When did I become the subject of this thread? I missed that moment.
Boris Johnson - is the new British PM a popular figure in Poland?
Crnogorac3 3 | 659
7 Jul 2022 #62
Zelensky's top buddy resigns.
Putin signed the decree on Johnson's dismissal:

Putin's katil ferman delivered

The freckled one bites the dust. And only two days before he talked about destroying Russia. 😁
Boris Johnson has announced his resignation as prime minister after less than three years in Number 10, saying: "No one in politics is remotely indispensable."
Putin signed the decree on Johnson's dismissal:

Putin's katil ferman delivered

The freckled one bites the dust. And only two days before he talked about destroying Russia. 😁
You mean like you destroyed the US when you arrived there.
Funny. But true. :):)
by the refugees?
You are obsessed. Is "refugees" going to be the last word that you utter when leaving this world??? hahaha
When did I become the subject of this thread?
Enjoy this attention while you can. :):)
I think it must be Russian money and interference
I would not be surprised... the UK threw open its legs for rich russian gangsters years ago and they can't expect them to leave before they get what they paid for.....
It seems a bit short sighted to dump a politician with one of the leading world brands at present...
-he got brexit done (not perfectly but that was impossible since the eurocrats and the irish were being such t|ts about it)
-he snapped out of covid lockdown lethargy long before most other western leaders
-he has made Macron and Scholz all look like insignificant weenies (which they are) on Ukraine
But it's not my country so the birts are welcome to throw out a (very flawed but real) statesman probably to be replaced by a non-entity and/or euro-svck-up... they love to complain about him but I bet they'll miss him when he's gone....
Frankly, I'm glad Bojo decided to make his exit! The man was not a worthy successor to Cameron in my opinion and his administration was simply too rocked by scandal.
This is only one man's opinion:-)
This is only one man's opinion:-)
the irish were being such t|ts about it)
Don't talk about Irish politics unless you understand them Maf.
Yeah, who fu*cks who
It's par for the course that sex scandals bring down powerful individuals and governments. The streak of puritanism that runs through American society has done exactly that with your own, on more than one occasion. It's a handy excuse to get rid of people who are no longer wanted. The old 'ooh, this is the straw that broke the camel's back'. Btw, you don't know much about English politics, any more than Maf does about Ireland. You should save your breath to cool your porridge on this one.
Don't talk about Irish politics unless you understand them Maf.
What's to understand?
The irish government was a massive pain in the neck and being as obstructionist as possible. Possible domestic reasons (which I don't really care about) don't change that.
No solution is possible for those who don't want a solution....
No solution is possible for those who don't want a solution....
And that sums up the DUP perfectly (not to mention the Loyalist paramilitaries). Perhaps you're beginning to get a vague insight into the politics of Northern Ireland, at any rate. If you can get your head round that, you'll understand why the Irish government behaved as they did.
The irish government was a massive pain in the neck and being as obstructionist as possible.
Expecting a partner to an international treaty to abide by that treaty is not obstructionist. Brexit and the Belfast agreement are largely incompatible, It was the UK government's responsibility to square the circle.
Every attempt to address the problem was dismissed by Johnston and co on his self serving journey to the top
Crnogorac3 3 | 659
10 Jul 2022 #70
Fire Boris Johnson from the position of prime minister of little britain due to loss of confidence.
Vladimir Putin
Vladimir Putin
throw out a (very flawed but real) statesman probably to be replaced by a non-entity
My feelings too.
I want to see that party out at the next election; they have been in office too long and we do need a Labour government to sort out the NHS, transport and utilities.
It would be better to see Johnson stay as leader of the Tories until he loses the next general election.
It's an awkward time for him to be leaving and most of his possible successors are dreary. It would be good though to see one who works better with Europe.
we do need a Labour government to sort out the NHS, transport and utilities.
Forget about the latest polls, they have no chance of getting in with Starmer as their leader.
I read that Starmer is considered a much better leader than that obsessed Corbyn.
It wouldn't take much to be better than Corbyn.
Crnogorac3 3 | 659
22 Jul 2022 #75
⚔️⚔️⚔️putin accepts the resignation of the Italian prime minister⚔️⚔️⚔️
The crisis hasn't even started yet, but the governments of 2 of the 4 largest countries in Europe have failed.
The crisis hasn't even started yet, but the governments of 2 of the 4 largest countries in Europe have failed.
they have no chance of getting in with Starmer as their leader.
They do. A huge chance. Although Sir Keir is somewhat conservative and also comes across as rather wooden, we would certainly win if an election was held tomorrow.
Very good news in Wakefield recently and of course it shows that the very slim Northern Wall wins that the Tories got last time due to Corbyn and brexit were temporary and the workers are again voting in their own interest rather being conned by the home counties' wealthy.
Forget about the latest polls
I wouldn't forget about the latest polls. The Tories haven't.
Those dodgy chancers who got in on tiny majorities in the 2019 snap election are so accurately aware that they need two full terms to get a parliamentary pension that they've ditched the party leader in the middle of an economic crisis and a war in the hope that a few of them will retain their seats...
putin accepts the resignation of the Italian prime minister
You are fire today! You're absolutely right! russia is a malign and corrupting influence on Europe and a new Iron Curtain needs to be drawn by Europe to prevent the contagion of russian corruption and violence away from a benign Europe!
