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The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Brits say being drunk senseless while visiting Poland is national trait

guesswho  4 | 1272
25 Apr 2011   #31
Brits say being drunk senseless while visiting Poland is national trait

OK, forget for a minute about the Brits, just be realistic about the impression any foreigner gets when he visits Poland (I've mentioned it many times on this forum) when he sees those drunks (all day long) at the "kiosks". I definitely don't say it to humiliate you guys, you know I'm telling the truth. You have to work on it. This is not cool, it ruins your reputation and makes your visitors forget all the good things that Poland has to offer.
Des Essientes  7 | 1288
25 Apr 2011   #32
You have to work on it.

You should work on being less uptight and judgemental. Have a drink cow.
guesswho  4 | 1272
25 Apr 2011   #33
oh, the little Cali fag is back with his insults. You should work to accept the existence of women in this world and be less hateful toward us.

As far as the "kiosk" drunks, all Poles here will confirm that I'm telling the truth. I'm not judging, I'm describing the situation in Poland and suggesting what needs to be changed, that's all.
sascha  1 | 824
25 Apr 2011   #34
Brits say being drunk senseless while visiting Poland is national trait

Why for that travel so far? Are the pubs in UK closed already because of that wedding? ;)
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998
25 Apr 2011   #36
Is someone getting married? A couple of my pals did last weekend but I didn't think the whole of the UK would shut down because of it...
michaelmansun  11 | 135
12 Jun 2011   #37
Wroclaw Boy

Well, Id hope they would show some respect, but we know that Brits think they own Poland.
isthatu2  4 | 2692
12 Jun 2011   #39
Ooh goody, Gi Joe is back to tell us all how every time he goes to Poland he has knife fights with people.....
Micheal mansun, I have a 25m swimming badge and RAD Ballet certificate and I know I could kick your sorry arse,give all this a rest you sad man,internet blowhards are 10 a penny,and you aint even very good at it....
michaelmansun  11 | 135
12 Jun 2011   #40
another internet tough with your anonymous banter. insults dont really bother me that much. I do like to call out the pussies who can only be tough on forums. You want to have a go, sounds like you have made a challenge. lets give it a go. just email me and I will send you my details and we can meet and duke it out. otherwise, shut up because you just come off as a ballless little wimp when you get all tough on an anonymous forum without backing it up with your fists.

you guys are all pussies. and I am a street fighter. you are a ballerina with a big mouth,

That's because we do

OH No. You are a pussy ass runaway Brit? Damn, and I had just a little bit of respect for you. Now I have about half of that.

Brits are all crossdressing fags. You know it, I know it. What is the difference between an alcoholic and Brit in Poland. On the dole in England, you just drink it up half way through the month and the rest of the month shake and shiver and lean on your mates. No dole in Poland so you have to teach English and pretend with your mates that you are important. You still drink up your pay, but in less time, so then you have to write home for the difference.

Brits suck, always have sucked, are pansy cry baby monarch worshippers, and cry about how badly you hate Yanks because we kicked your ass out of the richest nation on Earth, and you think you should rule over us. We don`t take no shit off Brits or any sort. You on your little sinking island with its bad weather, overrun with Hindus whose families your murdered decades ago.

So go eat your fish and chips and swizzle your piss in your John Bull pubs and talk about what you used to be. You bore the shit out of me fucking has beens.
FlaglessPole  4 | 649
12 Jun 2011   #41
shut up because you just come off as a ballless little wimp when you get all tough on an anonymous forum without backing it up with your fists.

erhmm... the idea is to back it up with your wits if any.
On another note why so many people think of PF as some kind of donkey race where the first prize is a shriveled carrot grown on piss and ego?
Des Essientes  7 | 1288
12 Jun 2011   #42
On another note why so many people think of PF as some kind of donkey race where the first prize is a shriveled carrot grown on piss and ego?

