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Why Americans don't allow men to be in briefs at the beach/swiming pools?

Atch  22 | 4299
5 Jun 2024   #61
Can't believe there are sixty posts about men's knickers........ it's bad enough that the OP started it. I mean really, the things that people obsess over. Coal and man panties.
Alien  26 | 6527
5 Jun 2024   #62
Coal and man panties.

There is still wine, beautiful women and fast cars. 😃
Atch  22 | 4299
5 Jun 2024   #63
And shoes! They're another of your favourite things aren't they :)
johnny reb  49 | 8003
5 Jun 2024   #64
You're going off topic

In a thread like this, it is welcomed
Alien  26 | 6527
5 Jun 2024   #65
And shoes

Yes, classic men's shoes have great elegance.
Bobko  27 | 2215
5 Jun 2024   #66
What is it with you and shoes? Are you a shoe salesman?
OP wslipach  8 | 96
5 Jun 2024   #67
Judging by that photo- do you Americans know how to wipe your a*s
@ Lenka

Good response (your first ever good one). Yeah, it is not enough to wipe ass, it should be washed and then this wouldn't happen to Americans. By the way, this can happen to anyone wearing shorts or pants too, especially visible when white , so what is the point Joker is making , I dont know.

Do you like those ?
@ jon357

Yes, I wear them to the beach or swimming pool or my garden or to the shops near the beach after swimming. There is nothing better to swim in than briefs, it is just perfect, they dont drag like shorts do (shorts are a hazard in that regard), they stay in place and keep gonads in place. I am not a fan of swimming naked beacause it is risky and uncomfortable just like swimming in shorts but for different reasons and that is why swimming in briefs is perfect, that is why Poland should unhold this tradition and not go the way Americans have gone.

Do Europeans still wear Speedos? We used to laugh our asses off at them down in Florida.

[quote=Joker]Do Europeans still wear Speedos? We used to laugh our asses off at them down in Florida.

Why you laughed at that? Normal wear. So what do you wear for swimming and why? Some Europeans still wear speedos and, guess what, some Americans even wear them, and it doesnt mean that they are gay. Revelation for you.
Novichok  4 | 8682
5 Jun 2024   #68
Revelation for you.

Joker is correct. No self-respecting American will wear anything that shows off his balls and dick.

Women, on the other hand, would wear nothing everywhere if they could because women have no class and are in a constant "look at me" mode.

Even 20-something guys are annoyed or at least indifferent. I asked them...

If things get any worse, in my next life I will be gay.

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Joker  2 | 2447
6 Jun 2024   #69
Why you laughed at that? Normal wear.

The Eurps are famous for speedos not

So what do you wear for swimming and why

Surf wear is what most Americans purchase.. The only time we wear speedos is if that person is on a swimming team or water polo. Not at a beach.

Why do fat Euro men all wear speedos, arent they embarrassed at all? Or do European women think thats hot?

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Novichok  4 | 8682
6 Jun 2024   #70
When a man can't see his dick without a mirror it's time to stop being a pig.
Joker  2 | 2447
6 Jun 2024   #71
Europeans walk around like that on the beaches of Florida. The locals laugh their asses off. These guys are missing the gold chains! Haha
jon357  72 | 23654
6 Jun 2024   #72
There is nothing better to swim in than briefs

This is true.

Why do fat Euro

They look like MAGA voting Walmart trash.

in my next life I will be gay.

You are already.
Atch  22 | 4299
6 Jun 2024   #73
What is it with you and shoes?

Shoes maketh the man. Remember in Silence of the Lambs when Hannibal Lecter says 'you're just one generation away from white trash with your good bag and your cheap shoes' :) You see, she bought an expensive bag because she thinks that's what people will notice and didn't understand the importance of shoes. I once saw a documentary where the sales assistant in a very upmarket London shop said that she never judges customers who appear scruffy. She glances at the shoes and that's how she can tell if they have enough money to make a purchase.
OP wslipach  8 | 96
6 Jun 2024   #74
Can't believe there are sixty posts about men's knickers........ it's bad enough that the OP started it. I mean really, the things that people obsess over. Coal and man panties.
@ Atch

I know it is hard for you to believe, but there are heterosexual women still around and out of those many do obsess with man's knickers and yes they do want to see them worn by men at the beach. So there you go , maybe you are just too old
Lenka  5 | 3548
6 Jun 2024   #75
many do obsess with man's knickers and yes they do want to see them worn by men at the beach.

Never actually met one that would....

Middle ground:

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Paulina  19 | 4556
6 Jun 2024   #76
Surf wear is what most Americans purchase..

You mean this?: o_O


but there are heterosexual women still around and out of those many do obsess with man's knickers

I don't recall ever paying much attention to what men wear on the beach... Admittedly, I don't obsess in general over what people wear in public.

they do want to see them worn by men at the beach.

Only by men who are fit :P Old men with big bellies in speedos isn't something that many people would like to particularly witness, I think ;) I guess you could say that speedos are the equivalent of women's sexy bikini. 🤔
Joker  2 | 2447
6 Jun 2024   #77
They look like MAGA voting Walmart trash.

And yet they are all Europeans in that photos...Americans would never dress like

I was at the beach in Chicago this past weekend and didnt see any fat ppl at all. Its just your out of control TDS affliction and hatred towards Americans... But we dont care about what a homo leftard in his tighty whities has to say anyhow.

