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Warning to British people visiting Poland!! Don't get drunk and smash the place up!

hague1cameron  - | 85
14 Feb 2010   #241
time means
Yes those highland clearances, those terrible English. Wait a minute, it was the Scots who perpetuated the clearances on each other. Go figure.
convex  20 | 3928
14 Feb 2010   #242
it's not the thing - the thing is called 'izba wytrzeźwień' ('sobering clinic') -most of these have gone but some cities kept them - I think Kraków is one of these

i stand by organ harvesting. you know how rampant of a problem it is here. don't try to pretend that organ harvesting doesn't happen here all the time. and baby smuggling too.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138
14 Feb 2010   #243
He woke up in a clinic strapped to bed with a gown on. no one the clinic told him how he got there, where he was.

LOL ! That clown wasn't in any clinic but in izba wytrzeźwień - the place where totally drunk clowns are broght by police and locked up until they get sober. I saw a completely drunk English **** when I was in Kraków last time but I didn't call the police, just pissed on that ****.
szkotja2007  27 | 1497
14 Feb 2010   #244
Scots who perpetuated the clearances

It was laws made in London after the '45 Rebellion that eventually led to the clearances.

Yes, some were Scots but some of the worst were imposed landlords such as the Duke of Stafford.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
14 Feb 2010   #246
That clown wasn't in any clinic but in izba wytrzeźwień - the place where totally drunk clowns are broght by police and locked up until they get sober.

Gotta love the excuse... "I was drugged".

Suuuure you were.

(having said this, there was that dodgy case in Warsaw a few years back....)
hague1cameron  - | 85
14 Feb 2010   #247

Gotta love the excuse... "I was drugged".

How naïve do you have to be to believe the story and post it on somebody’s behalf? lol
SeanBM  34 | 5781
14 Feb 2010   #248
i stand by organ harvesting. you know how rampant of a problem it is here. don't try to pretend that organ harvesting doesn't happen here all the time. and baby smuggling too.

What gives you that idea?

I honestly haven't heard of any such organ harvesting and if I google it with Poland nothing comes up but I generally don't know anything about this subject.

What makes you say it is rampant?

It is more probably that he drank too much and woke up in a drunk tank.
convex  20 | 3928
14 Feb 2010   #249
I honestly haven't heard of any such organ harvesting and if I google it with Poland nothing comes up but I generally don't know anything about this subject.
What makes you say it is rampant?

Haha, you actually googled "organ harvesting poland" because of that post? Did you search for baby smuggling too? I bet you have a weird search history :)
SeanBM  34 | 5781
14 Feb 2010   #250
you actually googled "organ harvesting poland" because of that post?



I bet you have a weird search history

You wouldn't believe it if I told you ;p
szkotja2007  27 | 1497
14 Feb 2010   #251
the majority.

The majority of people who were forcibly evicted, were done so by agents of the Marquess of Stafford. Notoriously in Strathnavar and the strath of Kildonan.These agents were usually employed from outside the Highlands and yes, they were Scottish.

With the enforced destruction of clan structure a few chiefs ( to their shame ) evicted their clansmen, most notably the MacDonald in Skye and MacDonnel of Glengarry.

Scots who perpetuated

Not wishing to be a garmmar nazi but.......these crimes were perpetrated, it is the Westminister Government which perpetuated the clearance ( battle of the braes, Lord Brocket, men of knoydart etc ).

Interesting that the population of the Highlands is only now reaching the levels it was pre-clearances.
hague1cameron  - | 85
14 Feb 2010   #252
Haha, you actually googled "organ harvesting poland" because of that post? Did you search for baby smuggling too? I bet you have a weird search history :)

Seriously though, there was a recent case in which Ambulance personnel got sentenced for finishing people of by putting them to sleep (permanently) for their organs, elderly for the most part.

No link, though it was quite prominent in the Media at the time about 7 months back or so on TVN.
SeanBM  34 | 5781
14 Feb 2010   #253
there was a recent case in which Ambulance personnel got sentenced

Have you a link, please?
hague1cameron  - | 85
14 Feb 2010   #254
garmmar nazi

you've got me, I'am to slow for these forums i write before i think. The reason for the slow re- population is partly due to the poor fertility of the highlands.

Keep in mind that off topic posts will be binned.

No link, though it was quite prominent in the Media at the time about 7 months back or so on TVN.
szkotja2007  27 | 1497
14 Feb 2010   #255
Keep in mind that off topic posts will be binned.

Relevance your honour -
the 45 was an attempt to put a Sobieski on the throne in London - resulting in the clearances.

poor fertility of the highlands.

You talking about farming the land here or breeding ?
hague1cameron  - | 85
14 Feb 2010   #256
You talking about farming the land here or breeding ?

lol. farming of course, or was that a demonstration of your dry humor. Come to think of it though probably both.
SeanBM  34 | 5781
14 Feb 2010   #257
I have heard that before actually but with the add on that the English are oppressors like the Germans.

hague1cameron is this what you are talking about:
Britain in WW2 and slavery
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138
14 Feb 2010   #258
Seriously though, there was a recent case in which Ambulance personnel got sentenced for finishing people of by putting them to sleep (permanently) for their organs, elderly for the most part.

Have you a link, please?

