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Road traffic - Emergency lane use

12 Nov 2024   #1
Just a general question, does something like temporary emergency lane release during peak hours ("Seitenstreifen befahren" in Germany) exist in Poland?
If yes, which roads/motorways are equipped with this feature?
Alien  26 | 6527
13 Nov 2024   #2
emergency lane

Electric cars can use bus lanes in cities.
18 Nov 2024   #3
Why only electric cars? All drivers pay taxes to use the road - it's discriminatory against non-EV car owners.
jon357  72 | 23654
18 Nov 2024   #4
Why only electric cars?

Why not?

If any car could use it, then it wouldn't be a bus lane.

I'd imagine it's a temporary measure since when most/all cars are electric, there would be too many and of course bus lanes are more important.

it's discriminatory against non-EV car owners.

It's not; it's an incentive for good habits.
18 Nov 2024   #5
When a senior government bureaucrat who loves meat introduces a measure exempting meat lovers from paying VAT, vegans would hate the idea. Habits are subjective.
jon357  72 | 23654
18 Nov 2024   #6
Habits are subjective.

Ones that reduce fossil fuel use are considered a benefit to society.
Miloslaw  22 | 5206
18 Nov 2024   #7
Ones that reduce fossil fuel use are considered a benefit to society.

Who wants to reduce fossil fuel use?
Not the biggest polluters, China,India and USA, who didn't even attend COP29.
Not Argentina, who left early.
Not the hosts that declared that oil and gas was a "Gift from God"!

The UK sent 470 delegates to this conference! What was their pollution level in flights??
They also spent a fortune of taxpayers money on food and green is this???

And the UK is currently responsible for less than 1% of global pollution.......this is pure insanity.

"Drill baby, drill!"
jon357  72 | 23654
19 Nov 2024   #8
Not the biggest polluters, China,India and USA,

They don't, but clean quiet traffic in Europe is a good aim.

And the UK is currently responsible for less than 1% of global pollution.......this is pure insanity.

There's a lot of emotion in it, however in the UK we could cut down on a lot of waste and improve transport.
mafketis  38 | 11260
19 Nov 2024   #9
clean quiet traffic in Europe is a good aim.

Good aims don't necessarily mean good policy.

in the UK we could cut down on a lot of waste and improve transport.

Yes, because turning the population into medieval peasants would improve the global situation....
jon357  72 | 23654
19 Nov 2024   #10
turning the population into medieval peasants

Why would we do that? Did medieval peasants have electric cars and first class publicly owned public transport?

good policy.

Giving an incentive for clean cars and taking some traffic off the ordinary lane is a good policy.
cms neuf  2 | 1943
19 Nov 2024   #11
Some foods have had VAT exemptions in the last - for example baby food

If you don't like the laws about the bus lane then write to your posel or burmistrz. It is a sensible incentive especially given the high levels of smog in some Polish towns.

Have one hybrid and one gas model but thinking of going electric when I replace my car next year.
mafketis  38 | 11260
19 Nov 2024   #12
Giving an incentive for clean cars and taking some traffic off the ordinary lane is a good policy.

Idealistic policy ideas have to be balanced with practical concerns. I don't think any British government over the last 20 (at least) years has done that. Hardly alone, Germany is the champion of well-intentioned and poorly thought out policies.
jon357  72 | 23654
19 Nov 2024   #13
Idealistic policy

Practical policy. Its impact is small, it costs nothing, it helps to ease ongestion and it rewards users of greener transport.

I don't think any British government over the last 20 (at least) years has done that

Sadly, we've had 14 years of Tory hell. There's a lot of libertarian fantasy that needs repairing.

There's a good system there that some cities have introduced to reduce congestion; on certain roads, a lane is reserved for cars with two or more people in. That works, however the trend towards working at home may change that.
sambeliskiv  2 | 58
19 Nov 2024   #14
You know that big city have so much poop, they turn it to gas and petroleum.
Electric cars. Not so loved after all
jon357  72 | 23654
19 Nov 2024   #15
You know that big city have so much poop

In London they filter the gold and other precious elements out.

Electric cars. Not so loved after all

Loved by some and increasing in number.
Alien  26 | 6527
19 Nov 2024   #16
increasing in number.

There is a total collapse of the electric car market right now. No one in their right mind buys used electric cars older than 5 years.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
19 Nov 2024   #17
There is a total collapse of the electric car market right now.

Tesla is up $2 a share today to $340 per share.
Alien  26 | 6527
19 Nov 2024   #18
up $2 a share today

Be careful, and sell stocks when they peak.
Lazarus  3 | 364
19 Nov 2024   #19
Bus lanes in Warsaw are pretty much pointless given that there's virtually no enforcement.

Be careful, and sell stocks when they peak.

Better yet, remember which stocks you claim you have kept and which you claim to have sold, then you don't end up claiming you've kept stocks which only a few days previously you were boasting about having sold. Just ask Jimmy Poorhouse how shameful it feels to have that egg dripping down his face. Hoot!
Miloslaw  22 | 5206
19 Nov 2024   #20
Electric cars. Not so loved after all

Loved by some and increasing in number.

Not true Jon, only 18% of new cars sold in the UK are electric and the automotive industry in the UK is begging the government to reign back on their electric car quotas or they will move production abroad.This is the same as is happening in the rest of Europe.

There is a total collapse of the electric car market right now. No one in their right mind buys used electric cars older than 5 years.

This is 100% correct.And not many are buying new ones either!

Tesla is up $2 a share today to $340 per share.

Only because of Trump's election victory.

Be careful, and sell stocks when they peak.

Correct, because they will only be going downhill soon.The Chinese make much cheaper electric cars.
sambeliskiv  2 | 58
19 Nov 2024   #21
In London they filter the gold and other precious elements out.

thats true human waste contains levels of gold but it's nothing to brag about. Gold is fake glory ran by jewish and white people to manage slave trades.
25 Nov 2024   #22
And the thing I wanted to know was a completely different one...
pawian  226 | 27817
25 Nov 2024   #23
temporary emergency lane release during peak hours exist in Poland?

No, you mustn`t drive there at any time.

was a completely different one.

Sorry, I didn`t look into this thread before. :):):)

Home / Travel / Road traffic - Emergency lane use
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