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Being Straight and Visiting Gdańsk

Bobko  27 | 2081
24 Aug 2023   #1
Hi everyone, I am from Russia and am traveling to Gdańsk for a penis-shortening surgery.

How accepting and tolerant are the people of Gdańsk towards the straight community and is it safe?

I was really hoping to extend my stay and do some sightseeing whilst there, but am concerned if it's safe to go out - including to a few night clubs?

Thanks in Advance :)
Luke1410  - | 146
24 Aug 2023   #2
Yeah it's mainly ok, a few rainbow flags floating about though so be careful, if ever in doubt just take refuge in the nearest church.
jon357  72 | 23483
24 Aug 2023   #3
and is it safe?

You'll just make yourself miserable, and as 'pavloff' claims to have seen with his very own eyes, end up pleasuring yourself outside Cologne Cathedral in front of groups of school kids.

Heterosexuality is in crisis. Reports of sexual harassment and other misconduct are all over the newspapers and everywhere online.

Straight men and women spend thousands of dollars every day on relationship coaches, seduction boot camps, and couples' therapy in a search for happiness. They could be spending that money on better clothes, holidays in Mykonos and Sitges and having their homes redone in more fashionable ways. Plus of course drugs and minicabs.

But don't worry. If you take your girlfriend with you and buy her a strap-on, your heterosexual phase will be behind you.

You'll be fine as long as you don't flaunt it.
Luke1410  - | 146
24 Aug 2023   #4
including to a few night clubs?

I would avoid the nightclubs though, trust me on that one...
Novichok  4 | 8501
25 Aug 2023   #5
I was really hoping to extend my stay

for a penis-shortening surgery.

I think yor are confusing stay with a penis. Normally, people extend their penises and shorten their stay after the surgery.
OP Bobko  27 | 2081
25 Aug 2023   #6
I think you are confusing stay with penis

I've never confused the two in the past, but here you may actually be right. Having a longer penis, and spending less time in Poland - seems like a win-win...

Back to the drawing board.

I would avoid the nightclubs though, trust me on that one...

Damn... A lot of heterophobia in Polish night clubs?

I can imagine the scene. From across the bar, some muscular gay guys yelling in my direction - "Hey pussy lover - you lost?", or "You won't find any tits here, you jerkoff!"

If you take your girlfriend with you and buy her a strap-on

This. This is surely the thing missing in my life.

Unlike lengthening penis, and shortening stay in Poland - this seems like a total lose-lose. I have to deal with living with a woman AND getting pegged in the a$s. Truly the worst of both worlds.

Bonasera, Bonasera... what have I ever done to you, that you treat me so disrespectfully?
Luke1410  - | 146
25 Aug 2023   #7
Damn... A lot of heterophobia in Polish night clubs?

Yeah, you're likely going to be subject to what they call 'heterosexual conversion therapy'...
jon357  72 | 23483
25 Aug 2023   #8
Damn... A lot of heterophobia in Polish night clubs?

As long as you don't flaunt it.
Novichok  4 | 8501
25 Aug 2023   #9
Nothing personal...Just asking...If you decided to self-identify as a woman. would that make your girlfriend a lesbian?
Luke1410  - | 146
25 Aug 2023   #10
I think in most cases it would make your girlfriend single to be fair.
jon357  72 | 23483
25 Aug 2023   #11
make your girlfriend single

Would she be safe visiting Gdansk though. That place is riddled with hets. They even have parades and flaunt their sexuality with strange costumes that they buy from so-called 'bridal wear' shops.

  • Screenshot2023082.png
Novichok  4 | 8501
25 Aug 2023   #12
Somebody should publish the LGBT mosaic of madness for individuals and couples.

For example, a man who self-identifies as a woman but didn't undergo surgery cannot be equal to the one who did. We clearly need different nouns for them.

Or a transgender "woman" who said oops and transitioned back, is "she" a transgender "man" now or just a moron who is unsure what heshe wants?

A trans "woman" "dating" a man...Is "she" gay or straight?

Also, should a full disclosure be required by law? Like this: Before we start dating, please be advised that I am a transgender woman with a very usable hole. Or, alternately, with a perfectly functioning penis.

And then this: When posting, it's easy and proper to use quotation marks around "woman" since there are no trans women. Only trans "women".

How do we do it in speech? Two-finger, two-handed, double wiggle while saying "woman"?

So many questions...
amiga500  5 | 1492
25 Aug 2023   #13
traveling to Gdańsk

No you are not, we polish don't let your ruski dumb ass in. stick to Jersey Shore.

a penis-shortening surgery.

Really, because there is some Ukranian wife on talking about her husband in NY with a micropenis.

If you take your girlfriend with you and buy her a strap-on,

Sounds like Bobko needs a strap-on himself as limp soft ruski man to somewaht satisfy his wife.
jon357  72 | 23483
25 Aug 2023   #14
husband in New York with a micropenis.

He could always join the police like the rest of them do.

ruski man

They grow a few inches after leaving r*SSia.
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
25 Aug 2023   #15

Guys, stay away from Gdańsk, please. We have enough of our own fruitcakes already. xD
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
25 Aug 2023   #16
stick to Jersey Shore.

Excuse me???He is from NYC not from Jersey Shore,we will not let our shore area polluted by a ruski immigrant ,enough of BENNYs already come here.

a penis-shortening surgery.

You meant micro amputation?

Bobko needs a strap-on himself as limp soft ruski man to somewaht satisfy his wife

He dont have a wife just a boyfriend and was also blowing kisses at the faggot jon here once.
@GefreiterKania,Dont worry Polish border guards will take care of ruski passport holders right at the border.
OP Bobko  27 | 2081
25 Aug 2023   #17
We have enough of our own fruitcakes already

Please stay on topic. This thread is about whether it is advisable for straight people to visit Gdańsk.
PolAmKrakow  2 | 874
25 Aug 2023   #18
I can advise that a straight male will with very little effort get his penis straightened easily and frequently in Gdansk. You will be fine there, just use your NYC accent.
Alien  25 | 6399
25 Aug 2023   #19
just use your NYC accent.

and your NYC dollars.
jon357  72 | 23483
25 Aug 2023   #20
NYC dollars


I hope they don't have 'straight hotels' in Gdańsk. We stayed at an otherwise respectable erotic hotel in Berlin that unfortunately also lets straights in and there was a fat man in a silver jock strap holding onto a dog lead that had a woman at the end of it. She had bulldog clips on her minnie moo.

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