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Raising Bilingual Children - How are you teaching your children? Your experiences?

Novichok  4 | 8682
20 Sep 2023   #61
a decent person who knows that wide access to guns only contributes to more violence instead of reducing it.

I still like you, pawian, but this sentence is stupid. Here is why...

I make decisions based 100% on what is good for me. Period. What is good for society is another matter and is not my problem. For example, AR-15s are bad for society. You know...mass shootings, schools, dead kids...

I will never buy one because they are bad for me in self-defense situations. That's the ONLY reason why I didn't buy one yet, not because of statistics.

Neither would I give a fu*ck if some moron stole it from me and killed 100 kids because the leftists like Lyzko didn't make American schools as safe as those in Israel.

@Rich & Ironside, you're both merely projecting your own lack of English skills.

Show me where my English is coming up short.
pawian  226 | 27817
20 Sep 2023   #62
I make decisions based 100% on what is good for me. Period. What is good for society is another matter and is not my problem

Yes, but you don`t live on a desert island, you live in a society, without it you wouldn`t survive a year of your life.

Neither would I give a fu*ck if some moron stole it from me and killed 100 kids

Even if one of those kids was your grandkid???? Incredible things you are now saying. .
mafketis  38 | 11263
20 Sep 2023   #63
Incredible things you are now saying

But very typical things for a narcissist to say.... he wouldn't care about the grandkid until there's a chance to emote publicly and make it all about himself.

Haven't you been paying attention?
Lyzko  44 | 9723
20 Sep 2023   #64
@Rich, did you ever receive my private mail I sent you the other day?
Or did you ignore that one too, claiming you couldn't understand my English.

"....where my English COMES up short." (simply rather than progressive present).
Novichok  4 | 8682
20 Sep 2023   #65
Even if one of those kids was your grandkid????

You are failing Logic 101.

If you follow it further, I should not own a car because somebody may steal it and run over a person I love or even me.

Life is not 0 vs. 100%. It's a lottery with certain probabilities of outcomes multiplied by the severity of those outcomes. Even if the probability of a home invasion is extremely low, the outcome may be extremely high. That made being unarmed unacceptable to me. Your math may be different since you live in a different and saner country. I am jealous...

Show me where my English is coming up short.

"....where my English COMES up short." (simply rather than progressive present).


"Show me where my English is coming up short" ... in this post ... now ... at this very I am typing...

I had no intention of debating the quality of my English in thousands of my previous posts.

Feel free to catch errors and lack of clarity in my future posts while adjusting for the fact that posts are not books.

Yours need a translator or at least the kind of effort few here are willing to make.
Lyzko  44 | 9723
20 Sep 2023   #66
You're playing he Devil's Advocate again, RIch!
Let's try a little equal opportunity bullying, huh?
Why discriminate and not include the rest of our posters?
pawian  226 | 27817
20 Sep 2023   #67
If you follow it further,

Stop evading. :):):) I asked you a direct question - will you also give a shyt when among 100 kids killed with your gun is one of your grandkids???

Just simple yes or no.
PS. Will you dare to say Yes??? :):):)
Novichok  4 | 8682
20 Sep 2023   #68
Just simple yes or no.

No. I will not give a fu*ck how many kids died from my AR in somebody's evil hands since the US ruling mafia doesn't give a fu*ck how many Americans die from:

1. Open borders and drugs
2. Drunk drivers
3. Black thugs
4. Foreign wars
5. Abortions

...all of them preventable to a degree that would matter. My stolen AR would be taking a pis* into Niagara Falls and calling it a smelly sewer.
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
20 Sep 2023   #69
My stolen AR

Novi tack an air tag to ya firearms.I once got a cab driver in Warsaw right from his house,when I left an important bag in his car.He was honest but didnt know and I went with the cops to his house at 2 am.90 bucks for 4 no service fee and are good for years.Pin Pointed the location by a meter.
mafketis  38 | 11263
21 Sep 2023   #70
I went with the cops to his house at 2 am

I hope you gave him a big tip for bothering him in the middle of the night because of a mistake that you made.....
Novichok  4 | 8682
21 Sep 2023   #71
Bilingual is like bisexual. One too many.

I am supremely glad my daughters are monolingual. They never came to me to tell me how much they missed Polish.
It also removed the option of moving to Poland and leaving us behind the way I left my parents.

BTW, I would happily donate my Polish if I knew how to do it.
Lyzko  44 | 9723
21 Sep 2023   #72
Resentment of your motherland, shouldn't be used against your children who seek to understand their ancestral culture.
Your problems with Poland in the end are YOUR problems, not your kids':-)
Novichok  4 | 8682
21 Sep 2023   #73
who seek to understand their ancestral culture.

Mine don't, never did, and never will.
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
21 Sep 2023   #74
I hope you gave him a big tip for bothering him in the middle of the night because of a mistake that you made.

I sincerely regret that I should have given him more as the bag was worth way more to me..The guy very hesitantly accepted 200Pln bill.It was a nightmare for me as the cops found the car and located the drivers address and woke him up,Initially I suspected he stole it but the guy was honest,he didnt even know that the bag was in his cab.

Now if the guy is not smelling of smokes I tip them 15% as respect to cab drivers in Warsaw.

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