrainian store in almost every bigger city in America.

Either way, I think you can't go wrong with either the Midwest or New England. Look into major metropolitan areas and the suburbs that surround them.
OP unknown destina
26 Nov 2013   #13
Ok. Thank you so much for all this info. You all have been very helpful with your answers.
The most important for us as a family are: good schools/universities, family places to visit.
Jobwise not so as hubby works from home.Polonia wise important but not the top of the list.
How about the Carolinas?
Meathead  5 | 467
26 Nov 2013   #14
How about the Carolinas?

Research Triangle: Raleigh, Durham. South Carolina is more provincial, more socially stratified but no hurricanes. If you're interested in that region you should consider Virginia Beach, Va. and Savannah, Ga.
jon357  72 | 23513
23 May 2022   #15
Posted in random.

A very nice city.,_North_Carolina
johnny reb  49 | 8058
23 May 2022   #16
Ashville is nothing but weirdo's covered with tats, zipper lips. pink hair, faggots, dopers and would pass for Amsterdam.
Full of Liberal Nutters.
Extremely hilly and not bicycle friendly.
jon357  72 | 23513
23 May 2022   #17
It sounds quite nice.

In that state I've only been to Charlotte which was pleasant enough though a bit boring.

Home / USA, Canada / Polish friends, what would be your preferred US state/city to live in?

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