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Warning to British people visiting Poland!! Don't get drunk and smash the place up!

26 Jun 2011   #361
Oh I know it. The point to my earlier point was that rich people go to the Bahamas and the Cayman Islands or Monaco or even Nice (and likely behave themselves there). Middle class punters go to Krakow because the beer is cheap and the women are supposedly easy.

You're far more likely to find my mother (along with her toyboy) in Krakow than any of those other four places. Although admittedly she does now prefer to go mid-week (last time she went for a weekend she later complained about "some dreadful oiks" behaving "disgracefully").
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138
26 Jun 2011   #362
Doubtful, since they are often high spenders

LOL ! Despite all this lefty/internationalistic/homo image, you are just a typical English koont. Right, Johny Englander is feeding starving women and children of Kraków :))) Dude, the plebs stays in cheap hostels, eat fast foods, share one Moldavian wh*ore for 5 of them etc. and most of decent places don't let them in.

and Kraków isn't, let's face it, particularly interesting to 'quality' tourists.

It isn't because the kunts are there !!!
BubbaWoo  33 | 3502
26 Jun 2011   #363
yes yes gregory but seriously, why would johnny englander give a fuk about the women and children of poland - we like our hired help to be invisible - we want our toilets to be clean without having to worry about the little people who clean them

we come to your country to shag your women, because they're cheap and easy, to drink your beer to excess, to **** on your streets, throw up in your door ways and generally abuse the locals in anyway we see fit

because we can

do you still live within spitting distance of germany?

gosh it must be hard for you, knowing life is better just a few short kilometers down the road

chin up, there's a good chap
JonnyM  11 | 2607
26 Jun 2011   #364
Dude, the plebs stays in cheap hostels, eat fast foods, share one Moldavian wh*ore for 5 of them etc. and most of decent places don't let them in.

You seem to know plenty about downmarket torism - which nevertheless Krakow depends on, from the proprietors of the 'cheap hostels', the kebab shops and indeed the prostitution which is rife there.
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427
26 Jun 2011   #365
because we can

you sound like Obama;), which is
Seanus  15 | 19666
26 Jun 2011   #366
Bubba, I think the counter went mad somewhere along the line :)
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427
26 Jun 2011   #367
must have;) since there is NO other explanation lol
Seanus  15 | 19666
26 Jun 2011   #368
Precisely! :)
wielki pan  2 | 250
27 Jun 2011   #369
4 years later and drunk British tourists terrorising the locals is still the topic of conversation - love it!

Mr BubbaWoo welcome back to the forum, you must refresh the good people on the forum of your background, hmmm property guru, lover of everything Polish and married to a lady from the US, where have you been up to?? I hope not behind four walls with a window made from steel bars... What have you been up to??? yes forum members still love to sink the boots into Irish and British tourist who wish to ensure drink bars and Police earn there keep. Welcome Home BubbaWoo..
BubbaWoo  33 | 3502
27 Jun 2011   #370
Haha, not a guru, just someone who was actually there doing it day-to-day rather than sprouting ill-informed crap from afar

Now living in self-imposed exile in a distant land where the temperature doesn't drop below 25C, the beer is less than a dollar and there is no problem sustaining a healthy vegetarian lifestyle. I've always wanted to live somewhere with palm trees...

Much as I love Poland, no honestly, I do, I wont be back for anything more than a quick visit for the foreseeable future - many more exciting things happening here with a much more positive attitude and an appreciation that was always lacking in Poland...

Never married an American woman, as lovely as she was...

Thanks for the welcome :-)
dxx  12 | 108
27 Jun 2011   #371
I am a foreigner living in Dublin now, but lived in Krakow for two years.
All I noticed is exactly that stereotype: drunken Brits acting like fools boozing up at a low price.
Some clubs do have a sign not allowing Brits, and I can not give them any more right than to do so.
If you wanna act like a swine, show disrespect to the country and do whatever the fck u want, then stay home and go out in Manchester for a night, they'll set ya right straight!
Seanus  15 | 19666
27 Jun 2011   #372
Crow, don't forget that many British people don't support that which is in the realm of geopolitics. Besides, most Brits just want a getaway from Blighty and some just want to get drunk. If they are obstreperous then shame on them :)
FlaglessPole  4 | 649
27 Jun 2011   #373

Yep another word of the day by Seanus. I don't think there is anyone better than you to remind how bad my English is ;)
Seanus  15 | 19666
27 Jun 2011   #374
Would you have preferred rambunctious or even boisterous? ;) ;)

I loved Crow's warning to British people visiting Poland :) :) He made his opinion known :)
JonnyM  11 | 2607
27 Jun 2011   #375
He made his opinion known :)

Opinion or delusion?
Seanus  15 | 19666
27 Jun 2011   #376
The jury is out.
8 Jan 2012   #377
dont go to poland and get drunk and cause trouble , my son did that and is just back , traumatised , after being thrown into a polish police cell , stripped to his boxers and tied to a table for many hours , i am disgusted that they are a member of the eu, i for one will not be visiting poland again , he has cuts and bruises were he was beaten and abused , for hours , what is wrong with just locking someone up in a cell to sobor up like they do in ireland, i am telling this story to warn people not to get drunk in poland , the police are monsters , also they took money from him to stay in the cell the night and to be set free next day , i am totally shocked by this treatment to an irish citizen .
8 Jan 2012   #378
Shocked:that is what we call the drunktank, and frankly, we very much approve of it. In fact, my only regret is that the police don't use it more to deal with drunken idiots from the British Isles.
Wroclaw Boy
8 Jan 2012   #379
my son did that and is just back

