didn't pay taxes between 2012 and 2015 (...) but also faces trial for driving without a licence for at least last 6 years
Yeah, I am disappointed with him. He seemed like a nice, decent, warm guy. There was also news recently about Tomasz Lis being accused of mobbing, sexism and homophobia by his employees. He was showing a different face to the "outside world", of course. It's kind of scary - you don't know who people really are...
lately there have been a problem of trees toppled by high wind not being removed from the forest
As for trees - since PiS came to power there has been a problem with trees disappearing from forests into unknown destinations, while the prices of wood keep getting higher and higher in Poland.
yeah, like you have plenty examples
In case you haven't noticed PiS has been in power for 7 years already and they've become the new elites. And, unfortunately, they surpassed the previous government in all the crappy stuff possible - nepotism, greed, fishy shenanigans, arrogance, lies, hate, stupidity, hypocrisy, lack of professionalism, wasting public money, etc.
Sadly, our elites, whether those are politicians, journalists, TV presenters (Jarosław Jakimowicz from TVP, for example) celebrities (Beata Kozidrak's drunk driving, for example) or the Church, are the reflection of our society. So, there's nothing to be happy about or to gloat about. It's depressing.