You mean this?: o_O

Thats call a wet suit.... Its for surfers as you probably figured out by the "surfboard".

I already posted the link.

UK most overweight country in Western Europe says OECD

Obesity rates have doubled over the past two decades, and 63% of UK adults are overweight, according to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).

Britain is now sixth heaviest - "considerably worse" than the rest of the 35-member club of wealthy nations.
The UK's comparatively high adolescent drunkenness rate is also a key concern.

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jon357  72 | 23654
6 Jun 2024   #78
Americans would never dress like that

They would, and do.

And dress much worse.

Western Europe

Strange you should mention Western Europe since the thread isn't about there. And in any case, your country tops the obesity rates.
Vincent  8 | 800
6 Jun 2024   #79
Obesity rates have doubled over the past two decades, and 63% of UK adults are overweight

Looks like a couple of pugs to me.
jon357  72 | 23654
6 Jun 2024   #80
couple of pugs

And it's AI generated. It was originally made by a British guy to take the píss out of holidaymakers in Benidorm.

I'll not post many of those "spotted in Walmart" pictures. They're too gruesome to see.

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OP wslipach  8 | 96
6 Jun 2024   #81
Never actually met one that would...

I happen to meet women , a lot of women and while some don't pay attention to what I wear to the beach , others give positive comments. Some like tight boxer shorts (I rarely wear them), some like briefs (which I wear) , others like speedos (I rarely wear them , casual briefs are more comfortabe) and most like all of these. Your company must be a little limited in number perhaps and may be a little conservative too, women are visual , just like men are.

Only men who are fit :P Old men with bellies in speedos isn't something many people would like particularly witness, I think ;) you could say that speedos are the equivalent of women's sexy bikini. 🤔

Yeah, that is what many women say, and one of them made the same comparison between woman's bikini and man's speedos.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
6 Jun 2024   #82
They look like MAGA Walmart voting trash

Deplorables for TRUMP in 24'. 😄

63% of UK adults are overweight,

Are those only the White Uky's or are you counting their Muslim Uky brothers too ?
Joker  2 | 2447
7 Jun 2024   #83
Are those only the White Uky's or are you counting their Muslim Uky brothers too ?

I wouldnt even want to go to a Brit beach, hideous women and cold water.

Beer-swilling British women are branded the 'ugliest in the world'
Beer guzzling, belching, hideous dress sense - and that's some of the nicer things the rest of the world said about British women

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Atch  22 | 4299
7 Jun 2024   #84
it is hard for you to believe, but there are heterosexual women still around

Not hard for me to believe at all as I am one myself - and I have no interest in looking at strange men's nether regions, thank you very much. But then, I'm Irish and the beach means something different for us. Mostly we prefer to go somewhere quiet with few people. The 'seafront', the bit nearest the town/hotels/shops etc. is for families mostly.
Alien  26 | 6527
7 Jun 2024   #85
ugliest in the world

The second ugliest were American women and the third ugliest were German women...
Ironside  51 | 13083
8 Jun 2024   #86
They're too gruesome to see.

In their defense, Americans are fed a lot of poison in their food.

The UK's

Like they have three breakfast services and two lunch just for two people? It is ai generated.
OP wslipach  8 | 96
16 Jun 2024   #87
Why do fat Euro men all wear speedos, arent they embarrassed at all? Or do European women think thats hot? @ Joker

Why faken not? Dont bullshyte here , it is not abt fat ot not for Americans , it is about shape of man's gonads that Americans can no bear. Maybe it is time for Americans to also wear burkas. Also, why the double standard? Fat women in bikini are ok , but fat men in briefs are not ok?

Joker is a prude and your are a prude too so you understand each other well. No, no need to wait for next life, you and Joker are already gay, when you spend a lot of time around American prudes on PF you become gay.

Women like to look at the bulge in man's undies, it is just that not many will admitt to it to old gay men like you too, but they tell me all the time, especially the younger ones who you would think would buy into that new fashion of surf shorts , but the reality is that nature has the upper hand and women's natural instinct is to like man's body , just like man's instinct is to like woman's body. Speaking of witch Novyprawiczek your gayness rejects women in bikini or g-string. Well I don't see a problem , women look good in undies or even bra and undies on the beach.

But I still let you be gay if you want , its ok , just dont wear those faking shorts to the beach and put on some manly undies like real men do
Joker  2 | 2447
26 Jun 2024   #88
New in the world of entertainment... Kim Kardassshian gets her first major acting role in the forthcoming Star Wars movie!

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Novichok  4 | 8682
26 Jun 2024   #89
This begs the question... Who told women that big fake butts and tits are attractive?

I didn't.
OP wslipach  8 | 96
12 Jul 2024   #90
New in the world of entertainment... Kim Kardassshian gets her first major acting role in the forthcoming Star Wars movie!

That reminds more about your looks , you are a very sexy american , you must look hot in briefs at the beach, don't be shy and chuck on some old undies and ran onto the beach in all the briefs glory. How horrible you'd feel , omg

This begs the question... Who told women that big fake butts and tits are attractive?

Not very nice, true, I do not go to the beach to perv for nothing , so when I get there I want to see results , however, if nothing better comes along I will settle for those fake fat butts. However, women like that can roam the beach in undies and two piece swim suits , boobs sticking out in a bikini , fat boobs, fat butts and it is ok, but super hot men like me and Joker can not show the package in sexy briefs? Come on Americans , take a look at Polish beaches and learn!

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