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Polish engineer and family found dead in village.

jon357  72 | 23654
19 Jan 2024   #1
The discovery of 4 bodies found in a house in Norfolk, UK, this morning has been a breaking news thread all day. The police have just released the name of the householder; he is a Polish engineer called Bartlomiej Kuczynski.

Two of the victims were his daughters. It's been suggested that the dead woman was a visitor however the details are still unclear. Police said that all 4 bodies had injuries.

There aren't any further details although there was gossip on Twitter that his wife or ex-wife may have been involved and also that there may have been issues with alcohol. It's worth being highly sceptical about that until there's further confirmed informtion given the amount of crap on social media. Whatever happened, it's extremely sad.
Novichok  4 | 8682
19 Jan 2024   #2
Those calls to prayer drove him nuts.

Whatever happened, it's extremely sad.

Extremely means at the end of the scale. If that was "extremely", what about the 2004 tsunami? Did your head explode from 250,000 victims that day?
OP jon357  72 | 23654
19 Jan 2024   #3

Get a grip on yourself.

The tragic incident involves dead children.
Miloslaw  22 | 5208
19 Jan 2024   #4
The tragic incident involves dead children.

Novichok  4 | 8682
20 Jan 2024   #5
The tragic incident involves dead children.

So what? What makes it extreme? A couple of kids?
Learn English and keep "extreme" for extreme events, little girl...
Alien  26 | 6528
20 Jan 2024   #6
extreme" for extreme events, little

Would 5 bodies be extreme?
Ironside  51 | 13087
20 Jan 2024   #7
I wonder what had happened there.
The other day in the Netherlands some inbred Dutch shot dead a Polish couple who bought a house from him.
Alien  26 | 6528
20 Jan 2024   #8
Polish couple who bought a house from him.

The house apparently had hidden defects, which led to a conflict that resulted in a double murder. Unfortunately, the reluctance towards Poles after so many years of PiS rule and the constantly negative portrayal of Poland in the Western press resulted in Poles not being liked very much here.
Novichok  4 | 8682
20 Jan 2024   #9
Would 5 bodies be extreme?

Maybe to the 5 bodies, not to anyone else. 5

bodies is an average weekend in Chicago. Fortunately, all black.
OP jon357  72 | 23654
20 Jan 2024   #10
It gets murkier.

The police have referred themselves to the organisation that deals with police misconduct because they failed to respond to a 999 call an hour before the bodies were found.

Interestingly, the call was made by a man rather than a woman.
Poloniusz  5 | 969
20 Jan 2024   #11
It gets murkier.

Not really.

Intimate Partner Violence in Interracial and Monoracial Couples

"Our findings showed that interracial couples and monoracial black couples reported similar levels of IPV, both of which were higher than monoracial white couples."

Interracial Conflicts: The Causes Of Interracial Domestic Violence

"domestic violence in interracial marriages can be best explained in reference to the cultural difference of the couples. Cultural differences between interracial couples lead to the high level of conflict common in interracial marriages. Studies have confirmed that interracial couples face great communication difficulties as compared to monoracial couples."
Novichok  4 | 8682
20 Jan 2024   #12
If interracial anything was good, one kid would be white and the other one black - naturally. Nature loves Darwin.
That's why the men-to-women ratio is nearly perfect 50-50. No third gender.
OP jon357  72 | 23654
20 Jan 2024   #13
Not really

Yes, really.

There are also reports that the guy had mental health issues and a recent crisis.

Nor were any of the dead people black.


How would you know about couples and relationships?
Novichok  4 | 8682
20 Jan 2024   #14
the guy had mental health issues and a recent crisis.

Why are we talking about this freak? How is this news?

We have a president with mental health issues and nobody in Europe shows any concern that instead of flushing the toilet he might push that big red button...
Poloniusz  5 | 969
20 Jan 2024   #15
There are also reports that...

The local police were treating this as the usual "isolated incident" and are too woke now to formally state the obvious.

...the guy had mental health issues and a recent crisis.

Wow, everything just so happens to occur in "isolation" with you British. Never a cause behind anything.

You're too thick and lazy to look for causes anyway and too woke and scared to acknowledge them when they are staring you in the face.

Nor were any of the dead people black.

The wife was Thai. So why won't you acknowledge this was an interracial relationship? You usually prance around with glee any other time the topic of interracial anything gets discussed.

Oh, yeah, you're just up to your usual propaganda tactic of "card-stacking", i.e., overemphasizing the tiniest and remotest positives while deliberately downplaying and outright ignoring all the bad.

