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Britain's moral collapse?

Crow  154 | 9463
14 Oct 2015   #31
Poles, you can consider that are old alliances violently broken and betrayed by Britain. Britain is now Polish mortal enemy that eagerly and openly works against interests of Poland, in every opportunity, on all meridians.

Brace yourself Poles.
14 Oct 2015   #32
I'm starting to think that Polonius will stop talking about superior christian values only when we all(or at least the westerners) oblige to visit church every Sunday and to celebrate every christian holiday. He's a Vatican's White Knight or Don Cichote charging at mills. We need to admit that without Catholicism there would be no morality at all despite the simple fact that it is nature's invention developed in eons of evolving as a tool to preserve life itself.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
14 Oct 2015   #33
preserve life itself

That is precisely the point many of today's "trendies" are missing. Whether or not God exists (no-one can prove or disprove it!) the Judaeo-Christian heritage has provided the basis for Europe's human culture and devleopment for well over two millennia. Sure, there were problems --where aren't there any? -- but it has created a fundamental structure and set of values which have provided a basic moral compass that has persisted to this day. All the ad hoc utopias -- the French bloodbath, the café ideologies of rich middle-class Jews (Marx & Engels), the attempts to put them into practice (Lenin, Stalin), the half-baked beer-hall demagoguery (Hitler, Goebbels & brown-shirt thugs), even the 1960s/70s counterculture hippie revolution -- have all come and gone, but not before leaving a sea of human misery in their wake. Now we are facing the pansexual onslaught promoting perversity, test-tube babies, surrogate mothers, trannies, free condoms and abortion pills to school children, etc. That too will eventually pasas, but the damage to society, the family unit and individual victims it leaves behind is impossible to predict. Let's not forget that in their own dayeach of those utopias proclaimed to all and sundry that this time we have hit on the perfect, one true, proper, viable solution....only to produce more disillusionment and regret. For all its shortcomings, the Judaeo-Christian ethical system is based on common sense, advocates restraint, provides stability and has helped to calm the precarious, oft-turbulent waters of the modern world.
milky  13 | 1656
14 Oct 2015   #34
For all its shortcomings, the Judaeo-Christian ethical system is based on common sense, advocates restraint, provides stability and has helped to calm the precarious, oft-turbulent waters of the modern world.

Moral decline. Tories just trying to appeal to UKIP supporters. I suppose the moral decline according to UKIP is due to all the Poles that came into the country trying to escape the catholic paradise.

With the Polish Taliban coming to power in the next election, I reckon even more Poles will be running for the godless UK.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497
14 Oct 2015   #35
David Cameron has explained why he thinks that the UK needs to revert to it's "traditional Christian values" in an effort to "counter Britain's moral collapse".

I know your comment was from 2013 Polonius... but this is from a conservative/PIS style government who can only come up with the old nonsense of "Family Values."

I suggest you do some research from other Conservative regimes with the same slogan, notably from John Major's government of 1992. He should know all about family values.... some of us made the same mistakes - but don't lecture others. There's the difference.

Do you not see? PIS in a nutshell. Right wing "orders". Left wing economy.

I haven't read the rest of the thread, but as for moral values, the UK is far ahead of Poland in this regard. Why? Because we don't hide behind an outmoded religion, and have built our position in the world over 300 years. Poland still plays the nationalist card re: the refugees and more - so this thread is inappropriate in its' comparative criticism.

Moral decline.

Milky for president 2022. Pure sense.
Wulkan  - | 3136
14 Oct 2015   #36
Why? Because we don't hide behind an outmoded religion, and have built our position in the world over 300 years.

Today's UK is nothing like it was 300 years ago.

Because we don't hide behind an outmoded religion

But you hide muslim gang of pedophiles raping white girls, that's worse than anything.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
14 Oct 2015   #37
You prefer to hide behind-brain schemes and café utopias which have all come and gone. The guillotine of the "be my brother or I'll kill you" Frog reovolution, the swastika, the hippies, etc, are all on the rubbish heap of history. That's where the homo-perversion pedlars will soon be as well. Trendy fly-by-night things never last but before they vanish they leave plenty of human harm and misery in their wake. The Judaeo-Christian heritage has had its ups and downs but still forms the basic foundation of Western civilisation.
Crow  154 | 9463
14 Oct 2015   #38
Selfish England failed to be honest partner of Poland. So Poland go now to take care of Her own interests.
14 Oct 2015   #39
Britain's Moral Colapse !!!

Exactly why I have built my bolt hole in Poland.

I hope Poland holds on to it's traditions and religious values.
Marsupial  - | 871
14 Oct 2015   #40
You can add ex british colonies to the moral colapse such as here in oz. We are a bit behind but heading the same way.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497
14 Oct 2015   #41
I refer you all to my previous post. Major was playing away with his environment secretary for 4 years, and later on his government had the temerity to lecture the nation on moral values. And Poland thinks it has a moral society with an outmoded and ridiculous religious "ethic" in the villages, and has forgotten it's own flight to freedom of it's persecuted masses in it's attitude to immigration, and aid.