Come on mum im sure your son is not the angel that you believe, Polish Police are well known to ruff up the ones that ask for it.
8 Jan 2012   #380
" Polish Police are well known to ruff up the ones that ask for it."
Exactly. But if you're apologetic and explain that Polish beer is superb but very strong, they just smile and let you go on your way.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
8 Jan 2012   #381
dont go to poland and get drunk and cause trouble

good advice for any country I suppose..:)

i am totally shocked by this treatment to an irish citizen .

so, what are you saying? It would have been OK for anyone else?
peterweg  37 | 2305
8 Jan 2012   #382
My brothers sons' recent school trip to Poland resulted in one of the school boys being punched in the face by a drunken Polish man. The schoolboys are around 13 years old.
tempsanity  - | 13
12 Jan 2012   #383
Well, it's still weird for me they don't allow British people in.

I've seen some Poles in England behaving really badly, but that doesn't mean Polish people in general shouldn't be allowed in. The difference with Polish morons is that many of them drink vodka at home so they don't vomit in pubs so often etc. ;) Don't get me wrong, I'm Polish, I don't think all Polish/English people abroad are morons, because it would be ridiculous. I just hate generalisations like that. Some English-speaking guys got drunk so we shouldn't allow any foreigners here, bah.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
12 Jan 2012   #384
Shocked:that is what we call the drunktank, and frankly, we very much approve of it. In fact, my only regret is that the police don't use it more to deal with drunken idiots from the British Isles.

Works well, doesn't it?

I'm sure the drinking problem would solve itself overnight in the UK if the opening hours were truly liberalised along with the introduction of the drunk tank.

You do have to wonder what the tosser was doing to get a kicking from the police.
gumishu  15 | 6228
12 Jan 2012   #385
stripped to his boxers and tied to a table for many hours , i am disgusted that they are a member of the e

this is what a 'sobering house' is like in Poland - you will not be treated good or with respect (taking personal chlothes is the norm before it was just a hospital gown those people who ended up in a 'izba wytrzeźwień' received being stripped naked otherwise) - those who cause trouble will be tied up or given cold shower from a hose - and then you have to pay for your 'stay' (and pay a lot - more than for a night in a good hotel) - btw the police are only responsible for the transport to such institutions - 'sobering house' is not part of the police
12 Jan 2012   #386
I'm sure the drinking problem would solve itself overnight in the UK if the opening hours were truly liberalised along with the introduction of the drunk tank.

I would love to see the system introduced in the UK. The main reason that one so often sees the results of binge drinking in the UK compared to in Poland is that in Poland those people get taken to the drunk tank. The only refinement I'd make is for the fine to be based on income, i.e. equal to a week's wage for the idiot who got pulled in.

You do have to wonder what the tosser was doing to get a kicking from the police.

I'd imagine that he got physical with them. Do that in the UK and the police are too worried about the consequences to do anything other then defend themselves and restrain you, six of them to restrain one drunk. Do that here and you just get a truncheon round the head.
isthatu2  4 | 2692
12 Jan 2012   #387
What a bunch of fekked up Dickensian tossers................suppose its that RC self loathing bollox again,something the irish mum should know all about......her own countries corective institutions acted much the same 30 years ago.

TBH, Id take it as far as you can love,that treatment is torture plain and simple and another reason why it was stupid expanding Europe when half the newcomers are frankly backwards tin pot nations with totally perverse ideas.

Stroll on 2012 when all this shabbiness is exposed to the world, you can get away with acting like the fekked up commies most of your institutions are still run by for only so long.

The saddest thing is that so many *people* seem proud of this sort of thing......weird gits.
gumishu  15 | 6228
12 Jan 2012   #388
stupid expanding Europe when half the newcomers are frankly backwards tin pot nations with totally perverse ideas.

if you don't get wasted and then go shouting and verbally abusing people around you you won't be taken into a drunktank - in many cities in Poland drunktanks are gone now (I think Opole has no longer one - they were pretty ubiquitous before) but most bigger cities still have them - I would think especially Kraków needs one as it needs to maintain some order so as normal tourists keep comeng and not only people who want to get drunk on cheap bear and vodka

a good link and a must-read for those coming to Poland to feast over the cheap booze
12 Jan 2012   #389
a good link and a must-read for those coming to Poland to feast over the cheap booze

And, amazingly for those who know the author, the text is not based on personal experience!
12 Jan 2012   #390
dont go to poland and get drunk and cause trouble.

i am sorry for your sons experience, and hopefully he will have learned something from it. i dont know if its the norm to be beaten in a drunktank or not, but im guessing he was probably being lairy after too much to drink. i am not condoning his physical abuse, but i would welcome drunktanks in england. drunken idiots waste far too much police time, and maybe if they were introduced here it might make people think a bit more about the consequences of going out and getting legless. especially if they have to pay through the bit of advice to anyone travelling anywhere. respect the fact you are not in your own country and behave accordingly.i would never travel anywhere without checking out a few dos and donts first.only reason i knew about drunktanks was because i researched a bit before my first visit to poland. if you are going to behave like an idiot abroad, then expect that you will have to deal with that particular countrys laws. hope your son does a bit of thinking before his next holiday.

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