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"Strange " English language..

Novichok  5 | 7883
23 Jun 2024 #211
Albanian for "you" formal is "Ju" and pronounced 'yeeew',

Can you name one person who gives a fvck?

This thread is about English - the language that should replace all other languages.
Crow  154 | 9098
23 Jun 2024 #212
Much of such talk has long been debunked by scholars.

Paid by whom?
jon357  73 | 22632
23 Jun 2024 #213
such talk has long been debunked

They're both Indo-European languages so there will be obvious similarities. To say that one of many languages in that family (and not an old one at that) is domhow the origin of English is beyond laughable.
Crow  154 | 9098
23 Jun 2024 #214
They're both Indo-European languages so there will be obvious similarities.

How you think Indo-European? Look how even term sound stupid. Term created by ``scholars`` in colonial times.

11.000 BC to 5.000 BC what was European civilization was Balkan. Rest was ice still in retreat after ice age. In fact 11.000-9.000 BC what is now western and central Europe was covered in ice 2 km tick. So, what was Europe was literally Balkan. Those are facts.

Now, you tell me that we now in Europe speak language that is Indo-European in origin and not Balkan or Serbian and Slavic in origin? You say that people that gave Lepenski Vir culture (at a time when they were sole European civilization) spoke some Indo-European language? You think they needed India to be influenced to speak? You think they were mute?

Please. Fu*c western European scholars. Fu*c stupidity in modern informative era.
jon357  73 | 22632
23 Jun 2024 #215

First postulated in the sixteenth century due to people noticing similarities between Latin/Greek and Sanskrit.

not Balkan or Serbian and Slavic in origin?

No, not. Are you running out of medication?
Crow  154 | 9098
23 Jun 2024 #216
First postulated in the sixteenth century due to people noticing similarities between Latin/Greek and Sanskrit.

Because they didn`t want to see that Sanskrit itself coming from the Slavic. Not to speak of Latin/Greek. Sure, plus all kind of Mediterranean/Asian influences. But, foundations are Slavic.

No, not. Are you running out of medication?

Genetics of Serbians overlap in 60% of Lepenski Vir skeletons. Plus, Lepenski Vir people has tallest skeletons among ancient skeletons. And who are tallest Whites in average? Serbians. Where Serbians live? Their ethnic core is what was Lepenski Vir.

Not to speak of modern scientific clues, discoveries on many fields, linguistic studies, etc.
Crow  154 | 9098
23 Jun 2024 #217
You English would rather be Indian then Serbian and Slavic in origin, seams to me.
Novichok  5 | 7883
23 Jun 2024 #218
Paid by whom?

Crow, never, ever ask Lyzko for specifics. It's anti-Semitic and mean-spirited.
Crow  154 | 9098
23 Jun 2024 #219
English word PUSSY says it all. It coming from Serbian KISSING.

Logic is obvious. That see all who had ever gave thought to a pussy. Is there anything better, more beautiful and gentle then a pussy. What a decent man can do about it then kiss it and cherish it in unimaginable ways. Most venerable human organ ever. Thing of all joy.
Novichok  5 | 7883
23 Jun 2024 #220
Most venerable human organ ever. Thing of all joy.

...and most repulsive if you are a fagot...

How many gs in "fagot"? One or two? I just want to make sure I use proper English.
jon357  73 | 22632
23 Jun 2024 #221
English word PUSSY says it all.

It's onomatopoeic. Nothing to do with Balkan slang.
Lenka  5 | 3535
23 Jun 2024 #222
It's onomatopoeic

??? Can you please expand?
Crow  154 | 9098
23 Jun 2024 #223
Tell him Lenka, please. I can`t do it all alone here.

...and most repulsive if you are a fagot...

Yes. Proof that ancients were not fagots. They loved pussy in a most natural way.
Alien  22 | 5456
23 Jun 2024 #224
Proof that ancients were not fagots. They loved pussy in a most natural way.

But it was the ancient Greeks who developed homosexuality into its present form.
jon357  73 | 22632
23 Jun 2024 #225
Can you please expand?

A word that sounds like its meaning. Rushing waves, howling wolves, oinking pigs. Psss, psss, pussy (cat is "mau" in a lot of languages). Kiciuś is onomatopoeia.

Splash, bang, hiccup.

Hau-hau in Polish and words like Pstryk, Dryń, Dzyń, though P9lish tends not to use onomatopoeia as much as some other languages. There are still a few good examples though.
Lenka  5 | 3535
23 Jun 2024 #226
I do know what onomatopoeia is. I'm curious how a work describing rather quiet organ be onomatopoeic...
jon357  73 | 22632
23 Jun 2024 #227
describing rather quiet organ

The original meaning of the word is cat. It came to be used (first of all in American English) to describe vaginas (though not all are that quiet...) a long long time after the word first appeared. It may have come from Dutch. In Afrikaans, both a pussy cat and a vagina are called "poes".

In Sweden they call it a mouse apparently.
Miloslaw  20 | 4836
23 Jun 2024 #228
It came to be used (first of all in American English) to describe vaginas (though not all are that quiet...)

In my experience I have to agree with that,Vaginas are not always quiet..... :-)

Of course, the term pussy is often used in the UK and the harsher Beaver in the USA.

Maybe American girls are hairier than British ones?
Crow  154 | 9098
24 Jun 2024 #229
But it was the ancient Greeks who developed homosexuality into its present form.

That's right. The Greeks made homosexuality a means of birth control in the limited space of city-states.
Novichok  5 | 7883
24 Jun 2024 #230
The Greeks made homosexuality a means of birth control

There must be a less repulsive way...
Crow  154 | 9098
24 Jun 2024 #231
Ultra extra tax for every born child.
jon357  73 | 22632
24 Jun 2024 #232
pussy is often used in the UK

In my town it's clout, snatch clipper or clackers.
Crow  154 | 9098
24 Jun 2024 #233
In my experience I have to agree with that,Vaginas are not always quiet..... :-)

They talk indeed. From whispering to chattering.
jon357  73 | 22632
24 Jun 2024 #234
They talk indeed

One of them is standing for election in Clacton
Crow  154 | 9098
24 Jun 2024 #235

Tell me, prijatelju, did you ever truly talked to a pussy? Truly. Dedicated the entire night just to talk to that great wonder?
jon357  73 | 22632
24 Jun 2024 #236
did you ever truly talked to a pussy?

Every morning and every evening when they want feeding
Crow  154 | 9098
24 Jun 2024 #237
They sometimes want only to talk. Long long talk. Like cats. Try that sometimes. You don`t need di*k for those talks. Maybe. But, long long talk. Woman are so delicate.
Alien  22 | 5456
24 Jun 2024 #238
Just don't say later that it was on the tip of your tongue.
Crow  154 | 9098
24 Jun 2024 #239
Well, how else would you talk to a pussy? Talk is talk. There is time for talk and time for something else. Woman are subtle. And honest if you wish. They don`t get what they need, they go. Like cats. Its the other question that man mostly fails to understand them and do them properly.
Novichok  5 | 7883
24 Jun 2024 #240
I am not surprised that Bobko and Velund left.

Home / UK, Ireland / "Strange " English language..

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