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Warning to British people visiting Poland!! Don't get drunk and smash the place up!

time means  5 | 1309
16 Feb 2010   #271
UK where drink spiking is rife.

Is it fcuk. I do not know of anyone who has had their drink spiked.
Seanus  15 | 19666
16 Feb 2010   #272
It happens in Scotland but I don't know if I would call it rife, I just don't know. We are that stingy that many would think it to be a waste of good drugs ;0 ;0 ;)
16 Feb 2010   #273
i can asure you that my friend was not drunk if anyone gets drunk on one and a half pints of beer they shouldn't drink.

He had two pints in one pub and then one and a half in the second. how can any one get drunk on this small amount of beer. Also how can you be standing and remember the last song that was played and then NOTHING i've been to drug training due to my career and i can tell you that the only explanation is being drugged and yes the police where able to confirm with his POLISH work colleague that indeed he was standing one minute and the off balance the next. Not to mentione his symptoms over the next view days where all drug related. by the way we are not ENGLISH
crawford  - | 4
16 Feb 2010   #274
Good to see someone holding his own corner.
However, and here comes the 'but', there are statistics produced by the travel industry, IATA maybe, which identify objective yearly trends regarding dishonesty, drinking, complaining and fighting.

I am in the tourist industry and so keep more than a casual interest in trends and you should be aware that Brits don't come out well at all.

The worst countries to deal with are the Irish for drunkeness and complaining, Russians can steal anything not actually locked down and the Brits have no idea about drinking. It used to be that a man would be proud of his ability to hold his liquor - something way beyond todays' larger louts.

Sorry, but that's the way it is!
Trevek  25 | 1699
16 Feb 2010   #275
we both know what oppression is from our history.

Yeah, problem is we spent a lot of it oppressing our own, too!
Seanus  15 | 19666
16 Feb 2010   #276
That's true. There are often unwanted side effects :( Still, we fought the good fight and emerged relatively unscathed.

To go back to the root of the thread, I sincerely hope that some Brits get their act together. Some respect for a cultural centre!
Ironside  51 | 13083
16 Feb 2010   #277
To go back to the root of the thread, I sincerely hope that some Brits get their act together. Some respect for a cultural centre!

well, is it a result of advertising Krakow as a stag party's center ?
Seanus  15 | 19666
16 Feb 2010   #278
I don't think it was really advertised in that way. I think it was more word of mouth. Many came back as satisfied customers and spread the word.
Ironside  51 | 13083
16 Feb 2010   #279
Many came back as satisfied customers and spread the word.

So, it is a success story, sort of .....and Poles do complain, now that is a topic for a thread :)
Seanus  15 | 19666
16 Feb 2010   #280
Well, there are cheap flights to get there and some pretty girls to look at so why not? They have every right to complain given disrespectful behaviour.
beelzebub  - | 444
16 Feb 2010   #281
You can't have the advantages of being a cheap labor and cheap party country (money) without the troubles that come with it. I am sure that if foreigners stopped visiting and paying into Poland's economy there would be a major campaign to get them back.
convex  20 | 3928
16 Feb 2010   #282
Poland isn't really that big of a tourist destination, not exactly what one thinks of as a party country...

If the FDI stopped flowing on the other hand...
Ironside  51 | 13083
17 Feb 2010   #283
They have every right to complain given disrespectful behavior.

Era of globalism, all for sale :)
Seanus  15 | 19666
17 Feb 2010   #284
Well beelzebub, as long as those foreigners don't moan when the Polish police step in and enforce the law in their own way.

Manners must transcend globalism, Ironside :)
beelzebub  - | 444
17 Feb 2010   #285
Polish Police enforcing the law?? Hahahahahaha....oh my....hehehe....hhahahaha.

I mean if you ever need someone to check a homeless person's ID and write in a little book for 30min then the Polish Police are your best choice...but for anything else I'd not look to them.
Ironside  51 | 13083
17 Feb 2010   #286
Manners must transcend globalism

manners ? how much for a load, barrow or wagon of manners ? What good they are?
Seanus  15 | 19666
17 Feb 2010   #287
Ever been to a football match in Poland, beelzebub? They are pretty tough, believe me.

