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How many Polish citizens left Chicagoland in the past three years?

regionpolski  33 | 153
12 Mar 2011   #1
The Polish-born population in Chicago has plummetted in the past few years. I've heard numbers ranging from 50,000 to 150,000. Does anyone have a source for numbers? Chicagoland remains home to thousands of residents born in Poland but the numbers are certainly down.
PennBoy  76 | 2429
12 Mar 2011   #2
How many Polish citizens left Chicagoland in the past three years?

Most just moved to the suburbs, not back to Poland.
I just found data from 2005 that there are 800 thousand people of Polish descent in metro Chicago area. " W Chicago mieszka około 800.000 osób polskiego pochodzenia. Według amerykańskich danych oficjalnych, w 2005 r. liczba Polaków w Chicago i okolicach, którym wydano zezwolenie na stały pobyt, spadła o 5,3 proc. w porównaniu do 2004 r. i wyniosła 5,6 tys.
12 Mar 2011   #3
How the mighty of the Windy City have fallen! Once the Poles dominated the old Meat Packing District (made famous in Upton Sinclair's novel "The Jungle"!), her most famous muckracker Mr. Art Royko etc... Poles were to Chicago what the Italians were to New York and the Irish to Bean Town (Boston).
PennBoy  76 | 2429
12 Mar 2011   #4
Mexicans outnumber Poles now, there's over a million in the metro area.
12 Mar 2011   #5
Real Poles choose to live in Poland.
12 Mar 2011   #6
I ruefully repeat, PennBoy, "How the mighty have fallen!"-:))

Are migrant workers in Poland any less "real" than so-called "native" Poles? I detect here a double standard. If the immigrants in question were, say, Swedes, Germans or Brits, would the resentment be as significant??
OP regionpolski  33 | 153
12 Mar 2011   #7
I'm including the suburbs in my question, hence use of the term Chicagoland in the thread. My interest is in the number of Poles that returned to Poland.
12 Mar 2011   #8
Your research may also take you to a similar phenomenon happening for a while in my area of Greenpoint, Brooklyn. As Poland has begun to do better economically, more and more younger Poles are pulling up stakes and moving back to the Motherland-:)
f stop  24 | 2493
12 Mar 2011   #9
Real Poles choose to live in Poland.

Untrue. Real Poles will be Poles wherever they are.
PennBoy  76 | 2429
12 Mar 2011   #10
f stop you're wasting your time trying to convince a nimwit who's obviously very jealous of not living in this glorious country.
f stop  24 | 2493
12 Mar 2011   #11
I understand what he means, and I don't want to get personal here, but passport, lineage, living in Poland might technically make you Polish, but (and this is going to sound corny) if you talking about being a "real" Pole, it's got to be what's in your heart.
1jola  14 | 1875
12 Mar 2011   #12
Noble words, fstop. Do you regret not passing that on to your son?
f stop  24 | 2493
12 Mar 2011   #13
Do you regret not passing that on to your son?

Not at all. I'd like my legacy to be that he becomes a "real" citizen of the world.
plk123  8 | 4119
14 Mar 2011   #14
How many Polish citizens left Chicagoland in the past three years?

>>> <<< ask there
johnny reb  49 | 7927
11 Feb 2024   #15
The Polish-born population in Chicago has plummetted in the past few years.

And it is only getting worse every year.
Watch this short video to help you understand why Chicago is the armpit of America.

A Polish person or any person would have to be very desperate to live there.
Alien  25 | 6399
11 Feb 2024   #16

Poles are looking for work, there is not enough of it in Szikago
johnny reb  49 | 7927
11 Feb 2024   #17
there is not enough of it in Szikago

You may want to do a little more research on that.
Watch that video and you will get a better grasp of why the smart Poles are leaving .
Alien  25 | 6399
11 Feb 2024   #18
@johnny reb
I forgot the question mark.
Joker  2 | 2375
11 Feb 2024   #19
Poles are looking for work, there is not enough of it in Szikago

There is always work in Chicago, a union town with high wages. I know many successful Polish contractors and businessmen. The Polish neighbors are shrinking and moving to the burbs, more opportunities, less blacks, equals lower crime.

You may want to do a little more research on that.

So, should you! I doubt your chicken ass has ever been here before.
Novichok  4 | 8502
11 Feb 2024   #20
The Polish neighbors are shrinking and moving to the burbs

You are right. We don't leave. We disperse.
johnny reb  49 | 7927
11 Feb 2024   #21
I doubt your chicken ass has ever been here before.

"I doubt" are the key words there. lol
I do know that I have no reason to ever go back to that dysfunctional toxic chitpit.

We don't leave. We disperse.

Yes, they call it "Urban Sprawl" where the White Trash from the cities start taking over the beautiful suburbs forcing those people to move up here to God's country in Northern Michigan.
Joker  2 | 2375
11 Feb 2024   #22
God's country in Northern Michigan.

Northern Wisconsin is much nicer!

Less backwards hillbillies as well:)

Your lack of knowledge about chicago is

Keep googling bc thats all you are capable of doing.
Novichok  4 | 8502
11 Feb 2024   #23
It's too damn cold. Summers last two months.
johnny reb  49 | 7927
11 Feb 2024   #24
Your lack of knowledge about chicago is

The video's of that toxic environment, that you call home, is lying too I suppose. lol

Northern Wisconsin is much nicer!

Then that is where we would like your trash to go instead of coming to Northern Michigan to ruin it.
See you crossing the border into Michigan is the same to us as the scum crossing the Mexican border but you are too dumb to get that.

You wouldn't fit in anyways as it is mostly Christians that live here and we intend to keep it that way. :-)
Joker  2 | 2375
11 Feb 2024   #25
Another meltdown! HOOT!

It looks like I hit nerve lol

You still don't know about Poles in Chicago from those videos clips! Haha
johnny reb  49 | 7927
11 Feb 2024   #26
It looks like I hit nerve lol

Yes, you hit a nerve alright, your own. Hoot Hoot !!
Joker  2 | 2375
11 Feb 2024   #27
Tell us more about Poles leaving Chicago then. Which Polish neighborhood are you talking about?There are still a few left, which one has more ppl leaving then?

(JJ`s fingers starts googling rapid fire so he can always have the last word)
johnny reb  49 | 7927
11 Feb 2024   #28
Your lack of knowledge about chicago is hysterical..

Tell us more about Poles leaving Chicago then

You're the expert, you tell us.

so he can always have the last word

If I don't get it that means you get it.
We all know how upset you get when you don't get the last word
Joker  2 | 2375
11 Feb 2024   #29
Krakawwwww says Jailhouse Jimmy! Rinse and repeat, rinse and repeat..
johnny reb  49 | 7927
11 Feb 2024   #30
Another melt down by the red faced Jailbird Joker.
Jailbird Joker always has to get the last word. Kraw Kraw Kraw

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