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Warning to British people visiting Poland!! Don't get drunk and smash the place up!

hythorn  3 | 580
12 Jan 2012   #391

you admit that your son went to Poland with the intention of getting drunk and causing trouble

* you must be very proud of how you raised him

he sounds like a real prospective pillar of the community

and then those nasty Polish policeman locking him up

It appears you have raised the lad to take utterly no responsiblity for his actions

please tell me that he is an only child

* sarcasm
teflcat  5 | 1024
12 Jan 2012   #392
Do that in the UK and the police are too worried about the consequences to do anything

The London ambulance service now has dedicated vehicles for picking up drunks. They are known as vomit comets, which is pretty funny until you realise that the drunks now know that if they get smashed out of their heads, they can get two or three trained people to look after them in a nice warm ambulance. They should have drunk tanks in the UK. They would make people think very seriously about that last round of slammers.
RevokeNice  15 | 1854
12 Jan 2012   #393
What a marvellous idea. Arrest and beat up tourists. That will do wonders for tourism.

Then charge them a nice chunk of change for the pleasure.

An even better idea is to beat up lads from countries were hundreds of thousands of your citizens emigrated too.

Meanwhile, in civilised lands;
12 Jan 2012   #394
Pity you know nothing about Poland. If you did, you'd know that the reason people like me will no longer go to to Krakow is twats like the son of this poor mother.
Wroclaw Boy
12 Jan 2012   #395
An Irish man beating up a Polish man whilst the Polish man is in handcuffs?
RevokeNice  15 | 1854
12 Jan 2012   #396
and loses his job and gets sentenced in a court of law.

Compare and contrast that to the previous posters experience.

the reason people like me will no longer go to to Krakow is twats like the son of this poor mother.

Drunk tourists in a major tourist destination, shocker.

Happens in every large city.

Find a pub or club with a sensible and stringent door policy.
12 Jan 2012   #397
" Find a pub or club with a sensible and stringent door policy."
Thanks but I know plenty which will tell groups of drunken Irishmen "Private party tonight".
12 Jan 2012   #398
What a marvellous idea. Arrest and beat up tourists. That will do wonders for tourism.

sorry but am running out of sympathy for anyone that travels to poland to take advantage of cheap vodka/beer only to find themselves in trouble after a few too many. the majority of tourists travelling to poland wont have any problems if they are sensible. i certainly enjoyed a few vodkas in the evening but not to the extent that i made myself a target for the police. arresting and beating up tourists is not the norm. however if you are going to walk around smashed after too much vodka and causing trouble,expect to be sure there are far worse places than poland to be arrested in...which is why you should get clued up berore you travel anywhere.
RevokeNice  15 | 1854
12 Jan 2012   #399
Thanks but I know plenty which will tell groups of drunken Irishmen "Private party tonight".

A most sensible policy.

i certainly enjoyed a few vodkas in the evening but not to the extent that i made myself a target for the police.

Polish beer and spirits are on the stronger end of the scale.

Someone whom is used to 4% beers would be hammered after a few of the stronger polish beers.

if you are going to walk around smashed after too much vodka and causing trouble,expect to be arrested.

Expect to be arrested, the world over. There is a big difference between a night in a cell and being stripped, washed down with freezing water and strapped to a bed for the night.

sorry but am running out of sympathy for anyone that travels to poland to take advantage of cheap vodka/beer only to find themselves in trouble after a few too many.

If you encourage tourists to come over on stag weekends etc, dont be surprised if they get drunk.
12 Jan 2012   #400
" There is a big difference between a night in a cell and being stripped, washed down with freezing water and strapped to a bed for the night."

Exactly: one is a deterrent.
gumishu  15 | 6228
12 Jan 2012   #401
If you encourage tourists to come over on stag weekends etc, dont be surprised if they get drunk.

the thing is it's not Kraków authorities nor Polish authorieties that encourage people to come for stag parties
RevokeNice  15 | 1854
12 Jan 2012   #402
Exactly: one is a deterrent.

Yeah, a deterrent to return to the country.

It is widely accepted that if somebody has a bad experience, be it in a pub, restaurant, with an internet provider, or visiting a foreign nation, they will tell ten others.

I really hope, for Polands sake, you are not involved in the tourism industry.
irishguy11  6 | 157
12 Jan 2012   #403
He is not a normal irish man, he is a police man. Other police in Dublin have being brought to court for entering a apartment and beating a irish guy(ok the irish guy did break the jaw of another policeman).

I just wanted to say that it is not something that occurs everyday.

sorry this was reply to Harry.
isthatu2  4 | 2692
12 Jan 2012   #404
Exactly: one is a deterrent.

