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Buying an export car from UK (VAT-free) and importing it into Poland

OP Steveramsfan  2 | 305
22 Oct 2013   #31
I am not going to go through with this as the amount of effort to save £1000 is not worth it.
I will just buy a car in Poland if I need one.
9 Mar 2014   #32
If I am selling a lorry and the person is buying it is polish does he have to pay the vat on it as he is taking it abroad?
johnb121  4 | 183
9 Mar 2014   #33
I believe that if the entity selling the lorry is VAT-registered in the UK, it/you must charge VAT as appropriate on all supplies to an EU resident. It's then for the buyer to ascertain his/its own VAT position (maybe he can reclaim the UK VAT but then pay the Polish VAT?)
11 Mar 2014   #34
if you want to buy a car in any other country in EU check this webpage " " you can use your browser`s translator to get it in english.( excluding GB - you would need to convert the rhd to lhd for the car to be recognised as registrable in POLAND and this costs depending on the car - I know that landrover freelander is convertible from £200 but all the makes and models differ - for convertion prices you can check a service just paste to google " " but you would need someone who writes in polish )
Alien  26 | 6528
17 Aug 2023   #35
I don't think anyone imports right-hand drive cars to Poland anymore.

Home / UK, Ireland / Buying an export car from UK (VAT-free) and importing it into Poland

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