You simply don't live in reality. You never have.

How would you know about couples and relationships?

I, unlike you, speak from experience.

You, on the other hand, aren't qualified to speak on the matter and you know it. Everyone knows you are nothing more than an old antisocial homosexual loner. If your "relationships" were ever investigated they no doubt would involve cadavers and body counts in league with your fellow old antisocial homosexual loners Jeffrey Dahmer, John Wayne Gacy, Dennis Nilsen and Stephen John Port.
Novichok  4 | 8682
20 Jan 2024   #16
Never a cause behind anything.

...unless the cause is a white guy...
Other than that, I thank you for this post.

an old antisocial homosexual loner.

I will remember this one...
Poloniusz  5 | 969
20 Jan 2024   #17
...unless the cause is a white guy...

Definitely. That's when the woke media circus really swings into action with endless headline articles and coverage from every possible demonizing angle.

I will remember this one...

Just read any of his over 21,000 posts. Each one is a damning admission that Poles want nothing to do with him so he's been using PF for over a decade to cope.
OP jon357  72 | 23654
20 Jan 2024   #18
The local police were treating this as the usual "isolated incident

Because it was.

I, unlike you, speak from experience

You don't though, do you...


You hardly know any...,
Poloniusz  5 | 969
20 Jan 2024   #19
Because it was.

Oh, sure, in that one remote sleepy British village in the current month and year.

And what an amazing coincidence that this interracial couple in a remote sleepy British village in the current month and year just so happened to have their lives end in death from injuries. It couldn't possibly have been the result of interracial domestic violence now could it?

Nope, not in your woke fantasyland.

You don't though, do you...

I do, unlike you.

You hardly know any...,

Of course I do. I have a very large family and circle of friends and colleagues all of whom are Polish.

And when they are not around all I have to do is look in the mirror to see a Pole looking right back at me. I'm often complimented on my Polish looks too.

This is something you can never say for as long as you live.
OP jon357  72 | 23654
20 Jan 2024   #20
one remote sleepy British village i

It's a suburb of a city. Not a village.

I do, unlike you

You admitted to being an "incel".

'm often complimented on my Polish looks too

Poloniusz  5 | 969
20 Jan 2024   #21
It's a suburb of a city. Not a village.

What's the title of this thread YOU started?

Oh, here it is: Polish engineer and family found dead in village.

You're such an idiot!

You admitted to being an "incel".

Nope, that's you. Indeed, your "social life" is either spent on PF just so you can say you are in contact with Poles (you're welcome) or you have to travel all the way to Africa or back to Britain to be around your own kind and even in these places you still report in on PF because your own kind also want nothing to do with you.
OP jon357  72 | 23654
21 Jan 2024   #22
There's another development in the story today. It's about the mental health of both adult parties.
It begs the question about whether the health authorities were involved. The school the older kid went to can't obviously comment and not can the police at this stage.

There's one very unusual feature of what happened. I hinted at it earlier.

quote=Poloniusz]you are in contact with Poles[/quote]
Here? Don't be daft. It's just something to do while killing time travelling. And don't try to make incorrect assumptions.
Poloniusz  5 | 969
21 Jan 2024   #23
There's one very unusual feature of what happened.

There's nothing unusual.

Interracial relationships are very commonplace in your British homeland.

The only thing that would be unusual would be public acknowledgment that Interracial Domestic Violence is also very commonplace.

The real tragedy in cases like this involves all the interracial couples who jumped on the multicultural bandwagon in the mistaken belief that their life would be just like the endless UK adverts which disproportionately and unrealistically show interracial families living perfect, blissful and sentimental lives no matter the occasion or product being flogged.

It's just something to do while killing time travelling.

You do your serial killing while traveling? You do realize that law enforcement professionals are trained to connect the dots?

Speaking of evil, why can't a roaring globohomo Zionist stooge like yourself who laughably boasts of being a "wicked cosmopolitain elite with three passports" strike up a conversation with other travelers around you?

You must be more frightening in real life than you are online.
Novichok  4 | 8682
21 Jan 2024   #24 your woke fantasyland... was Trump's or Putin's fault.
pawian  226 | 27817
21 Jan 2024   #25
it was Trump's or Putin's fault

Not or but both.
OP jon357  72 | 23654
21 Jan 2024   #26

Birds of a feather.

There's nothing unusual.

There is. There's one key factor that is u usual.

You do your serial killing while traveling

One day you may very well find out.

Home / UK, Ireland / Polish engineer and family found dead in village.

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