That's partly true. It had been the fornt page news here for weeks about 3 years ago. But It wasn't about organs but... about being paid by undertakers for news about recent deaths... they probably killed dozens of people to get... 1000 PLN for each of them.
jonni  16 | 2475
14 Feb 2010   #259

I remember that scandal.

Given the topic of the thread, it's worth mentioning that there was never any suggestion that foreign visitors were involved. I understand they started off with homeless people whose funerals were paid for by the state and then got greedier and started killing more and ore patients.

Here's a link to the story.
hague1cameron  - | 85
15 Feb 2010   #260
hague1cameron is this what you are talking about:
Britain in WW2 and slavery

I see what it relates to now, but no i wasn't aware of this thread before. Though it sounds like real BS
16 Feb 2010   #261
my friend for your information is not BRITISH. and secondly how the f*** can you not remember what has happened to you when you've only had three pints. i can assure you he was stripped naked when he arrived at the clinic. they had his cloths you F***ing twat. My warning is to those who visit poland to be careful, it's not like the UK where you would be locked up at night and told exactly what your doing there. Futher to your half hearted reply investigations showed that he was indeed drugged. Its the way he was trreated in the clinic that discussed me. Where we come from a couple of pints is just socialising, my firend would need to be drinking for at least several hours solid before he would even show the signs of being drunk. and certainly not the type of person to cause a scene.
tomaszmojsiejuk  - | 8
16 Feb 2010   #262
haha just call the police on them and they will take them down to the police station and they will get sobered up polish style.
TIT  5 | 208
16 Feb 2010   #263

you have to be careful when you sip peacefully a pint of lager in some places, some rough people want to drug you to extort your cash, many times hookers are fancy your wallet, that's the part of ex communist Poland past, sold by your ilk to an evil commie soviet basrtads which you never experienced,.This is not a France or Spain .

Just one more thing about hospitals, don't expect English when you abroad.
Europe is not your ex colony, in India you can ask about something in English, when in France or Germany or Spain instead of "how you feel" you will get voule le vous de tuch or pargue bon paa or ws ducht wor walt or skad jestes not fcuking englese
hague1cameron  - | 85
16 Feb 2010   #264
three pints

So it is three pints now, before you said it was two. if he can't remember how many pints he had well than.....
jonni  16 | 2475
16 Feb 2010   #265
you have to be careful when you sip peacefully a pint of lager in some places, some rough people want to drug you

Rubbish. I've drunk lager at least three times a week for ten years and never been drugged, worse luck.

many times hookers are fancy your wallet

That's the nature of prostitution. The world's oldest profession, every town in the world has it. Warsaw has (as far as I know) only one clip joint. This compares well to London or Paris.

sold by your ilk to an evil commie soviet basrtads which you never experienced


Just one more thing about hospitals, don't expect English when you abroad.

Even in a small town in Poland, there are usually English-speakers.
TIT  5 | 208
16 Feb 2010   #266
[quote=jonni]jonni stick your precious wishes up your asre, dont try make Poland more sweet than she is in reality
jonni  16 | 2475
16 Feb 2010   #267

What's an asre?
16 Feb 2010   #268
I've drunk lager at least three times a week for ten years and never been drugged, worse luck.

There's always Patricks....
jonni  16 | 2475
16 Feb 2010   #269
That's the clip joint I was referring to. Mind you, Toro has its moments.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
16 Feb 2010   #270
Rubbish. I've drunk lager at least three times a week for ten years and never been drugged, worse luck.

Compare this to the UK where drink spiking is rife. People in Poland actually leave drinks lying, unlike in the UK where you'd have to be an absolute moron to do so.

my friend for your information is not BRITISH.

American then. Or possibly Asian.

and secondly how the f*** can you not remember what has happened to you when you've only had three pints.

Strong lager will do that to a man. Three pints of Warka Strong to someone who can't handle his booze is quite a lot. Anyway, it was two pints above, now it's three - was it actually ten?

i can assure you he was stripped naked when he arrived at the clinic. they had his cloths you F***ing twat.

Well, if he was struggling, fighting the police and being an general arse, what better way to deal with him than to strip him naked and tie him to a bed? It's much better than being up in court the following morning on a drunk and disorderly charge.

My warning is to those who visit poland to be careful, it's not like the UK where you would be locked up at night and told exactly what your doing there.

True, it's not like the UK, where the police routinely beat protestors, where the police routinely harrase innocent photographers under 'terrorism' laws and all sorts of other fun things that the British police get upto. I mean, the Great British Police would never dream of putting drugs in black people's pockets when doing a search, just to bust them, would they?

Oh wait.

Futher to your half hearted reply investigations showed that he was indeed drugged.

Are you sure he wasn't taking drugs? Not uncommon for foreigners to go somewhere and to try and score drugs. Of course, blaming others is a good way to excuse your behaviour when high on drugs.

Its the way he was trreated in the clinic that discussed me. Where we come from a couple of pints is just socialising, my firend would need to be drinking for at least several hours solid before he would even show the signs of being drunk. and certainly not the type of person to cause a scene.

Right, because all foreigners in Poland are well behaved. The fact that he can fairly knock back the booze suggests at a drink problem on his part, and goes quite a long way to explain why he was taken to the drunk tank.

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