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Polish People are Welcome in Scotland

28 Aug 2019   #1
I've read a few negative posts on the forum from people, regarding Polish people living in certain parts of the UK.

Just wanted to say from personal experience that the vast majority of Polish people who I know or come across are great people.

Hard working and happy to fit in.

I just wanted any Polish people considering coming to Scotland to know you're more than welcome here anytime.

Hopefully the disaster which is BREXIT will lead to independence for Scotland and people from Poland and elsewhere in the EU will once again be welcome to come and live here.
Joker  2 | 2458
28 Aug 2019   #2
lead to independence for Scotland

It sounds like a pipe dream that will never happen.
OP Szkocji
28 Aug 2019   #3
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
28 Aug 2019   #4
and people from Poland and elsewhere in the EU will once again be welcome to come and live here.

How many are you willing to take? And when you reach the limit, what then? Poles Stay Away sign goes up?
Let me guess - you didn't think things through before posting this loving and welcoming manifesto.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
28 Aug 2019   #5
It sounds like a pipe dream that will never happen.

The day when independent Scotland comes into existence is approaching. It is hard to tell when it happens, but I am sure it will happen one day. The process must take time and Brexit may be something that accelerates it.

L'Ecosse deviendra indépendante après le Brexit (Sturgeon).
Wincig  2 | 225
28 Aug 2019   #6
Long live the Auld Alliance!
pawian  226 | 27817
28 Aug 2019   #7
you're more than welcome here anytime.

Long live traditional Polish Scottish friendship:

  • hqdefault.jpg
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
28 Aug 2019   #8
I am all for friendship. My friends go home when we are done. They never stay and never are on my welfare.
Lyzko  44 | 9730
18 Dec 2019   #9
[moved from]

Lots of Poles currently living in the UK, Scotland being no exception, I take it.
19 Dec 2019   #10

Yep lots of Polish people have settled in Scotland, which I think is great. Don't know about England, but probably the same there.

Poles are the biggest migrant group in Scotland, figures show...
Lyzko  44 | 9730
19 Dec 2019   #11
That was my suspicion, but I wasn't certain. Figured I'd ask a Scot, since the "fake news" industry on both sides of the Pond do like to massage and doctor stats, don't they!

19 Dec 2019   #12
Yep totally, fake news and bias reporting everywhere nowadays. BBC being one of the worst.
Lyzko  44 | 9730
19 Dec 2019   #13
BBC?? I'm talking about CBS as well as ABC right here at home!
Glad to know my suspicions were correct:-)

Are they integrating all right, or is it rather not unlike the guest workers who first arrived in Germany in or around 1960?
Miloslaw  22 | 5222
19 Dec 2019   #14
BBC?? I'm talking about CBS as well as ABC right here at home!

I can't comment on American TV but here in the UK The BBC and Channel 4 do show a definite left wing bias.
Lyzko  44 | 9730
19 Dec 2019   #15
I'd believe it.
20 Dec 2019   #16
Whatever your politics, it's hard to find an unbiased, balanced view of the world.
The BBC were totally biased in their coverage during the Scottish Indy Referendum along with most of the other London centred media outlets found here. I'd imagine the vast majority of countries around the world spout their own versions of events to suit their agendas and interests as well..

That's why one of the reasons I don't own a television now, free from all the dumbed down BS fed to the masses.
pawian  226 | 27817
7 Feb 2020   #17
Poles are the biggest migrant group in Scotland, figures show...

Will immigrant Poles be able to take part in the next independence referendum in Scotland? What do they need to do?
Miloslaw  22 | 5222
7 Feb 2020   #18
Will immigrant Poles be able to take part in the next independence referendum in Scotland?

There will not be another independence referedum in Scotland, so it doesn't matter.
And why should Poles have a right to vote?
It has nothing to do with them.
I have a cousin in Aberdeen and he has the vote and he will vote to remain in the UK as all his family will.
pawian  226 | 27817
7 Feb 2020   #19
And why should Poles have a right to vote?

I was curious when they can legally take part. After getting full citizenship? Or before?

There will not be another independence referedum in Scotland, so it doesn't matter.

Of course, not next year. How about ten years` time?
Lenka  5 | 3548
8 Feb 2020   #20
I have a cousin in Aberdeen and he has the vote and he will vote to remain in the UK as all his family will.

Your point being?
Miloslaw  22 | 5222
8 Feb 2020   #21
My point is that he and his family know full well that Scotland is far better off as part of the UK than being independent.

Scotland gets more funds from central government per capita than England does.
They have free prescriptions, free university and free care homes.
None of which is available in the rest of the UK.
pawian  226 | 27817
8 Feb 2020   #22
They have free prescriptions, free university and free care homes.

Funny how the English are ready to pay over the odds to keep the remnants of the Empire. :)
Miloslaw  22 | 5222
8 Feb 2020   #23
Scotland is poor and needs English money...........
Lenka  5 | 3548
8 Feb 2020   #24
My point is that he and his family know full well that Scotland is far better off as part of the UK

And others know they will be better off independent... Someone's family preferences are not really an argument to either side.
As to which side would win...hard to tell but somehow I don't think they will leave the union
Miloslaw  22 | 5222
8 Feb 2020   #25
but somehow I don't think they will leave the union

Of course they won't.
The Scots are not stupid.
An independent Scotland would be poor.
Probably too poor to be accepted by the EU.
cms neuf  2 | 1958
8 Feb 2020   #26
Probably they will stay but some polls this week put support for independence at 52 percent - a crushing majority according to Brexit logic. Young people especially are getting quite strong in their support for independence.

They would certainly be accepted as EU members but I think the current support levels for independence reflect the unpopularity of Boris and Brexit rather than the whole picture.

But the times are changing and for sure Brexit is going to split the Union in some way.

I spent a lot of time in the early 90s in Czechoslovakia and they said Slovakia would never survive without Czech money but it has done quite well since the break up. Same with Ireland - it has thrived in the EU.
Lenka  5 | 3548
8 Feb 2020   #27
An independent Scotland would be poor.

Hey, you said yourself- things like that are not about money :)
Miloslaw  22 | 5222
8 Feb 2020   #28
I did :-)

But you know what Scots are like when it comes to money............... ;-)
cms neuf  2 | 1958
8 Feb 2020   #29
I think the UK needs to find a way to make them happier with the arrangement - 50 percent support is dangerous, as any referendum will leave the Scotland very divided. It's not just about money for them many regions of England BTW are heavily subsidized by London.

So there are two ways to keep them sweet - more money (difficult as Brexit will hit the tax generating London economy hard for a few years) or more power (difficult as they might use it to push for full independence)
Miloslaw  22 | 5222
8 Feb 2020   #30
Brexit will hit the tax generating London economy hard for a few years

No it won't.
Business is booming at the moment and has been ever since the election.

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