If it worked as such it would never be used would it.......a nuclear bomb is a deterrent, sado masochistic/homo erotic torture of young lads is just perverse.

To expand, have not got drunk in Krakow for about 5 years now and never had any trouble aside from dodging the odd Polish p!ss heads fighting in the street.

About 3 years ago a mate told me how his kid brother had been swept up with a completly seperate group on a stag weekend by the Police ( to be clear, the lad was not with the group or involved with the group just came out of a bar at the wrong time speaking the wrong language) and had gone through some serious abuse from both the pigs who did the arresting and the scum he was left with overnight. Frankly ,at the time I thought he was full of sh!t and that,at the least the lad must have been up to something............unfortunatly,nope, like I say,the sickest thing is that people are proud of this caveman behaviour from the so called forces of law and order....
RevokeNice  15 | 1854
12 Jan 2012   #405
If it worked as such it would never be used would it.......a nuclear bomb is a deterrent, sado masochistic/homo erotic torture of young lads is just perverse.

Its not just young lads. A Polish woman died in one last year. As did five other males.
peterweg  37 | 2305
12 Jan 2012   #406
the thing is it's not Kraków authorities nor Polish authorieties that encourage people to come for stag parties

I've yet to see an British stag party in Krakow. I must be blind.
isthatu2  4 | 2692
12 Jan 2012   #407
What helps me believe it RN is that my Polish mates (in Poland) are all typically nice,law abiding middle class types and they hate the Police with the same ferocity that inner city kids in the UK hate coppers.....
irishguy11  6 | 157
12 Jan 2012   #408
I've yet to see an British stag party in Krakow. I must be blind.

Last year I came across maybe 20 brit stag parties in the Irish Mbassy Pub. They do have very good bar staff/security, so I never saw any trouble. Well except when I asked to watch the All Ireland hurling final(but it was just **** taking).
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138
14 Jan 2012   #409
All I can say is: too little, too late.
ShortHairThug  - | 1101
14 Jan 2012   #410
if somebody has a bad experience, be it in a pub, restaurant, with an internet provider, or visiting a foreign nation, they will tell ten others.

So, he will tell ten other chavs to stay away, a good thing if you ask me. Keeps the rift raft away.
pawian  226 | 27817
18 Jan 2013   #411
Things have changed a lot. Brits still get drunk and smash the premises into pieces but when the police arrives, they pay for everything and the owner doesn`t take them to court. Western culture is high!!
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138
18 Jan 2013   #412
Is that **** still going there in large numbers ?
smurf  38 | 1940
18 Jan 2013   #413
Bumping a year old thread to do a bit of trolling again I see lads.
Wroclaw Boy
18 Jan 2013   #414
I've yet to see an British stag party in Krakow. I must be blind.

Ive seen about 20 in Wroclaw and in the 4 times i visited Krakow over the past 8 years ive seen one, yes you must be blind. But having said that there are not too many these days, it was more a 2007/2008 thing.
pawian  226 | 27817
18 Jan 2013   #415
Bumping a year old thread to do a bit of trolling again I see lads.

Don`t be silly. Can`t you see how dead this place has been for a few last days? You are posting such boring stuff that I had to look through older threads.
6 Jul 2018   #416
Last year I was in warsaw, I was staying in a hostel and met a lad from my area (Newcastle) we went for a few drinks, probably had about 6 pints and 6 shots of vodka. Normally this amount of alcohol wouldn't do much to me but I didn't realise how strong the polish beers and vodkas were. I blacked out and woke up in a police cell. But the was 10 beds in the room and the personel were dressed as scruffy doctors, I thought I was in a mental institute. I was detained for 22 hours before being released, I was subjected to an hourly breathelizer. All my money (including English notes and coins) had been taken out of my wallet. Next time I visit poland I'm not even going to have one drink.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
7 Jul 2018   #417
I blacked out and woke up in a police cell.

It's called a drunk tank, your money was taken to top up the staff pay, they don't earn allot, Just look at it as and additional hotel stay.

Just think how much the NHS in the UK would save if drunks were managed the Polish way.
Crow  155 | 9700
7 Jul 2018   #418
Oh, how beautiful title of this thread. Warning to Brits..... Seams that my Polish brethren started to lose nerves with Brits. Good, good. Next step would be less naivety and then finally awakening.
pawian  226 | 27817
7 Mar 2020   #419
Pleeeease dont get drunk and start smashing the place up,

And don`t run naked in streets or climb monuments when bare-assed. It is improper.
jon357  72 | 23654
7 Mar 2020   #420
naked in streets

I once saw someone doing that in the centre of Wrocław. It caused quite a stir. Not a foreign visitor though; a local.

Home / UK, Ireland / Warning to British people visiting Poland!! Don't get drunk and smash the place up!

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