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Being Transgender and visiting Wroclaw

Novichok  4 | 8748
13 Aug 2023   #61
The trans idiocy in American hospitals on the way to Poland...From one of their websites:

Legal Sex

Gender Identity

Sex Assigned at Birth

Hey, morons, nobody "assigns" sex at birth. They only record what they see. Sex is "assigned" naturally when sperm meets egg. The trans activists know it but still use that "assigned" bs to make it fluid and negotiable. Yes, we see that little dick but to make the parents happy we will pretend it's a vagina and the tribe gets another girl. Isn't she cute with that little penis?

No, I am not making it up. It's reality...

Before the freaks, life was simple: Gender - female. Done.

Another frontier: law enforcement. The "non-binary" lie expands the search from just men or just women to everybody. Even worse is when the wanted guy is now documented as a "woman". Now the cops are looking in the wrong half and I am paying for this nonsense.
Luke1410  - | 146
13 Aug 2023   #62
The hospitals are the hotbeds of this which makes sense as it's big pharma behind the lot.
jon357  72 | 23361
13 Aug 2023   #63
Where did you get that idea from?
Luke1410  - | 146
13 Aug 2023   #64
Speak of the devil....
jon357  72 | 23361
13 Aug 2023   #65
You can if you want, however it's better to come to terms with things you can change and things you can do nothing whatsoever about.

The future is rainbow coloured.
Novichok  4 | 8748
13 Aug 2023   #66
The future is rainbow coloured.

You can color things all you want and still be biologically useless.

You do realize that too many rainbow people can kill the tribe, don't you...

Did you know that it takes a man fu*cking a woman to make a baby? Would you like a video to see how it's done?

Now the question of the day...

Can a man who became a woman fu*ck himself and get pregnant?
jon357  72 | 23361
13 Aug 2023   #67
biologically useless

They aren't though, unless they have surgery on the lower parts of their bodies which many trans people, especially trans men, don't.

Unless you're confusing seuality with fertility.

The future is rainbow coloured, and you can do nothing at all about it.

Can a man who became a woman fu*ck himself

Why don't you go try it?
Novichok  4 | 8748
14 Aug 2023   #68
Unless you're confusing seuality with fertility.

Neither one is enough to make a baby. It takes a man and a woman.
Did you know that?
jon357  72 | 23361
14 Aug 2023   #69
It takes a man and a woman

Yes, regardless of sexual identity.

Did you know that?

Neither one is enough to make a baby

A meaningless comment.
Novichok  4 | 8748
14 Aug 2023   #70
regardless of sexual identity.

I just identified sexes: a man and a woman. No other combination is useful to any society.

The transholes are the worst. They cost us money to "transition". It's expensive to keep these morons alive. And then they kill themselves without any attempt to pay what we spent to keep the idiots happy for a while. A real bummer...
jon357  72 | 23361
14 Aug 2023   #71
useful to any society.

Nor are you particularly. Societies are not utilitarian.

The transholes are the worst

Obviously you're entitled to your opinion, however you aren't going to be able to stop or even slow down change in society. It's not going to go away and I think you realise that.

A real bummer...

No, it needs to be the other orifice to conceive.
Novichok  4 | 8748
14 Aug 2023   #72
Nor are you particularly. Societies are not utilitarian.

Only normal men and normal women can keep society going. LGTs are useless.
This is not an opinion. It's a fact. Facts don't care about how freaks feel and think.
johnny reb  49 | 7974
14 Aug 2023   #73
And in retrospect, freaks don't care what you think.
Transgenders effect your life in no shape, way or form.
Judging others because of their color, beliefs, lifestyles, race, because it is different than yours is what society calls a useless scum bigot.
Only an abnormal self-appointed busy body with too much time on their hands would be hung up and infatuated by someone else's lifestyle.
There, how do you like to be judged ?
Luke1410  - | 146
14 Aug 2023   #74
Rainbow is the flag for people who have given up the fight against sex addiction and have made it part of their identity instead, a bit like smokers kidding themselves that they still enjoy it. There is no future for sex addicts, like any addiction it only gets worse and worse and more and more pathetic with time.
jon357  72 | 23361
14 Aug 2023   #75

What is that supposed to mean and why would people 'fight against' sex?

There is no future for sex addicts

Different people have different levels of sex drive. It's nothing to do with whether or not they prefer ladies or gentlemen nd nothing to do with LGBTQA (in fact the A in that do t have sex at all).

What in your opinion is 'sex addiction' and why do you think it's relevant?
Luke1410  - | 146
14 Aug 2023   #76
Ok you asked for it... my 'personal' definition of sex addiction is that it is simply adrenaline addiction, but abusing the sexual response as the means of achieving the adrenaline rush.
jon357  72 | 23361
14 Aug 2023   #77
You can say the same about retail therapy.

Are you the same person as SamUK84 who used to post about what you refer to as 'sex addiction' and the evils of smartphones? As I recall we both dislike smartphones and agreed that they can be damaging in certain circumstances.

Remember that not everybody has the same level of sex drive or sexuality and life is much better now that inhibited people don't need to hide away or feel that sex is somehow 'dirty'.
Luke1410  - | 146
14 Aug 2023   #78
Are you the same person as SamUK84


Yeah smartphones = bad, though I have admitted defeat in that particular crusade.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898
14 Aug 2023   #79
and life is much better now that inhibited people don't need to hide away

It's quite the jump between "not needing to hide" to gain effectual advantages as partaking in women-sports as biological male....don't you agree?

Or that perversity:

Male rapist transitions before trial, sent to all-female prison as transgender woman

I foresee till these outrages are not cleared up for good and fair to women all innocent trans people, especially those who only want to live a quiet not discriminated life, will suffer for's in your own best interest to stop these things from happening!
jon357  72 | 23361
14 Aug 2023   #80
don't you agree?

