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Why are Polish Americans mocked in the American media?

trener zolwia  1 | 939
29 Sep 2010   #61
There are more important issues at stake for Polish-Americans and Poland than Polish jokes.

Yes, yes. Obama and his fellow Radical Leftists running our country right now are much more of a threat to P-Land (and Israel) than a few silly jokes.
MediaWatch  10 | 942
29 Sep 2010   #62
There are more important issues at stake for Polish-Americans and Poland than Polish jokes.

It depends what kind of jokes you are talking about.

If they were the mild pierogi or Kielbasa type Polish jokes then you are right. If they are were the more "popular" subhuman intelligence jokes about Polish people that Network TV introduced and made popular and pushed hard into America during the 1960's and 70's, then I think that should be a main concern for Poles (if that was still happening like it was in those days) , since even the Lefty TV/Hollywood anti-Polish Bigots ADMITTED that the inferior intelligence jokes about Polish people were pushed to CONDITION the American public to regard all things "Polish" to be backward, dumb and inferior. It was basically using the tremendous influential power of TV to push anti-Polish propaganda.

Are there any Polish Americans out there who have that little booklet by the Polish American Guardian Society that gives detailed examples of how past TV shows used specific anti-Polish sound bites and anti-Polish jokes to condition the public to have anti-Polish sentiments? I can't find mine and since this topic comes up from time to time I think it should be published on the internet. Nobody can read this book and not see that the TV media in the past did indeed use specific Anti-Polish sound bites and "jokes" to condition the public to have a negative opinion of Polish people. That Polish American Guardian Society book should be in the homes of all Polish people as well as anybody else who is interested in how the power of motion pictures and TV can be used to build up or tear down a group of people. Or an indidual, company, name it.

There is a reason why politicians and large companies spend MILLIONS OF DOLLARS on TV advertising for themselves. Its because IT WORKS. TV imagery both good and bad is very powerful on the human mind in shaping people's opinion on things.

Don't forget in the 60's and 70's there were few TV channels so just ONE TV channel could easily CONDITION the minds of 30, 40, 50 million people at a time with its anti-Polish propaganda.

Fortunately Anti-Polish and other ethnic jokes against anybody today is GENERALLY not in the mainstream media. But when they sometimes do pop up, I think Polish people should speak out against them, the same way other ethnic groups in the US speak out against slurs against them.
trener zolwia  1 | 939
29 Sep 2010   #63
TV imagery both good and bad is very powerful on the human mind in shaping people's opinion on things.

Oh, they're still conditioning the masses. Only now it's not so much anti-Polish in the news, commercials, TV shows and movies. Now the narrative is that being black or Mexican or gay or a single parent is good, while being American, white, straight, Christian, suburban, successful, married... is bad. The while male is always portrayed as the criminal or the bumbling idiot while the wise and successful minority is the good guy who saves the day.

They are attempting to create false stereotypes as none of this accurately reflects society.

And guess who is behind all this manipulative dishonesty? Yep, the dirty Liberals who control our news and entertainment industries.
Plastic Pole52  - | 67
29 Sep 2010   #64
President Obama makes deals with Russia at the expense of Poland's long term security.

And this is why Poland should never relay on America when her security is at stake.It would be much better for Poland to improve relations with Russia rather than antagonizing Russians by inviting Americans to Poland.There is absolutelly no need for American troops in Poland and it is very hard to get rid of them when you don't want them anymore.Russia is close and they have gas,oil and a large market for Polish goods.What America has to offer?
OP wildeckirenegat
29 Sep 2010   #65
What America has to offer?

Nothing. Zionist Government which sends our soldiers to death into the middle east
MediaWatch  10 | 942
29 Sep 2010   #66

I agree with you.

Different groups have been put down by the TV media. Things have changed in the TV media from the 60's and 70's. You're right in general the white guy is portrayed as a bumbling bafoon while the non-whites are kind of put on a pedestal.

The one thing I have noticed which I think should be obvious to just about anyone is how African Americans are portrayed.

Just about any show or movie about Lawyers, military adventure, drama, etc, the black guy is either the authority figure, the guy with all the answers, the good guy, or the hero.

That one movie with the asteroid hitting the earth in the 90's the black guy was the president of the United States (Morgan Freedman)

"Passenger 57" the black guy (Wesley Snipes) is the hero.

"Independence Day" The black guy (Will Smith) is the hero fighting the Aliens.

"Mars attacks Earth" The black guy is the American General

"LA Law" The black Guy is the smooth talking attorney

Just about any time you see a black character in a movie, he's the good guy. Maybe not every movie but I would say about 95% of the movies and shows.

I have nothing against seeing Black people being portrayed positively since indeed they have a history of suffering. But Holy Cow. At least they can't complain about racism in Hollywood. LOL

I just hope its not meant to indirectly put down white people :(

But you are right many in the entertainment industry are a bunch of corrupt white liberal elitists (bashing their fellow whites)

Have you ever listened to Radio talk show Host Michael Savage?