Yeah, why are such people on the forum like this piece of dung Delphiandope who claims the British own Poland?
FlaglessPole  4 | 649
12 Jun 2011   #43
Delphiandope who claims the British own Poland

does he? anyways I wasn't taking any sides here ...just musing.
Des Essientes  7 | 1288
12 Jun 2011   #44
does he?

Read post #39 where he says it. Dope has an Orientalist attitude towards Poland.
FlaglessPole  4 | 649
12 Jun 2011   #45
Read post #39

lol that one, heh that's just a crude wind-up aimed at people who prefer to think with their fists. Seemingly an effective one...
michaelmansun  11 | 135
12 Jun 2011   #46
people who prefer to think with their fists

Simply, I grow tired of posters who type all this tough crap, talk about how the Brits are all this and that and Yanks are all superior in their attitudes yet under-educated and classless. I don`t know any Americans who behave in a superior manner or who think the USA is just the greatest country in the world. We are our own toughest critics. Brits just take it off their politicians. The politicians say, "OK. This is what the people need to do", and the Brits just all go along like a bunch of robots. Brits are the former world power who lost it to the USA. Everyone talks about our debt, and how our economy is in such bad shape, and I look at the Brits with their 400% of GDP debt vs USA at 95% of GDP.

I look at the USA with out $46,000 per person income vs the Brits at $36,000. I look at all the messes the Brits created in world with Kuwait and Israel and India and Pakistan, and how they backed out and left the USA to clean it up. Brits like to criticize the USA for slavery, yet Brits were notorious slavers. Ever heard of the Triangular Trade? The Brits were leaders in the Atlantic trade. Even the Church of England owned slaves. The British began slavery in the USA, and after we ran them off we began to free them over the years until we finally had a war to settle the matter. And that is just the Africans and New Guineas. The Brits enslaved all of India, murdered thousands. That is what Brits do, and that is why the one douche bag above stated that the UK owns Poland. He believes it.

I like Poland, I have nothing against Poland. I used to like Brits, but realize after reading some of their garbage on here that they actually think they are superior, not only to the USA, but to Poland. Thing is, it is based on nothing but very old history and an arrogant attitude substantiated by nothing.

It is quite something to criticize the USA for the wars we are involved with, and sit back and point fingers that we are trying to control the world, but it is quite something else when what we really are doing is cleaning up some old issues the Brits created and ran away from.

If not for the USA, and unfortunately for Poland, the Russians, a large part of Europe would be officially bi-lingual, and one of those languages would be German. If not for Poland, Europe would be over-run with Turks. Britain never did anything for anyone except themselves with their raping of the world for commercial gain. They are jealous of the USA because we all have two cars and earn large salaries. They live in little apartments and subsist on the dole and drive little cars with three wheels. We ride monster motorcycles, and they ride one cylinder scooters.

Brits criticize the USA, and we have only ever bailed them out of one mess after another. When I look back at WWII and my grandfather's brother died in Normandy, my grandfather had his eye shot out, and my oldest uncle was executed after being captured by the Germans at the ripe old age of 19, I think, why did we bother? Why did we do all that fighting and dying for Europe? Why did we protect Europe from the USSR for all those years after the war when Europe was blown to Hell. Yeah, I know that didn't help Poland, and I wish it had. Poland should not have been bargained off to appease the Soviets just so it could be turned into an extended Soviet industrial state. That was insult to injury for the Poles.

But what did the Brits do for Poland? Nothing. What do they do now? Nothing, except give you jobs at half British wages, come to Poland and teach English, get drunk and vomit in your streets. The one thing the USA did do for Poland was permit about 1 million of your people to come and live. Have citizenship lotteries, which is the most bizarre thing I`ve ever heard of. Where is the second largest Polish city in the world? Yeah, Chicago. Travelling through Poland I asked a lot of people, "How did you build this nice house if Poland was so broken after the war?" The answer? "$5, $10, $20 from Chicago."

No, I don`t like Brits. I don't like them at all. I used to have a few friends, but Brits are arrogant nationalists, and it based on nothing. If you retired that old bird, the Queen or whatever, and sent Charles packing and told the princes to get real jobs, the whole identity of Britain would fade to nothing. They hang on to this remnant of the past, because do not want to accept that they are has beens.