Britain wins, as Major, like Bungalow Bill, was only human, whereas it's about time Poland modernised.

You prefer to hide behind-brain schemes and café utopias which have all come and gone.

Mmm...very good Polonius - I think...... :)
15 Oct 2015   #42
In fact many Western countries have had a moral downfall with Christianity going downhill, the lunatic LGBT being put on a pedestal with their parades and "marriages" and two weirdos adopting kids (sick), immigration crisis, unnecessary wars, and so on.

Central and Eastern Europe need to preserve their cultures and all costs. Do not let the Western decadents ruin Poland with their NGOs.
15 Oct 2015   #43
Britain has no morals anymore, they are weak & morally bankrupt. Poland & Russia on the other hand are still strong in many ways.

Take note as this is what happens when civilisation is watered down and liberalised.
Crow  154 | 9463
21 Jan 2016   #44
i see in today`s news that Britain continue to provoke Slavs. Mistake Brits. Mistake
21 Jan 2016   #45
Mistake Brits. Mistake

Not really: Britain has fairly decent armed forces, not like the collections of a few men with hunting rifles which meant Croatia, Bosnia and Kosovo all suffered invasions from 'Slavic' 'heroes'.
jon357  72 | 23361
21 Jan 2016   #46
He of course means the report published today into Putin's murder of Litvinienko and the allegations about Putin's sexual predilections. If there's any 'moral collapse' here, it's by Russians, not that there was ever much morality there to collapse in the first place.
johnny reb  49 | 7974
21 Jan 2016   #47
not that there was ever much morality there to collapse in the first place.

Coming from not only a Brit but a gay atheist Brit, I have no other choice but to snicker.
jon357  72 | 23361
21 Jan 2016   #48
Atheist? That comes as a surprise.

I will say though that most atheists, people who are gay, bi and even of whatever sexual orientation (including bestiality and paedophilia) and regardless of nationality are likely to have a higher moral compass than Putin.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
21 Jan 2016   #49
most atheists, people who are gay, bi and even of whatever sexual orientation (including bestiality and paedophilia) and regardless of nationality are likely to have a higher moral compass than Putin.

LOL ...:D
jon357  72 | 23361
21 Jan 2016   #51
You'll never know. It's how you live and how you treat others, not what label you choose that defines personal morality.
21 Jan 2016   #52
people who are gay, bi and even of whatever sexual orientation (including bestiality and paedophilia) and regardless of nationality are likely to have a higher moral compass than Putin.

You're right. Homosexuals' moral standards are high. They manifest them by licking their faces off, wearing shirts with holes for nipples and strings with their ball-sacks sticking out in public. Icons of morality.
jon357  72 | 23361
21 Jan 2016   #53
licking their faces of

Which straight people of course never do, lol...

wearing shirts with holes for nipples

What's wrong with that?

strings with their ball-sacks sticking out in public.

You go to the wrong bars, evidently.

Odd that you think clothing defines morality. Perhaps you'd feel less insecure in Saudi Arabia, where it's all covered up.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
21 Jan 2016   #54
They manifest them by licking their faces off, wearing shirts with holes for nipples and strings with their ball-sacks sticking out in public. Icons of morality.

I think you're thinking a bit too much about the topic, to be honest. I've never seen anyone homosexual wearing that kind of thing outside of some very niche clubs.

Last gay club I was in, there was a distinct lack of ball sacks and nipples. Good club though, good music, reasonably priced drinks and a very friendly atmosphere. If you're ever in PoznaƄ, let me know and we can go.
21 Jan 2016   #55
I was talking about mentally-ill manifestations. When did you see a hetero couple doing that in public manifesting their sexuality?

I don't go to public places to shag my missus for everyone to see. Gays that don't do it are fine. But saying Gays are morally superior is an overestimating
jon357  72 | 23361
21 Jan 2016   #56
thinking a bit too much about the topic

That seems to be a theme for some of them, thinking too much about it.

Last gay club I was in, there was a distinct lack of ball sacks and nipples.

Quite, though both of those are far more easily findable in specialist clubs that exist in Poland but not so much in the UK. Not that it's an issue of 'morality', anyway.

Being scabrously racist and bigoted is immoral. Showing a little flesh is not.

when did you see a hetero couple doing that in public manifesting their sexuality?

21 Jan 2016   #57
Morally-superior gay(mentally-ill) manifestation.

Waiting for a link from you Jon showing how heterosexual people manifesting their sexuality are of lesser moral standards.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
21 Jan 2016   #58
When did you see a hetero couple doing that in public manifesting their sexuality?

Haven't been on many nights out in the UK, have you? I've seen my fair share of growlers that I didn't want to see.

Not that it's an issue of 'morality', anyway.

Indeed, morality is about being accepting of others, just like that chap Jesus used to preach about.

Waiting for a link from you Jon showing how heterosexual people are of lesser moral standards.

Blimey, where do we start?
21 Jan 2016   #59
Blimey, where do we start?

Link pls. And a link to heterosexual immoral public manifestation.
jon357  72 | 23361
21 Jan 2016   #60
You can actually feel the bile and insecurity in that comment.

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