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Boris Johnson - is the new British PM a popular figure in Poland?

jon357  72 | 23654
22 Jul 2022   #91
ignorant of 'woke

Probably because it's a meaningless buzz word.

son of Indian son of middle class immigrants Rishi

The one from a wealthy background married to a billionaire and who will probably lose to that Truss person?

knighted former Trot Sir Kier.

He's certainly never been a 'trot' and comes from a very ordinary family, unlike Sunak. He did study hard (in state schools, unlike Suns) and become one of the continent's best known lawyers before giving up the big money for a career in public service.

Congratulations on the election result in your country..
Tacitus  2 | 1269
22 Jul 2022   #92
middle class immigrants

The man was sent to a private school whose tuiton fees are from what I've read higher than what your average Brit makes in a year.

Hardly "middle class" origins.
jon357  72 | 23654
22 Jul 2022   #93
middle class

A very hard term to define. In Britain, it means doctors, lawyers, journalists, vicars, in America it means factory workers and office clerks. Plus there's the term 'upper middle class' which in Britain is the one social class you can't join and refers to background and life experience rather than anything else but in America just means someone who earns a very good wage. Plus there's lower middle class which means a bit of money, a nice-ish house and (often flashy) car but not much familiarity with the wine list and just don't ask them to translate anything from Latin or French or talk about Schopenhauer.

Sir Keir grew up in a typical three bedroom semi to parents who were a toolmaker and a nurse. Sunak's family had servants.
amiga500  5 | 1539
22 Jul 2022   #94
Probably because it's a meaningless buzz word.

You full know well it is not, stop playing dumb pom, as you should know, Kemi Badenoch, a Nigerian-Brit Woman with Braids is one of the leading anti-woke voices in the U.K Parliament who speaks so eloquently about it. Working class immigrant, worked at McDonald's to survive. All those things that the Labour Party used to claim from their candidiates. But now no more.

quote=jon357]He's certainly never been a 'trot'[/quote]
'Sir Keir' is a former member of the old Trotskyite Party (whatever it was called I don't care anymore) like many members of the Blair cabinet. It's on the historical record, again you know this, just playing dumb again to hide your true ideological leanings.
mafketis  38 | 11260
22 Jul 2022   #95
I doubt it.

What's wrong with "adult human female" (female being the sex class that produces large gametes) ta dah! I'm a genius!!!!

trans people are deserving of rights and dignity and respect as human beings, but it is impossible to change biological sex, no intervention will make a producer of small gametes produce large gametes (or vice versa)
jon357  72 | 23654
22 Jul 2022   #96
You full know well it is not

It is. 'Woke' is very much a buzz word and I'm still not sure what it's supposed to mean.

Kemi Badenoch, a Nigerian-Brit Woman with Braids is one of the leading

Badenoch isn't one of the leading anything. Many people had never heard of her until the current Tory scramble and most in the country probably still haven't.

is a former member of the old Trotskyite Party

When? He's been a member of the party he leads since he was 16. Are you smoking something or just lying?
amiga500  5 | 1539
22 Jul 2022   #97

Shoot the messenger (and his brother) all u want. It's all there in the back copies of your old rag.

Interesting comment by a socialist scouser account on that post.
"Trotskyist movements (communist/socialist movements without affiliation to the USSR) were populated with undercover operatives recruited by the security services.Many of the Labour Party cabinet under Blair were "outed" as "Trotskyists"!Famous names. This may account for it?"
jon357  72 | 23654
22 Jul 2022   #98
Shoot the messenger

If they're lying, as you are, then happily. He's never been a member of any other party, despite you feeling the need to post here that he has.


Wow. Social media?

Many of the Labour Party cabinet under Blair were "outed" as "Trotskyists"!

Which ones? As a lifelong member I must have missed that bit.

