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Travelling from Berlin to Łódz

farouk  4 | 9
4 Jun 2011   #1
Dzień dobry, moich znajomych! (Sorry for my bad Polish)

First of all; i am so happy, because my internship application has been accepted by Polytechnika £ódzka. I am so excited, because this is my first travel to abroad.

I will ask a question about arriving Warsaw. I hope I do not disturb you.

Direct flights are so expensive. So I will prefer two options to arrive Warsaw:

a. Train from Berlin
b. Charter flight between Istanbul, Lithuania and Warsaw.

Generally which one do you recommend to me? Train option is cheaper, but travel time is so long. There is no great gap between charter and train option for price.

Thank you for your recommends!
4 Jun 2011   #2
If you go to Berlin, you will have to take into account, the cost of travel between airport and train station, If my memory serves me correctly, there are two outbound trains each day. The journey is pleasant and you will get to see the Polish countryside.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
4 Jun 2011   #3
Without a doubt, fly to Warsaw. If you fly to Berlin, you'll have to get from Tegel/Schoenfeld to Hauptbahnhof/Ostbahnhof, then change at Kutno/Poznan to get to Lodz. Not worth the hassle - Warsaw will be much easier, as you'll only have to get from the airport to Warszawa Centralna, then from Centralna straight to Lodz.
OP farouk  4 | 9
4 Jun 2011   #4
Thank you for reply. I will use charter one. Because train option is not certain in appearance and it must be booked about 2-3 weeks ago. Flight is clear to arrive. I think I can go to £ódz from airport in Warsaw with train.
sobieski  106 | 2111
4 Jun 2011   #5
Tell me... out of curiosity...why did you decide to come and study in Poland? Schengen?
OP farouk  4 | 9
4 Jun 2011   #6
First of all, I am not an agent, sobieski :-D

There is an international organization called IAESTE. This provides internship opportunities in worldwide. I participated this(especially for my mandatory internship stage).

Why Poland? I don't have any "clear" idea, but i can say it is not obviously for schengen. I want to experience this in a technical university abroad. Also, between the options, Poland one suits for me(making image processing library for computers, i am computer engineering student.) But if I have enough time after work, i can make a trip in Europe, why not :-D
sobieski  106 | 2111
4 Jun 2011   #7
Why Poland? I don't have any "clear" idea, but i can say it is not obviously for schengen. I want to experience this in a technical university abroad.

So why you come to Poland, and for example not to Moldavia, Russia, Ukraine....? Your "clear idea" is obvious.
Do you know anything about Poland, besides the fact you consider it an "easy" gateway to Schengen?
OP farouk  4 | 9
4 Jun 2011   #8
So why you come to Poland, and for example not to Moldavia, Russia, Ukraine....?

I said it kindly, because i chosen Poland for my internship. First look at in dictionary what internship means.
After that, visit for more info.

By the way does it care you? I don't prefer travelling a lot, i said it will be my first travel abroad, but if there is some international IAESTE parties; i can use it, this is my right. Even you are a Polish ambassador, it does not care you.

Do you know anything about Poland, besides the fact you consider it an "easy" gateway to Schengen?

No and I do not need to know anything about Poland, because i will go there for internship, not for entertainment. Read my whole thread carefully. Also, I can enter most of European countries without schengen and any other visas, because i have a passport which is given to me and accepted generally in Europe.

Finally, I recommend you breaking stereotypes about non-European people who visits your country.
Alien  26 | 6551
3 Sep 2022   #9
Whether @sobieski was some kind of ancestor of the Iron/Cojest?
jon357  72 | 23668
3 Sep 2022   #10
No. He was originally from Belgium and passed away several years ago. I knew him slightly off-forum. A very nice guy.

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