Good manners cost nothing, Ironside, that's their beauty :)
Ironside  51 | 13083
17 Feb 2010   #288
so manners are worthless loads of behavior guides for those who cannot afford to offend the others!
Whats is beautiful about it?
But let your communication be, Yes, yes; No, no: for whatever is more than these comes of evil.
Macduff  9 | 69
17 Feb 2010   #289
This is a stupid thread as well behaved pepole should not miss behave in any country not just Poland and if they do, then they deserve a good Kicking. It is not just the British who miss behave there are ass holes from every country the world it just the English have more than most.
Seanus  15 | 19666
17 Feb 2010   #290
Manners show respect for others and consideration. They are far from worthless. Cannot afford? It's simply about how you were raised. Manners make like better IMHO, they bring out smiles and increase peoples' estimation of you. It's just a shame that many old people and some young people here don't get it!!
time means  5 | 1309
17 Feb 2010   #291
the Brits have no idea about drinking

Rubbish! I am well versed in the art of drinking.
17 Feb 2010   #292
if anyone gets drunk on one and a half pints of beer they shouldn't drink.

So first it was two pints, then three pints and now it is one and a half pints. Do make your mind up.

He had two pints in one pub and then one and a half in the second.

You expect us to believe that a Scot who wasn't driving and had already had three pints ordered a half pint? Pull the other one my dear, it has bells on it.

i can tell you that the only explanation is being drugged

Either that or he had at least four pints of Polish beer (which is about 6%) on an empty stomach but thought that he could handle it because he's Scottish and therefore hard.

Let me put it this way: I've been in Poland for 15 years and have only ever heard of one bar where drinks have been spiked, however people get drunk in virtually every pub I have ever heard of in Poland.
jonni  16 | 2475
17 Feb 2010   #293
people get drunk in virtually every pub I have ever heard of

Olly  1 | 13
17 Feb 2010   #294
I was in Poland last weekend to visit my Poland to visit my girlfriend. We went to a bar with some of her friends who I had met on my last visit who wanted to drink Vodka with me. We had a great night night, but I was not used to drinking that many shots, and stupidly drank pints of Tiskie at the same pace as if I was in England. Suffice to say I had a few gaps in my memory the next day and a new respect for Polish Vodka and not mixing drinks alongside it.

Polish beers (mocne) have a much stronger affect than english beers as well. After 2 you will feel the effect much more than a couple of English beers!
crawford  - | 4
17 Feb 2010   #295
Rubbish! I am well versed in the art of drinking.

Possibly, but not probably - and certainly not rubbish for far too many at all. As I said, Brits, more than Poles or any other nation seem to have lost their ability to hold their liquer and think it is cool to throw up in public places.

Until you come out of denial and start of face the problem, it won't be possible to fix it.

Save your nationalist tendencies for you next binge!
Amathyst  19 | 2700
17 Feb 2010   #296
when in France or Germany or Spain instead of "how you feel" you will get voule le vous de tuch or pargue bon paa or ws ducht wor walt or skad jestes not fcuking englese

Was in Spain the other week, they speak English to the English all the time sweetie :D Also been in Czech Rep many times, they are happy to speak English with us fact, everywhere I have been (even though I make the effort) they always speak English..So TIT, stop being lying tit.

Whats is beautiful about it?

If you dont understand what Sheep is saying, you will never know...manners maketh a man

Someone might look great and be accomplished but if they are boorish and ill-mannered they will not win friends and influence people. Only the super-talented and very rich can get away with it. The ordinary person is more likely to be acceptable if they have an agreeable disposition and pleasant manners.

I am assuming you are not super rich? :D
Ironside  51 | 13083
17 Feb 2010   #297
Manners show respect for others and consideration

If someone is respectful and considerate for others he doesn't needs manners!

It's simply about how you were raised.

well, another load of useless tricks to deceive people - I was fed with them manners up to the tilt - so called manners do not make you a good person!

advocatus d.(well in a way I'm puling your leg, but don't let it spoil this discussion)

Rubbish! I am well versed in the art of drinking.

and proud of it ! Go mate go, show them :)
time means  5 | 1309
18 Feb 2010   #298
Until you come out of denial and start of face the problem

I am not in denial and do not have a problem.

Save your nationalist tendencies for you next binge!

I am not a nationalist and the next one is the "Great British Northern beer festival" this weekend. A great night out by the way. Thank you ironside, pick a beer out from the link and i will drink it in you honour this coming Saturday :-)
Ironside  51 | 13083
18 Feb 2010   #299
a beer

Thanks time means, have a good time, cheers !

crawford  - | 4
18 Feb 2010   #300

Until you come out of denial and start of face the problem.

Time Means:

I am not in denial and do not have a problem. it is the rest of us who have the problem in objecting to larger louts drinking themselves silly and throwing up all over the shop at weekends.

Tch, and there I was thinking that people should be able to hold their drink.

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