Or perhaps it's just Twitter bullshīt.
amiga500  5 | 1539
22 Jul 2022   #99
As a lifelong member

As a lifelong Blairite it seems like.
jon357  72 | 23654
22 Jul 2022   #100
lifelong Blairite

I don't think such a thing exists. I've only had limited personal contact with him, though we have longstanding acquaintances in common. I'd describe him as right on the basics but wrong on some of the details like 'ID cards' which I strongly oppose. His ideas on education are basically sound though he never saw them through and that did cause problems however his ideas about the third sector were absolutely spot on. Unfortunately he was never able to see them though and they ended up as just corporatism

He's history now though and won't return. It will be a Labour government next and it is unlikely that the PM will be anyone other than the current leader.
amiga500  5 | 1539
22 Jul 2022   #101
I'd describe him as right on the basics but wrong on some of the details

yep totally agree, he was right on the basics and left on the trivial details. after all he did say that thatcher was his inspiration.
jon357  72 | 23654
22 Jul 2022   #102
No, he was right (and left wing) on the important stuff however he never really saw it through and didn't nationalise any industry or remove profit motive from contractors providing public services.

He did however lift a million children out of poverty during his first year of office. Sadly he'll not be back, however we will have a good government after the election in a year and a bit when Labour win again.

Good news about your country, Australia.
cms neuf  2 | 1943
22 Jul 2022   #103
What is with the pretending not to know what "woke" means ?

It's weird - the kind of logic I get in an argument with my mother

If you are genuinely stuck then google it - it is already in the dictionary
Miloslaw  22 | 5208
22 Jul 2022   #104
It will be a Labour government next and it is unlikely that the PM will be anyone other than the current leader.

I think you are profoundly wrong on both counts Jon.
Labour will not win the next election and Starmer will be ousted soon after.

, however we will have a good government after the election in a year and a bit when Labour win again

Wrong again on both counts.
Labour will not win and if they did, they would ruin this country for decades.

No, Truss will be our next PM and she will win the next General Election because she appealls to all classes.
Starmer does not.
jon357  72 | 23654
23 Jul 2022   #105
google it

I did and am still none the wiser. It just seems like a jargon word used by people (especially online and in the media) who fear change.

Labour will not win the next election

I think we probably will however any sort of deal with Sturgeon would be worry.

After more than a decade of Tory misrule a change is likely; no party stays in office for ever and the recent byelection results were pure slaughter for them, as are the polls.

because she appeals

Not where I'm from which has just elected a Labour MP and where the council has been Labour for more than 80 years without a break. Remember, some of those 2019 'Red Wall' losses have Tories in with tiny majorities. The percentage swing necessary to get them out is very small indeed and the brexit/Corbyn stuff that produced those minuscule Tory majorities is long over.
cms neuf  2 | 1943
23 Jul 2022   #106
Do you understand other abstract concepts ? Green ? Fashionable ? Schadenfreude ? Emo ?

The word came originally from the left - only a few years ago.
jon357  72 | 23654
23 Jul 2022   #107
other abstract concepts ?

They're all something real.

The word came originally from the left

It actually came from black Americans during the segregation years however it had a different meaning. Now it just seems to be used online and in right-wing billionaire-owned media to refer to anything modern that misanthropes don't like.

Do you understand that!
johnny reb  49 | 8003
23 Jul 2022   #108
It's weird - the kind of logic I get in an argument with my mother

Very well put.
After reading through this thread, I came to the conclusion that Poland never trusted B.J. and gave him very little thought.
Kashub1410  6 | 580
23 Jul 2022   #109
@johnny reb
Poland has every reason to not trust any political statesman, foreign or own...

That's a thing many americans have in common with Poles, Americans from experience/Logic/ideology regarding being opressed by a British monarch in the past.

Poles by foreign statesmen ruling badly/invading Poland/betraying Poland/breaking alliances in critical moments (due to them thinking they can get away with it, basically like stealing Aztec Gold in Pirates of the Carrabean).

And recently "Polish" communist statesman who tricked a lot of Poles in thinking their ruling and government had anything to do with Poland. (Which is why commies from Kremlin put them there! Duh!)

And the after effects are what they are, very critical and scrutinious view of politicians. Own or foreign, it might Please an American to read it but, it's damned bad situation. Prospectively wise so far
jon357  72 | 23654
23 Jul 2022   #110
I was just reading some interesting quotes from Morawiecki about Boris Johnson.

Despite the understandable scepticism about brexit and it's effects, he seems to be liked by the current government here. Especially about his resolute stance on r*SSia.
cms neuf  2 | 1943
23 Jul 2022   #111
Yes I understand that but I'm talking about it's modern usage - the Guardian even started writing a column called "wide awoke" celebrating this trivial trend.