I support visa waivers for Poles to the USA. I think it is ridiculous and is an antiquated idea to require applications and fees and proof of stability in Poland before you can get one. I mean, most Poles just want to come visit relatives and look around, not live in the damn place. Poles and Americans should be great and close allies, and the Poles deserve more respect from the American government. I also think that Poles should be given working rights in the USA. If you want to come and work and live, why not? Poland wouldn`t empty out. Some would come and work for six months and travel around and just go back home after they got bored with it all. The reason many stay illegally is because they know that when they leave, they will not allowed to return if they have overstayed.

I do NOT support Romanians or Bulgarians and the like to come and go as they please, but Poles have only ever helped the USA against adversaries. Poles helped us run the Brits off during the Revolution. Maybe that is why Brits now want to claim Poland in some way as if they have conquered Poles for Poles kicking their asses during the American Revolution. You think Brits do not think like that? Oh, they do. They are pissed at how far they have fallen in the world, and they blame it on the USA.
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427
12 Jun 2011   #47
Maybe that is why Brits now want to claim Poland in some way as if they have conquered Poles for Poles kicking their asses during the American Revolution.

nobody wants to claim Poland, it was a wind-up Michael.
Wroclaw Boy
12 Jun 2011   #48
Simply, I grow tired of posters who type all this tough crap

yeh its well boring, those internet Rambo's.

You are unbelievably biased and most of what you have written is frankly delusional, theres too much to quote and dispute.

I look at all the messes the Brits created in world with Kuwait and Israel and India and Pakistan, and how they backed out and left the USA to clean it up.

Perhaps rather than rant you could expalin the reasons behind it.

Where is the second largest Polish city in the world? Yeah, Chicago.


Travelling through Poland I asked a lot of people, "How did you build this nice house if Poland was so broken after the war?" The answer? "$5, $10, $20 from Chicago."

Yep its a fact big houses in Poland were built on $5, $10 and $20 dollars from Chicago, wow.

Maybe that is why Brits now want to claim Poland in some way as if they have conquered Poles for Poles kicking their asses during the American Revolution.

Poland is part of the EU, nothing more nothing less.

BTW you spelt Michael Manson's name wrong.
Stu  12 | 515
12 Jun 2011   #50
I don`t know any Americans who behave in a superior manner or who think the USA is just the greatest country in the world

You gotta be bull shitting me, right??!! Here's only one of the many examples on this forum alone.

And all the crap you write is only a reconfirmation of how some Americans (incl. you) give this fantastic country such a bad name. You bragging about how you would come here and fight WB ... stupid simple mind. You made a complete and utter fool of yourself and now try to stirr up a little row just to defer attention from yourself, your own idiocy.

And about the princes holding a real job: can you fly helicopters? Have you been to Afghanistan? Your a loser, mister. And a frustrated one at that. Pure and simple.
Antek_Stalich  5 | 997
12 Jun 2011   #51

Let me show you some song:
It's five in the morning, I'm taking a stroll
'Cause the hangover won't let you sleep
And you wanna puke.
And I think over and over how to get me a quarter
I smoke a fag, oh what ache in my head.
An' the sun slowly emerges from the night
Sleepy streets are slowly waking up
I stop, surprised, and I watch the people
Who are running to factories to earn their bread.

But we menele don't need to work
Let the villagers and tractors do their job
We celebrate birthday all our lifetime
If vodka is there, we don't need to eat.
We are hanging around shops for lengthy hours
There someone always throws in some cash
Won't he? Then we'll terrorize him
And he'll give us his last grosz.

There's nothing in the flat I might sell
What's left are two glasses, a table and a stool
The sleeve torn out off my last jacket
And the ill liver made my belly swell.
My Mummy a pensioner helps me vigorously
And tells me constantly I should stop drinking
"Go and get work, listen to your Mom
Be human, you cannot live that way!"

But we menele don't need to work...

