a decent person who knows that wide access to guns only contributes to more violence instead of reducing it.
I still like you, pawian, but this sentence is stupid. Here is why...
I make decisions based 100% on what is good for me. Period. What is good for society is another matter and is not my problem. For example, AR-15s are bad for society. You know...mass shootings, schools, dead kids...
I will never buy one because they are bad for me in self-defense situations. That's the ONLY reason why I didn't buy one yet, not because of statistics.
Neither would I give a fu*ck if some moron stole it from me and killed 100 kids because the leftists like Lyzko didn't make American schools as safe as those in Israel.
@Rich & Ironside, you're both merely projecting your own lack of English skills.
Show me where my English is coming up short.