I dunno what made you see the light but welcome to the russia-haters club!
They do. A huge chance.
Sorry jon, but Starmer is too woke. Working people won't forget how he took the knee for BLM, and how he tied himself up in knots when asked "what is a woman"? He is also on record as saying 'women can have a penis', and 'it's wrong to say that only women have a cervix'.
By trying to please a very small percentage, he has lost many votes from biological women, who account for half the population of the UK.
too woke
What does that even mean?
took the knee for BLM
As do our national football team. Most people don't get worked up about that.
what is a woman
As with footballers and anti-racism that isn't an issue for most people who are probably sick of right-wing media whipping it up as a distraction from literally thousands of food banks, the deliberate destruction of the NHS and the current declining living standards.
And of course they did did pretty well on the acid test; a by-election in a largely working class white and fairly traditional city and town.
What does that even mean?
In basic form, it is 'extreme PC', closely related to virtue signalling
As do our national football team. Most people don't get worked up about that.
As above, many people like myself, haven't watched professional football for 2 seasons because of this.
What is a woman?, is a question that has a simple answer, and has been used for millennia. I'm afraid Starmer has shot himself in the foot.
RussianAntiPutin 6 | 209
22 Jul 2022 #81
Vincent- What is a woman?
It's barely a question. A 2 year old knows what a woman is.
extreme PC', closely related to virtue signalling
Still jargon. Three largely meaningless phrases touted by media belonging to billionaires.
many people like myself, haven't watched professional football for 2 seasons because of this.
Yet most people haven't stopped.
Viewing figures are high, we did well in the euros and the world cup is coming soon.
What is a woman?, is a question
Is a question being pushed by far right demagogues in order to get their target audience riled up about things that do not actually touch their lives.
Meanwhile, personal bankruptcy levels rocket, new food banks open every week and you can hardly get an appointment at the doctor's.
That is what people will vote on. Not some fantasy about men in wigs and plastic tits or women with socks stuffed down their trousers, or whether or not footballers (hardly a white or non-urban profession anyway) support something abroad or don't.
It's barely a question. A 2 year old knows what a woman is
Exactly, but politicians, and many others cannot.
Everyone 'can' however, as you know, society is becoming more clued up to the differences between biological sex and gender roles.
The days of 'men's jobs' or 'women's jobs' are largely done and roles within the family like child rearing, cooking and DIY are no longer as sex-based as they once were. Hence discussion about this.
If your fear or dislike of this makes you want to vote for a party who are trashing the country and whose leaders are in any case personally as 'woke' as it gets in their own lives then you have well and truly fallen for the PR stunt.
RussianAntiPutin 6 | 209
22 Jul 2022 #85
These politicians you speak of, are autistic or something?
These politicians you speak of, are autistic or something?
If your fear or dislike of this makes you want to vote for a party who are trashing the country
I'm not happy about Boris being stabbed in the back, (I thought he was OK) nor am I happy with the final two 'wanna be' PM's, but there is no way Starmer should be allowed to run the country. We will just have to wait and see if the new PM will make a difference in the next two years.
I'm not happy about Boris being stabbed in the back
The the same, largely due to his positive response to the invasion of Ukraine. I wanted to see him stay in office until the election.
Sir Keir? He's certainly the best person for the job (except for perhaps Dan Jarvis who doesn't want to stand as leader or take a cabinet post at the moment due to being a single parent) and as you know, governments come and go. We've had the same party in for a while now and it will change at the next election.
Is a question
Is it a question you can answer non-recursively (without using the word 'woman' as part of the answer)?
Is it a question you can answer non-recursively
I doubt it. It isn't as if it's been much of a publicised issue before however it's being discussed vigorously enough now.
Such discussions always seems to be about trans women rather than trans men, something telling enough in itself.
Personally I stay out of such discussions, not being trans and only having knowingly met a dozen or so over the decades. I assume Vincent knows many more transsexuals than I do, having mentioned it here at least ten times and probably Jim and Novichok must have address books crammed full of transgender people given the number of times they've mentioned the issue.
That or they've fallen hook, line and sinker for propaganda and PR from rich people who want to take their money and the societal fruits of their labour off them and and get even richer while distracting them by getting them riled up about trans issues and cabaret performers reading books to kids while in costume.
One or the other must be true. The only other possibility is that they're just getting worked up about stuff that isn't really real and doesn't actually impact their lives or that of many people at all. Better to stick to getting worked up about inequality, growing poverty, an impending war and worsening access to free healthcare. Or they could just post about the billions of people with gender dysphoria rampaging round their home towns and forcing things down their throats (they always do that; it's fun).
What does that even mean?
Jonas pretends to be ignorant of 'woke' because he knows it's the new left;s achilees heel but he knows exactly what it means, and what it means to the British public culturally.
win if an election was held tomorrow.
But the election won't be held tomorrow and the son of Indian son of middle class immigrants Rishi will have plenty of time to establish himself against the establishment knighted former Trot Sir Kier.