He is a conservative Jewish American guy and he always talks about the "Sewer pipe from Hollywood going into American culture"

Savage is a very wise man.
ShortHairThug  - | 1101
29 Sep 2010   #67
if that was still happening like it was in those days

IF? What do you mean if? It’s still happening, perhaps to a lesser degree. Here you go. Opie “I’m surprised he knew how to dial a phone” when someone called the radio station to complain about Polish Jokes they aired previous day and all those stupid Americans calling afterward, all suggesting ..........

OP wildeckirenegat
29 Sep 2010   #68
Are hosts of this radio broadcast jewish?
sledz  23 | 2247
29 Sep 2010   #69
Give it a break, the last time Poland was even mentioned in the media was during the Katyn disaster, and that didnt get much coverage either!

Maybe you are talking about T.V. Polonia, if you can watch that low budget entertainment?

Id say your thread is complete RUBBISH!!!!

Prove it:)
OP wildeckirenegat
29 Sep 2010   #70
Śledź just look at the links above
trener zolwia  1 | 939
29 Sep 2010   #71
in general the white guy is portrayed as a bumbling bafoon while the non-whites are kind of put on a pedestal.

Even in something as seemingly benign as a silly TV commercial for auto insurance the car stealing criminal is always portrayed as a white guy. Always. never mind that somewhere around 90% of auto thefts in this country are committed by blacks.

I have nothing against seeing Black people being portrayed positively since indeed they have a history of suffering. But Holy Cow. At least they can't complain about racism in Hollywood.

It's become full-blown reverse racism...

Also, entertainment at all levels easily toss around terms like "white trash" and "trailer trash" to mean low class whites. But you'll never hear them mention "black garbage" or "ghetto garbage" referring to low class and criminal blacks, of which there are many, many more. They make fun of rural white accents but never say anything about the rampant black ebonics, even going so far as to clean up interview quotes to make the blacks sound like they speak the Queen's English.

It's even worse than all this. The "News" Media won't report the race of a criminal when the perp is black. A foreigner coming here might think that blacks are all decent, law-abiding folks while whites are the criminals they need to fear and avoid. Never mind that our prison population is 80% black while they represent just 12% of the overall population.

I just hope its not meant to indirectly put down white people

It doesn't matter what their motives are; this twisting of reality is grossly dishonest, outright lies, calculated to manipulate perceptions. It should be criminal.

Poles got nothing to worry about here... other than the fact that they are white.

Have you ever listened to Radio talk show Host Michael Savage?

I don't really do talk radio but I know what they're all about.
sledz  23 | 2247
29 Sep 2010   #72
Śledź just look at the links above

If you are referring to opie and Andy, I dont need to look at it to know that those guys are idiot wannbe shock jocks like Howard Stern, but without any talent.

They were bounced off Chicago morning radio a couple years ago because they are not funny at all...

This is what you call American Media,, a couple of DJ`s,,,, Hahahaha too funny

Still prove it!!!

RUBBISH as the Brits would say!
guesswho  4 | 1272
29 Sep 2010   #73
Still prove it!!!

You know, I don't understand why they even give a damn about it . People talk crap about us and everyone else too, who cares. Besides, I don't see or hear anything about Poles where I live and I don't think that this subject is popular anywhere else in the states either.
ShortHairThug  - | 1101
29 Sep 2010   #74
Still prove it!!!

What’s there to prove when even American politicians are cracking Polish Jokes. Perhaps they’re right; you’re just too stupid to notice. You wouldn’t know an insult if it hit you on the face. Good old army training "Thank you sir, may I have another". Specter ring a bell?

I don't think that this subject is popular anywhere else in the states either.

Very popular on a Capitol Hill from what I hear. What’s more reflective of American main stream and than that? When politicians speak people listen, well usually.
guesswho  4 | 1272
29 Sep 2010   #75
What’s there to prove when even American politicians are cracking Polish Jokes

Well, look what's going on here on PF, you guys are constantly cracking on us and most of you are dead serious about it. Even if our politicians are, like you say, cracking Polish jokes, it's still nothing but jokes and I can bet, none of the politicians is really serious about it.
ShortHairThug  - | 1101
29 Sep 2010   #76
none of the politicians is really serious about it.


you guys are constantly cracking on us

You’re getting a taste of your own medicine, besides your reputation precedes you, nothing that was said here about Americans is a lie.
richasis  1 | 409
29 Sep 2010   #77
Lefty TV/Hollywood anti-Polish Bigots

Don't Jews dominate US Media?
guesswho  4 | 1272
29 Sep 2010   #78
You’re getting a taste of your own medicine, besides your reputation precedes you, nothing that was said here about Americans is a lie.

Look at your reputation all around the world before we even start talking about it. I already told you how I feel about it in my thread.
ShortHairThug  - | 1101
30 Sep 2010   #79
Look at your reputation all around the world before we even start talking about it.