I do, however that is an issue for sports governing bodies and competition organisers to address and as you know, there is much discussion within those organisations. Something entirely expected in changing conditions. Since neither you nor I take part in women's sports, it's hardly something we need to get worked up about, despite media outlets soliciting clicks from people who get riled up by change and despite reactionary politicians using the issue to curry favour with the same type of people.

though I have admitted defeat in that particular crusade

Keep on with it since smartphones are a pest and their rise is annoying for different reasons, though as with the growth in number of people who are trans, I don't think it's anything people could stop even if they wanted to.

I may post in your thread about it later. There are pluses to smartphones however there are a lot of minuses and since all technology is transient, I do wonder what will come after smartphones.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898
14 Aug 2023   #81
Since neither you nor I take part in women's sports, it's hardly something we need to get worked up about.

Well....we are on a discussion board....of course we discuss things best we have no idea about! :)
jon357  72 | 23361
14 Aug 2023   #82
we are on a discussion board

And much of the discussion here about them is just the same hot air that you see in the BTL fields of trashy tabloids. A lot of hatred and basically grumbling about anything perceived as new.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898
14 Aug 2023   #83
.....what I found interesting is that, at least in Germany, even far-right people have become astonishing tolerant concerning homosexuality....a survey showed that even for the AfD(party leader Weidel is a declared lesbian who lives together with a PoC woman!).

But these arguments against trans-women (biological males identifying as women and demanding women rights) are everywhere a sore spot. I guess much more than only a successful point to whip up hate against diversity generally...not only "hot air", I believe!

It's not even about trans-men (biological women who identify as men) or any other variant....only about trans-women, for good reason!
jon357  72 | 23361
14 Aug 2023   #84
at least in Germany

And not only there. Sexuality is not an issue now in the developed world and even in PL, the rhetoric from some ultra-conservative politicians is offputting in its intensity., especially as they so often fail to live up to the values they encourage.

only about trans-women!

This is something I've noticed too.

The newspaper I read (the most conservative of the U.K. quality papers) never fails to have fewer than three articles about trans women (always women, never transmen) on their website. It ranks together with ULEZ (vehicle low emissions zones), hunting bans, unmarried mothers, German tourists 'reserving' sun loungers at Spanish resorts and seeing black faces, Meghan Markle, and the upcoming (2030) gas boiler ban as things that get the articles clicked on by lower middle class semi-educated suburbanites who instinctively fear change and who like things that hark back to a golden past that never existed.

You're a city dweller, I think, in a progressive city. I am too. We forget maybe about the sheer dreariness of some people's lives out in the suburbs of medium sized towns. A life of 9-5 work then TV in the evening. Those people are often sheep that are easy to rile up for either profit or political gain.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898
14 Aug 2023   #85
...or maybe they have a point!

IMHO it would be good for all trans people when these unjust advantages biological males get only by declaring themselves as woman, are being officially ended by law and we can stop debating this topic...and the newspapers can concentrate on these dreary german tourists fully again! ;)
Ironside  50 | 12916
14 Aug 2023   #86
Being trans is a mental issue, making a mental issue into idological and political one is spreading suffering, those are bad people doing that ....
LGBT is not about sexuality is about idology. Again those who are doing it are doing it for the bad reaons and are not good people. They spreading confusion and sufferning.... revolution ....
jon357  72 | 23361
14 Aug 2023   #87
unjust advantages

That's just sports matters.

officially ended by law

Much better that sports organisations deal with this rather than using government legislation, not least because there are far more governments and legal systems in the world than there are governing bodies for, say, cycling or tennis.

we can stop debating this topic

I doubt it would stop windbag politicians or click bait newspapers from raising for as long as it gets a reaction from people who dislike any sort of change.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898
14 Aug 2023   #88
That's just sports matters.

No, it's not!

In Germany there is at least one politician only in his/hers (very well paid) place because he/she identifies as a female (including wig and lipstick). Many institutions agreed on a quota to support females in important positions, also the Bundestag...that's how he/she got her wholly undeserved mandate.

It's alot bigger than only sports....and important too! Quotas because of your sex could be described as sexist and discriminating on its own, chosing/denying a human being because of its tits or dick, and not because of its skills and experiences, as it should be.

But now everybody and his grandmom/grandpa can use this advantage at will.....that's just WRONG! And angers alot of people....souring the whole mood and atmosphere against trans people generally, a total fail instead of a social progress!
jon357  72 | 23361
14 Aug 2023   #89
In Germany there is at least one politician only in his/hers (very well paid) place because

One MP among hundreds isn't much to get worked up about. She may not have a cvnt herself though your country's parliament and mine as well does not generally lack cvnts of both genders, This is true in politics in general.

also the Bundestag

Ours doesn't. It's left up to the individual parties who make their own policies. Google just told me that ours is 65% male and 35% female so we've a long way to go. One interesting thing is that there are more people of colour in the U.K. cabinet than in all other European cabinets together. And ours is currently the Conservative Party.

Quotas because of your sex could be described as sexist and discriminating on its own,

Quotas are there to reduce existing discrimination in favour of privileged majorities. No tragedy in that, though such systems are not always managed well. I suspect that if there were quotas of people who are trans, reactionary politicians would squeal even louder.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898
14 Aug 2023   #90
Okay.....even when you yourself can live with all that and don't see a problem...a majority in most countries sees it differently. And even when it's only always a few cases, these cases sour it for all the rest...and IMHO totally unnecessarily so...that's just how it is! And it doesn't have to be...

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