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Poles the worst-dressed tourists in the world?

sobieski  106 | 2111
1 Sep 2013   #1
It is only a poll, but an amusing one.

Where from do they get the idea the British are among the best-dressed in the world? No offence, but the British I see in Warsaw...

And why the Poles are the worst-dressed tourists? That decoration goes to the Dutch for me.
Wulkan  - | 3136
1 Sep 2013   #2
well according to that poll the Poles are not the worst
el polaco  - | 6
2 Sep 2013   #3
The pole does have truth to it. There are plenty of Polish tourists who wear socks and sandals on vacation. I guess it's what makes us uniquely Polish. ;)
Wulkan  - | 3136
2 Sep 2013   #4
I guess you haven't seen German turists, sandals and socks must be some central European thing lol
2 Sep 2013   #5
Another BS poll with no "scientific" proof. Nowadays, the same stores are everywhere and everybody is dressed the same way. Like someone says, wearing socks and sandals must be a trend in countries like Germany, Holland and in Central Europe but that's all. Maybe it"s due to climate.

Most Germans, Dutch and Scandinavians wear (usually white) socks in their sandals past the age of 40. It must have something to do with climate since in more southern countries, people don't.
landora  - | 194
2 Sep 2013   #6
Exactly, I was showing a group of elderly Swedish people round PoznaƄ and all the men were wearing socks and sandals. It's not just a Polish thing.
2 Sep 2013   #7
i see Americans, especially black people and college kids, wearing socks with sandals all the time.
2 Sep 2013   #8
@Landora; it's true what you say, in fact few Poles do. It's more the Germans, the Dutch and the Scandinavians. What cracks me up as to the way Poles dress, is the knee-high socks of the same kind of material as pantyhoses that older Polish women wear with skirts and dresses. It looks like they wear pantyhoses but when they bend a bit over, they show their socks. In Western countries, women wear these kinds of socks only with pants, never with skirts or dresses.
szarlotka  8 | 2205
2 Sep 2013   #9
Where from do they get the idea the British are among the best-dressed in the world?

I can only assume the target audience for the poll were all Brits. We do tend to think we're the height of sartorial elegance (after all we invented the shell suit)
jon357  72 | 23665
2 Sep 2013   #10
I notice that Eastern European tourists tend to either dress up or down - no middle way. I've also noticed in Poland that people tend to pack way too much - no concept of travelling light.
OP sobieski  106 | 2111
2 Sep 2013   #11
I can only assume the target audience for the poll were all Brits

Anyway there are as many polls as there are sites :)
Astoria  - | 153
3 Sep 2013   #12
Sandals and socks was a Roman thing. It was high fashion for Roman soldiers in Britain to wear brightly coloured socks.
Peter59  4 | 35
3 Sep 2013   #13
Not to be to hard on Polish dress, but last Summer while visiting Poland what surprised me the most was some of the vulgar sayings in English that people were wearing on T shirts. I had to wonder if they actually knew what was printed on their shirts, if they did they should have been ashamed to be seen in public with such things on. Then there were the shirts with US sports team names but linked to the wrong states. Such as the New York Redskins?? Some one should tell the China man that made them that the Redskins reside in Washington DC.
4 Sep 2013   #14
Such as the New York Redskins??

haha, you gotta be making that up. really?
Wulkan  - | 3136
4 Sep 2013   #15
I had to wonder if they actually knew what was printed on their shirts, if they did they should have been ashamed to be seen in public with such things on.

they knew what was printed on their t-shirts, just didn't give a blast about it
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
4 Sep 2013   #16
haha, you gotta be making that up. really?

Never seen it here, not even in the worst PRL osiedle. Heck, haven't even seen it in the dodgiest marketplace in Ukraine!
scottie1113  6 | 896
4 Sep 2013   #17
haha, you gotta be making that up. really?

He's not making it up. I see it all the time.
Peter59  4 | 35
5 Sep 2013   #18
It is the truth. I saw the New York redskins shirt in Krakow
mafketis  38 | 11276
5 Sep 2013   #19
In my experience

best dressed : Italians (with Spaniards and French following close behind)

worst dressed : British Isles (no contest, really, the women especially are horrible dressers overall).

Poles and Germans are in the middle somewhere (a few horrible examples stand out but the norm is mostly acceptable, if a little bland)

When it comes to overall behavior I also find the British to be the least appealing by far.

Just my .03 PLN.
5 Sep 2013   #20
@Makfetis: Based upon my experience, I feel the same. The Latin people are by far the best dressed and the Anglosaxons by far the worst and the Poles in between. Talking about Latins, I'd extend it to southern people as I have noticed that most Greeks (at least in Athens) dress nicely and that women take good care of themselves.
27 Jun 2016   #21
If you think Brits and Poles are bad tourists, you really ought to go to Mainlander-spotting in Hong Kong - it's no wonder the locals call them 阿燦 (Ah Chan).

(for those of you who don't know any Cantonese, it refers to a "country bumpkin" character from an old TV show - same as Polish "buraki" or "wiocha", I guess :) heh )
iwonadem  - | 14
27 Jun 2016   #22
worst dressed : British Isles (no contest, really, the women especially are horrible dressers overall).

To be fair I think it is very much class related but also weather.... In Poland I was brought up on 2 main seasons: summer winter. In summer my winter clothes were put in back cupboard and opposite in winter. In UK... It was hot and muggy today and I saw young women in front of me on the way home. She was wearing trousers, long winter boots , long sleeve thin jumper with some sort of tank top on the top and she was carrying coat which looked very wintery one. WOMAN- It is end of June not December.
Alien  26 | 6551
3 Feb 2023   #23
Poles the worst-dressed tourists in the world?

True, right behind the Germans and the British... and the russians.
Miloslaw  22 | 5222
4 Feb 2023   #24
Polish tourists are badly dressed, as are Gemans and Brits.
Russians don't have tourists, except among the super rich who have no taste at all!

The best dressed tourists are the French, Italians, Spanish and Portuguese.
Alien  26 | 6551
4 Feb 2023   #25
Russians don't have tourists,

There are millions of them in Turkey, Israel or other Africa/Arabia.

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