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Racist who hurled abuse at Eastern Europeans shouting 'This is England'

dolnoslask  5 | 2805
4 Sep 2017   #1
Racist who hurled abuse at Eastern Europeans shouting 'This is England' arrives at court in sleeveless football shirt top with a can of beer

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At least Poland is racially tolerant, Unlike Brexit Britain which appears to be sliding downhill fast due to the isolationist brexit policy of its two major political parties, I never thought I would see marxists and conservatives join together to create so much racial intolerance in the UK.

At least Poland still holds out its hand in friendship to its British Migrant workers.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
4 Sep 2017   #2
oh come on Dolno, one idiot is not representative of four nations is it?
jon357  72 | 23665
4 Sep 2017   #3
At least Poland is racially tolerant,

Not so much.

Brexit Britain which appears to be sliding downhill

This is true.

At least he's being dealt with in the courts.
Ironside  51 | 13109
4 Sep 2017   #4
let stop using this neo-Marxist terminology, not a racist but xenophobe. More precisely a low scum restoring to xenophobic rhetoric in order to not feel like a looser he is.
jon357  72 | 23665
4 Sep 2017   #5
Like all xenophobes, racists and fascists.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497
4 Sep 2017   #6
At least Poland is racially tolerant

Just back from the pub Dolno, but please......:)) I almost choked on my AleBrowar beer. There is no benefit in a comparison. We have both lived in both countries and you would know that the UK was always the sanctuary of choice.

Poland was religiously and racially tolerant until the 20th century.........but when we talk of modern times is a disgrace.

Not going to return to previous times on this board and not going to comment further on your facile assumption.
OP dolnoslask  5 | 2805
5 Sep 2017   #7
UK was always the sanctuary of choice.

So funny when people hold up the UK as some kind of bastion of racial tolerance, truth is I lived there for 50 years as a white racial minority, I won't harp on about instances where I and my family have been disadvantaged by racial prejudice, but being part of the white middle class club has put me in positions where I have been able to see what lies just beneath this utopian view of this so called racialy mixed and tolerant society.

What I can say is that Britain has done a good job at silencing those who are racially intolerant, but just under the surface there are very many racists (well educated and in powerful positions) who once feel they are in private amongs their white only bretheren are only too happy to to spew racist jokes and hatred, they tend not to do this while in the company of a known liberalist thats why you don't get to see it Doug, A huge problem exists boiling just under the surface and sadly one day it may expode.
jon357  72 | 23665
5 Sep 2017   #8
some kind of bastion of racial tolerance

It is.

truth is I lived there for 50 years as a white racial minority

It's your home, and you're part of the majority.

What I can say is that Britain has done a good job at silencing those who are racially intolerant,

There's still a way to go...
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
5 Sep 2017   #9
some kind of bastion of racial tolerance

ye it is only white British that go on like that. If you have any experience of being a minority group, you will find it's a bit diffferent.
nothanks  - | 626
6 Sep 2017   #10
Proud Brit drinking tequila flavored beer?

This cracked me up: "Barry Bonner said he could not be racist because his brother was black"
6 Sep 2017   #11
Lol...I witnessed 3 pregnant Polish girls racially abusing a Fijian army girl outside a shop once in England.
Crow  155 | 9722
18 Feb 2022   #12
Of this is extraordinary. Simple beautiful >

Ku*wa anglia >

I admire to Poles.
Alien  26 | 6551
18 Feb 2022   #13
Welcome to Poland.
pawian  226 | 27817
18 Feb 2022   #14
3 pregnant Polish girls racially abusing a Fijian army girl

And quite correctly. Coz that army girl had first promised to be a supportive partner and a loving father to the babies but later she changed her mind. And her 3 partners got furious. Simple.
Miloslaw  22 | 5223
18 Feb 2022   #15

A poor example of Polish people in your video.
The idiot couldn't manage three words without swearing.....
Do you like him because he is like a Serb?
MacAindreas  1 | 21
20 Feb 2022   #16
This is the stereotypical English racist thug/ football hooligan. That's why it's made the paper. Can't blame an entire country for one idiot and it's unreasonable to extrapolate this one incident to support the racist Brexit Britain argument.

It's easy to claim a country is a bastion of racial tolerance when 95% plus of the population is the same ethnicity.
Novichok  4 | 8732
20 Feb 2022   #17
Can't blame an entire country for one idiot

The swamp uses the 10,000 to 1 ratio. When they get an angry hand-written letter from a pis*ed off voter, they know that there are 10,000 others who feel exactly the same way but are too lazy to do it.

the racist Brexit Britain argument.

Trying to keep your country all white is as "racist" as keeping your friends and family all white. The same with the water you drink - all clear, no yellow.

Home / UK, Ireland / Racist who hurled abuse at Eastern Europeans shouting 'This is England'

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