The above song is decidedly not made by Brits and it describes quite popular phenomenon in Poland called "Menele".

In all fairness, though, my brother-in-law often uses this simile:
-- To be drunk as a Brit on a stag party in Cracow
michaelmansun  11 | 135
12 Jun 2011   #52
Can I fly a helicopter? No, I fly fixed wing aircraft, and the people didnt pay for it with tax pounds. Have I been to Afghanistan? No, and they have not either except for a tour. I have been to Iraq, Kuwait, and S.A.

Quote examples all you like. I would have to sort through thousands of yours to find the most ridiculous. Afterall, this is all you do is post to this forum. I don't think the USA is the greatest country in the world. It's all relative to what you have in your bank account. I do believe the USA provides opportunity to just about everybody of any nationality.

We have a lot of issues. We are messed up in a lot of areas. And what is frustrating is that we do not seem to address them. We throw money at them, and that never works.

You seem a little wound up.
Stu  12 | 515
12 Jun 2011   #53
No, and they have not either except for a tour

You are wrong, mister. As you are with everything.

No, I am not wound up. I just hate these internet warriors. Great big mouths how they will fight someone. Hahaha, don't make me laugh. People who say that are just inherent losers. You'd be shitting your trousers if push comes to shove.

Good piece of advice: crawl back under your stone, don't make unsubstantiated threats, you might end up regretting them.

Afterall, this is all you do is post to this forum.

Sorry sunshine ... except for commenting on the example I gave you, and your stupid post I haven't commented on subjects for quite some time. Been too busy re-colonizing Poland lately ... :D:D. Lowlife.
michaelmansun  11 | 135
12 Jun 2011   #54
Good piece of advice: crawl back under your stone, don't make unsubstantiated threats, you might get to regret them

Again, all you have to do is email me and we can exchange details. I'll meet anybody who cares to for a nice dust up. It seems to settle things a lot faster. Look pal, I am a good fighter. I am trained for it. You? All mouth. Just let me know.
Stu  12 | 515
12 Jun 2011   #55
Look pal, I am a good fighter. I am trained for it. You? All mouth. Just let me know.

That's what I mean ... simple mind. Loser. Sucker.

Laughing my sox off.
Wroclaw Boy
12 Jun 2011   #56
A Pole would not have the balls to try that.

This guy is obviously an exception to the rule.

Mom and Dad are Poles who escaped to Chicago 25 years ago.

Your choice. Fists or weapons, but, please, no guns. I really don't see the point of guns. Anybody can pull a trigger.

Dont worry im not going to murder you for an internet disagreement.
michaelmansun  11 | 135
12 Jun 2011   #57
Dont worry im not going to murder you for an internet disagreement.

OH Wroclaw Boy, what would I do without your little quips?

You do bring me such joy.

Laughing my sox off.

I prefer Wroclaw Boy. You just dont have it in you to be insulting enough to bring me to a boil. Sorry, man.
Wroclaw Boy
12 Jun 2011   #58
I'll meet anybody who cares to for a nice dust up. It seems to settle things a lot faster. Look pal, I am a good fighter. I am trained for it. You? All mouth. Just let me know.

I dont actually live in Poland any more but i am interested in the boxing match, let me know when youer going to be around and i'll see if i can make it, i know of some memebrs here that frequent the boxing club in Wroclaw, im sure we can arrange a few rounds to sort this out. I do have business there and am occassionally about. So as far as the physical violence goes lets try and work with this.

In the meantime i'll carry on calling you out on your BS.
michaelmansun  11 | 135
12 Jun 2011   #59
im sure we can arrange a few rounds to sort this out.

Well, there you are. Finally someone with the gumption to accept. Now, if you will kindly unblock me from sending you a private message, I will send you my private email address and we can stay in contact. Just please don't share it on the forum.



OK. I sent you a message. Thanks.
Wroclaw Boy
12 Jun 2011   #60
Now, if you will kindly unblock me from sending you a private message

You obviously didnt read my reply yesterday, here it is. Just to clarify i never blocked you.

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