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Bilingual Polish Primary School in London

Schoolteacher  1 | -
8 Mar 2011   #1
Hi, I am considering setting up a bilingual Polish Primary School for children aged 3-13.

I have no idea what interest there would be and wondered if this would be a good place to start.

If you have any views could you please let me know.

Many thanks

20 May 2011   #2

I think that it would be a great idea as there are many Polish people who send their children to the Polish Schools on Saturday.

As a Polish Psychologist I have met these People and their children. The children were not very happy going to the school on Saturday as they were very tired after the all school week Mon-Friday.

I think if they had Polish during the school week they would be more happier and their parents as well.
I can help you with it if you want.
20 May 2011   #3
There was a Saturday school already in London for Polish kids, many of the children of the people that worked in the Polish Embassy/ consulate were attending.
Fermina  1 | 7
22 May 2011   #4
Yes, there are many Saturday schools in London but the case is that the children are very tired after all week in English school to attend Saturday school as well.

I know because they told me, and their parents want them do go there to have a contact with Polish language and History.

The idea is to combine both and to create English school with Polish subjects eg Polish and History.
pawian  226 | 27817
22 May 2011   #5
Why not? The more, the merrier:

2 Jul 2011   #6
Hi there,

I would be very interested in a bilingual school. I have two daughters and I would like them to be fluent in spoken and written Polish. I am a teacher myself. I teach in a reception class but I have a lot of experience of teaching English as a second language too. Let me know if you are still thinking about opening a bilingual school. Are children going to learn Polish as a foreign language or are they going to have some subject in Polish?

All the best with your idea.

dontesk  - | 2
8 Jul 2011   #7
Setting up? there is enough of those bilingual schools in the UK anyway which further degrade the English language, take your language OUT.
JonnyM  11 | 2607
8 Jul 2011   #8
Hi, I am considering setting up a bilingual Polish Primary School for children aged 3-13.

Given the two-way traffic between the two countries, it could be a great idea. Your first stop should be the Department of Education who can advise on the liabilities and requirements for setting up a private school.
peterweg  37 | 2305
8 Jul 2011   #9
Why not? The more, the merrier:

Thats London, Canada, not London, UK
pip  10 | 1658
8 Jul 2011   #10
Poles are not degrading the English language -the English do it all by themselves.
Fermina  1 | 7
29 Sep 2011   #11

Are you still interesting in setting up the bilingual school?
Sidliste_Chodov  1 | 438
29 Sep 2011   #12
there is enough of those bilingual schools in the UK anyway which further degrade the English language, take your language OUT.

Oh, the irony. Another idiot complaining about foreigners degrading the English language, but who can't even get his own grammar right :D

If anyone's doing any "degrading" of the English language, it's mainly those who look up to all those "aspiring rapper" types :p

If Labour had put up immigration caps in 2004 there would not be any need for one.

I was learning Polish at a Saturday school as long ago as 1972. That's slightly before 2004, I believe.
Richfilth  6 | 415
29 Sep 2011   #13
Setting up? there is enough of those bilingual schools in the UK anyway which further degrade the English language, take your language OUT.

Microwaveable bacon. A perfectly understandable English phrase made up of Latin, Greek, French, Old Norse and Old German, with not a single component of anything you could call uniquely English.

English is a mongrel mixture of foreign languages. If Poles want to add to it, the more the merrier, it doesn't "degrade" because no language has any purity to start with.

Stop waving your idiocy around, it's embarrassing for others.
AdamKadmon  2 | 494
29 Sep 2011   #14
Are you still interesting in setting up the bilingual school?

School has become the world religion of a modernized proletariat, and makes futile promises of salvation to the poor of the technological age.

Szkoła stała się globalną religią unowocześnionego proletariatu, która daje puste obietnice zbawienia biedocie ery technologicznej.

Sorry for the bilingual answer.
Juka2013  - | 1
1 Feb 2013   #15
Does this school exist?
Im intersted in it. Please let me know.
1 Dec 2013   #16
yes!!!!!!!!yes this is wonderful idea,please do so,out there is so many bilingual schools so why not Polish one,I can not wait:)

we love Polish Language and education
18 Jun 2022   #17
Hi - so here's my problem - all the Polish Saturday schools in London appear to be catholic. I went to one, and for the most part it was fine but I am no longer catholic and I do not want my children to have religious lessons. Does anyone know of a non-religious Polish Saturday school? I want my child to learn the language, history, culture, in the same way I did, but I'm not keen on the religious side of things. If somebody could set one up that would be great!
Miloslaw  22 | 5206
18 Jun 2022   #18

Bad luck mate.
You won't find a non catholic Polish school in London or anywhere in the UK.

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