You’re joking right? Our reputation? Based on what? Polish jokes I suppose? Most of the world is not as stupid as Americans think it is. While some might not like us they see those jokes for what they are, jokes! No matter how despicable its intention but Americans are universally disliked around the world, a feeling shown and spoken out loud more and more, I wonder why? Don’t you?
Pinching Pete  - | 554
30 Sep 2010   #80
Americans are universally disliked around the world

Yawwwn... who gives a flying f.uck?
sledz  23 | 2247
30 Sep 2010   #81
Our reputation? Based on what?

I didnt hear one Kaytn joke, although any country that puts their whole cabinet on one airplane
has to be pretty stupid, dont you think?? But nobody made any jokes, out of respect!

You live in the past my friend, those Polish jokes have to be decades old by now. I can google it and 3 pages will appear. I doubt they were all made up by Americans.

Remember you Nazi buddies??? they probably created 90% of them!!

Nice Troll Thread:)
Pinching Pete  - | 554
30 Sep 2010   #82
although any country that puts their whole cabinet on one airplane
has to be pretty stupid, dont you think??

Exxxxactly.. If I was a native Pole I would probably think twice about calling ANYONE stupid.

Maybe Americans aren't the best at geography but we can locate the damn runway when need be.
trener zolwia  1 | 939
30 Sep 2010   #83
Kaytn joke, although any country that puts their whole cabinet on one airplane
has to be pretty stupid, dont you think??


Americans are universally disliked around the world, a feeling shown and spoken out loud more and more, I wonder why? Don’t you?

Yeah, why is that? And while we're so cool... B)
sledz  23 | 2247
30 Sep 2010   #84
Americans are universally disliked around the world

I rather be disliked, compared to being known as universally stupid around the world!

See you keep proving it with every post:)
Ironside  50 | 12928
30 Sep 2010   #85
I didnt hear one Kaytn joke, although any country that puts their whole cabinet on one airplane
has to be pretty stupid, dont you think?? But nobody made any jokes, out of respect!

Well, in Poland there is a joke about it actually.
I'll be soft on you because you said that they want us to fight, You know nothing about polish political circumstances - one!
There are regulations regarding who, when and why shouldn't be transported by a one plane but nobody implemented said regulations - two!
What have a nation to do with decisions of a government? - three!


eh? the pink pincher again?I would say that you should be quiet.


I'll only say - Bush Jr - one!
President Barack Hussein Obama - two!

Yeah, why is that? And while we're so cool... B)

I have no beef with Americans, although my opinion about US government and american policy is not positive, some retards do have problem to differentiate:) my standing.
Pinching Pete  - | 554
30 Sep 2010   #86
I would say that you should be quiet.

I don't want to be quiet Polak. Maybe you should go practice finding a runway??

I'll be soft on you

Probably like you were on your woman last night.
trener zolwia  1 | 939
30 Sep 2010   #87
I'll only say - Bush Jr - one!
President Barack Hussein Obama - two!

Alright. You got us there. :s
richasis  1 | 409
30 Sep 2010   #88
And this is why Poland should never relay on America when her security is at stake.It would be much better for Poland to improve relations with Russia rather than antagonizing Russians by inviting Americans to Poland.

I couldn't agree more with what you've said here (I was born and raised in 'America'). When I leave for Poland, I may not return here - not even to visit.

It's even worse than all this. The "News" Media won't report the race of a criminal when the perp is black.

Unless, and until, they absolutely have to - even then they are hard-pressed to do so:

"The 50-year-old former weatherman for WILL-TV and, before that, WCIA-TV, is among the latest in a growing list of white men in town being slugged for sport by young black men. (Earlier reports indicated a slang term of "polar bear hunting" for these attacks, but police officials say that term is not evident in the recent attacks.)"

Yeah, right.

Yawwwn... who gives a flying f.uck?

Not tired Americans in their twilight, that's for sure.
Pinching Pete  - | 554
30 Sep 2010   #89
Not tired Americans in their twilight, that's for sure.

The only thing I'm tired of is having to appease some lazy Europeans all the time. Who, in most cases are just as racist as any American ever dreamed of being. Why don't you talk about what your fellow Europeans say about you? They make fun of you for a reason.

Honestly, why in the holy hell should the average American care what the average Pole thinks about them?? You're just leeches looking for money anyway. Yeah, we've made jokes about you in the past. You know what, get the f**k over it.
sledz  23 | 2247
30 Sep 2010   #90
Well, in Poland there is a joke about it actually.

Ironside, I dont want to even know the joke. This whole thread is a bunch nonsence, supposedly created by some guest,,,ya, right!

I wasnt going to say anything but then it was getting too ridiculous.

Alright. You got us there. :s

Ya, he does
It could only go uphill from here???

Honestly, why in the holy hell should the average American care what the average Pole thinks about them??

I dont worry about what people in Europe think about us, we have our own domestic problems to be concerned with. And there isnt any Anti-Pole American Media either:)

Opie and Andy,,,lol great research!!!

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