Understandably, people react negatively to the suggestion that they are "asleep" or ignorant. And not just misanthropes or "billionaire newspaper owners". (Which BTW is a nonsense in itself - Bezos owns the most liberal paper in the US). I can deal with footballers kneeling down no problem but I do start to resent it when I see "woke" issues starting to impinge on my business or daily life.

You have taken thar view (maybe like Starmer) that it's not a real thing and if you ignore the daft questions about whether men can have ovaries then the whole thing will go away.

But I think real leaders on the left would rather have engaged with the issue, made it clear that they were not aligned to it - it's difficult to imagine Clinton or Blair or even Kwasniewski prevaricating over those questions
amiga500  5 | 1539
23 Jul 2022   #112
It just seems like a jargon word used by people (especially online and in the media)

You mean like mentioned plenty of times in Parliament and put on the official record? cms neuf is right, if he can explain it to his mother a lifelong labour party member like you should get it, but i think u are willfully being deceitfully in this matter, because u don't want to face the truth that it is the labour party's achilles heel, hey if u wanna play identity politics with the kids in warsaw, and throw up those lighting logos and pierdolic bog, go right ahead, just don't expect to win any elections in the u.k is all i'm saying.
jon357  72 | 23654
23 Jul 2022   #113
You mean like mentioned plenty of times in Parliament and put on the official record?

Used by whom? Right-wing demagogues dog-whistling to the inherently fearful who would struggle to define it.

the labour party's achilles heel

What is? The stuff you don't like in a country you've never been to and aren't entitled to vote in?

kids in warsaw, and throw up those lighting logos and pierdolic bog

What are you smoking?
amiga500  5 | 1539
23 Jul 2022   #114
Right-wing demagogues dog-whistling to the inherently fearful

Democratically elected members of Parliament, who represent their electorate and have a right to speak their voice? You believe in democracy, right? oh that's right u don't. Another trot or proto commie like sir keir, like him u hide it well, but hey you have been all things on PF, Jew, Muslim, F*g*ot, with a husband and kids, mine worker, manager, english teacher, working in african and middle eastern countries, who knows who you really are, like Novi
Miloslaw  22 | 5208
23 Jul 2022   #115
Despite the understandable scepticism about brexit and it's effects, he seems to be liked by the current government here

He was liked by many people across the world, not just in the UK.

the Guardian even started writing a column called "wide awoke" celebrating this trivial trend.

The Grauniad, as it's known over here is just pathetic and no longer a proper newspaper.Like the BBC, just a left wing mouthpiece and best ignored.
jon357  72 | 23654
23 Jul 2022   #116
He was liked by many people

There's a lot to like about him.

Democratically elected members of Parliament

Have you met many? I have and some of them are twąts.

Another trot or proto commie like sir keir, like him u hide it.well, .hings on PF, Jew, Muslim, F*g*ot, with, mine worker, m

Whatever you're smoking, I'd like some. Come to Warsaw and we'll go for a beer and a spliff. You're probably the only person though who's ever described Keir Starmer as a "proto commie" but hey, why not. He's the next PM. BTW, I've never been a mine worker although I'm from in the shadow of Yorkshire Main Colliery. Not Jewish either though the DNA test said 0.01% Ashkenazi. I'd be happier with more since a flat in Tel Aviv would be great.
amiga500  5 | 1539
24 Jul 2022   #117
Come to Warsaw and we'll go for a beer and a spliff

sure, sounds like fun. :) maybe at Motyka i Słońce community garden?
amiga500  5 | 1539
26 Jul 2022   #118
barri weiss followed up on that telegraph article and did a nice piece on our Nigerian-Brit princess working class superstar Kemi.
Lyzko  44 | 9723
6 Sep 2022   #119

Liz Truss and the future of the Conservative Party

Anyone here care to share their feelings regarding the future PM and Britain's relations with Poland?

Until recently, she was almost unknown to me, but all I know is that she's a born again Thatcherite, at least by her own admission.
pawian  226 | 27817
6 Sep 2022   #120
Britain's relations with Poland?

With Poland??? For Poland the most important thing is that she is antiRuSSist and will bash them like BJ did. God bless the Qu.... ehr..... The Venerable Prime Minister of the Royal States of Great Britain and the Rest.

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