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Any Polish Muslims in London?

Bickylogy  2 | 2
11 Dec 2012   #1
Hi All, can anyone help in letting me know if there are any Polish Muslims in London? And how to get in touch with them?
Wulkan  - | 3136
11 Dec 2012   #2
What do you need Polish Muslims for?
OP Bickylogy  2 | 2
11 Dec 2012   #3
I like to set up a charity with the help of them for the financial and moral help of Polish Muslims in Poland.
TommyG  1 | 359
12 Dec 2012   #4
I imagine that there are more Polish Muslims in the whole of Poland than in London.
So, what makes you think that Polish people of the Islamic faith need charity in Poland?
Couldn't non-Muslim Poles contribute to this cause?
BBman  - | 343
12 Dec 2012   #5
Why would a non-Muslim want to contribute to a Muslim cause?
whyikit  6 | 102
12 Dec 2012   #6
You got to love religion brings everyone together as one. It is such a happy place.......
Quiet  - | 1
12 Dec 2012   #7

I'm looking for Polish Muslims in London too!

I'm just about to start my research on social identity of Polish Muslims who live in the UK. If you are one, or you know one, please let me know... The only thing you will need to do is to participate in one-to-one interview with me. Easy! ;-)
Patzem  1 | 19
12 Dec 2012   #8
Polish Muslims, what is this world coming to?
pip  10 | 1658
12 Dec 2012   #9
go back and read your Polish history books. Or did you sleep through that class?
Patzem  1 | 19
12 Dec 2012   #10
Yeah- I sure did- I slept through that part of history=Polish Muslims......
OP Bickylogy  2 | 2
13 Dec 2012   #11
Well, I did not mean to differentiate based on religion. I just wanted to set up charity in Poland focusing on Polish Muslims but that charity will also work equally for other Polish people who are not Muslim. And pls don't get offended, I did not mean that non Muslim Polish are not helpful to their fellow country people. So please either if you are Polish Muslim or non Muslim I need help to set up my charity, I would really appreciate if any one can provide me some info.

Well, I don't know what type of death you are referring? If Seeing news on media about Muslims and making up your mind than I guess you are mistaken. Second, if not all five fingers are equal than I must insist you should not generalise based on hearing news every community have good and bad people and it's unfortunate that Muslims are portrayed as bad in today's time. But it's your right to have your point of view.

I am not bringing any political agenda to Poland or to the people. I just want to set up charity to help less fortunate Muslims or non Muslims in Poland.
berni23  7 | 377
13 Dec 2012   #12
Well, older Poles are fanatically Catholic and there are not many Muslims in Poland, and i mean like really few.
Anyway, good luck.
spiritus  69 | 643
19 Dec 2012   #13
Hmmm don't YOU think it odd that you post in the "Relationship/Marriage" board but are looking to set up a charity ?

Anyway, I don't know any Polish muslims anywhere ! But if you happen to come across any Saudi Arabian Catholics then please let me know as I would like to meet them.
18 Jun 2013   #14
yes there many but mostly Tatar. My friend is Polish Muslim. not converted . parents, grandparent all Muslim by birth and they live in Poland
23 Jul 2013   #15
There are several people of Polish origin who have embraced the religion of Islam, a good starting point is the London Muslim Centre in white chapel, it's a great idea to specifically support the needs of Poland Muslim population, and as stated the needs of other disadvantaged people. Please send a link or email address.
18 Jun 2014   #16 or ask in the Central London Mosque when some of us, POlish Muslims, meet once a month usually, if it is still of any interest to you. Best regards. A
9 Sep 2014   #17
My husband is a Polish Muslim revert..I know a sister who is a Polish revert too..I have been yo Warsaw mosque and met many Polish Muslims. .statistics are 3 Polish people's revert in Poland everyday..alhumdullilah. .my email is highbluedragon@hotmail. .Sadia.
Levi  11 | 433
19 May 2016   #18
"I have been yo Warsaw mosque and met many Polish Muslims. .statistics are 3 Polish people's revert in Poland everyday..alhumdullilah. .my email is highbluedragon@hotmail. .Sadia."

3 minutes in front of the Warsaw Mosque at Jumuah prayers and you can see that basically EVERYONE that goes there is NOT polish.

Unless suddenly poles started to look like Bangladeshis, Pakistanis or Turks.

Anyway, if 3 poles converted everyday to Islam (what is obviously a exagerattion of you) that means 1000 poles per year. Since around 9000 turks leave Islam every month(Thanks Erdogan for burning the image of Islam more than anyone else) the bottom line is still very positive.

Allhamdulillah. Lol
Ironside  51 | 13109
19 May 2016   #19
are 3 Polish people's revert in Poland everyday

Really? I doubt that ...but these that do should be deported to Saudi Arabia or those regions.
jon357  72 | 23665
19 May 2016   #20
3 minutes in front of the Warsaw Mosque at Jumuah prayers and you can see that basically EVERYONE that goes there is NOT polish

That's actually the opposite of the truth. Most are Polish. Worth remembering that this thread is about London, not Warsaw, anyway. Plenty of reverts in both places.

Interesting that this is a very old thread resurrected by a known racist troll.
9 May 2020   #21
Polish Muslim here from East London
jon357  72 | 23665
9 May 2020   #22
Alhamdulillah! Are you Polish Tatar or have you reverted?
mafketis  38 | 11277
10 May 2020   #23
or have you reverted?

That's really offensive... I was not born muslim (and I really doubt you were).
10 May 2020   #24
That's really offensive

Incredibly offensive - repeating the muslim propaganda of islam being the inborn religion of every human being to which you cannot convert but only "revert". Down with this kind of thing. :-/
jon357  72 | 23665
10 May 2020   #25
islam being the inborn religion of every human being

For Muslims it is; others may choose their own paradigm.

Mormons scour historical records (including in Poland) and baptise the dead; some may be offended, some may support it, most don't ever think about it.
10 May 2020   #26
For Muslims it is

Are you a Muslim?

If not, then why do you repeat their propaganda? If yes, then anyway you must surely realise how offensive that is to followers of other religions.
jon357  72 | 23665
10 May 2020   #27

Nothing propagated there...

offensive that is to followers of other religions

You can easily say that most religions contain something that might offend the type of person who enjoys being offended.
10 May 2020   #28
most religions contain something that might offend

Exactly. That's why I wouldn't go shouting "hail Mary full of grace" or "long live the Pope!" on a Muslim forum, so you could try to refrain from "alhamdulillahs" and "reverts" on a Polish board, thank you.
jon357  72 | 23665
10 May 2020   #29
Muslim forum,

This isn't a forum specific to any one religion, is it now...

Nor is the OP enquiring about any other religions....
10 May 2020   #30
This isn't a forum specific to any one religion, is it now...

No, but obviously most members are Christian, and might be offended by the use of term "revert".

Home / UK, Ireland / Any Polish Muslims in London?

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